Chapter 430 Newly Added and Limited to the Earth Faction (Two Updates!)
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained the foreign plane: Otiskin, the eternal residence granted by the Vulpera-related camp."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained the revered reputation (locked) of the red-eared vulture of the Liliana A subspecies, and you will be recorded in the epic of its related civilization genealogy."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your reputation in the surrounding planes is permanently +1, and the legendary reputation will gradually increase with the spread of your deeds..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your benefits from War Plane: Zahna Killing and others are summarized as follows:
1. General experience: 6 points (due to the large level gap, invalid killings accounted for 957%)

2. Lower divinity crystal (large block)

3. The Ring of the Vulpera's True Ally (Legendary Item)



Ring of the Vulpera's True Ally:
Type: Legendary Oddity/Unique
Limited to: Liliana A subspecies red-eared vulpera revered reputation

Soul Binding: Yi Xia

Item effect:

1. Unique effect: Ring of True Allies:
The unit holding this item (requires soul binding) can use this item to perform a Vulpera small ~ legion-scale summon.

There is no cost to the player for the spell other than the base mana cost to activate the item.

The summoned vulpes are divine spirit units, they can stay outside other non-primary planes for a natural day at most, to fight for the player or perform other related orders.

After reaching the maximum duration, death, or the player's relevant dismissal order, these vulperas will return to their original god realm.


Yi Xia looked at the reminder message that appeared on the retina, and slowly withdrew his gaze.

Among the alien races, fox people are relatively good.

In their plane, Yi Xia saw the shining humanity and the shining divinity.

Although the forms of civilization are different, in general, they belong to the objects that can communicate and communicate.

Its very different appearance does not conceal the nature of its kind and intelligent life.

Regarding this kind of exotic life, Yi Xia's attitude is quite gentle.

He is not a fanatical killer and destroyer.

It's just that the heavy burden of growing up makes it inevitable that he needs to resort to some more brutal methods.

Of course, there are exceptions. For some groups with edible labels and high edible value, Yi Xia's judgment conditions for this will be relatively strict...


Standing on the balcony, Yi Xia drank a glass of mint witch medicine in one gulp.

It's not that he likes the refreshing taste of this witch medicine, but after killing a lot, it's inevitable that he will feel a little dry and hot.

He originally had flame consciousness.

Once initiated, it will inevitably have its "temperature".

At this time, it is noon on the earth.

A few days ago, the temperature was raised.

Facing the cold wind that suddenly blows, he was a little wilted again.

Yi Xia's gaze passed through the barriers of the forest and the mountain, and looked directly at the street below.

The changeable weather will inevitably bring different styles of clothing.

The collision of winter clothes and summer clothes also has a strong visual impact.

After obtaining the transformation of the Titan's armor, Yi Xia didn't bother to wear other clothes anymore.

No normal person can see through his physical illusion.

As for what can be seen through, a few more layers of thin clothing will not help.

Yi Xia leaned on the recliner and rested for a while.

His current energy is enough to support him in a series of fierce battles.

But considering the spiritual factors, Yi Xia will still take a break.

At this time, he sometimes looked at the street below for a while, watching those busy pedestrians in a daze.

Sometimes, I would browse the multiverse online player exchange forum to see if there were any outrageous operations against the sky recently.

Apart from the unpleasant experience of some aliens, the days are leisurely and peaceful.

Yi Xia felt that she was enjoying this peaceful time.

However, this is also the exclamation of the limited shelf life of some vegetables that I occasionally taste after eating greasy food.

Not long after, Yi Xia, who felt that her consciousness had calmed down, directly opened the integrated network panel with her thoughts.

The benefits of this battle plane are not bad.

The general experience gain of a single battlefield/instance has reached a new high.

Of course, there are many gaps in Yi Xia's general experience.

With nearly 7 million general experience, he can only refine witchcraft a few times: soup or blood gu is refined once.

The combat power of supermodels also requires the consumption of resources related to supermodels as a price.

As for the crystallization of divinity, it will be temporarily thrown aside.

Yi Xia was going to use it when he was going to get a formula with relevant requirements or when there was an urgent need for attribute points.

As for the Ring of the Vulpera's True Ally?
Yi Xia thought about it, but didn't intend to sacrifice it.

After all, it is a testimony of racial friendship, and it is naturally inappropriate to sacrifice it.

Keep it for the time being, if there is no other use, it can be used as a collection.

In front of the recognized creatures, Yi Xia did not have such an arrogant attitude.

As for the current key resources: light gold Gu worms.

Eight pale gold Gu worms are quite impressive.

After all, there is no need to pay extra energy, and while gaining general experience, it can be obtained almost for free.

Yi Xia felt that his current stage of killing income building had already achieved initial results.

Speaking of it, Gong Yeyin is really admirable in the way of Gu Wu.

Not only did he make initial contact, he determined the Gu worm that best suited Yi Xia's needs.

It's a pity that in his main timeline, his soul has already returned to the stone man.

I don't know if I can see each other in other timeline branches in the future.

Although, it's not the same soul...

Yi Xia thought about it, including the newly acquired blood Gu, he now has 15 light gold Gu worms.

However, Yi Xia didn't plan to refine it into an epic Gu worm right now.

He needs 4 Epic Gu worms to refine the Wisdom Gu next time, and 1 Epic Gu worm alone has no effect.

Leaving the blood gu now can also speed up the efficiency of clearing the battlefield.

The life force devoured by the blood gu can be transferred between blood gu.

Still need more resources...

Yi Xia thought so.

All in all, if you kill an evil life form in a small plane, you can probably get together the materials to refine an epic Gu worm.

Otis is not big overall, and in the small plane, it also belongs to a rather low sequence.

Being able to gather 8 blood Gu is due to the "full cooperation" of the troll.

This subspecies of troll indeed has excellent potential...

It's a pity that it is a subspecies. Relatively speaking, the suitable war planes that can be found are relatively limited.

Just when Yi Xia was thinking about whether to practice his skills with Chang Yangshan first, or go all out and continue to harvest in other war planes.

A new reminder message suddenly appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: There are 2 new comprehensive network players in this plane, and relevant qualifications are being issued..."

"Integrated Network Reminder: Based on the relevant comprehensive situation and general environment of the current plane, and based on the protection and survival mechanism of the comprehensive network player's apprenticeship stage, the selected bias of the comprehensive network player's camp in this plane is limited to: non-evil camp."

"Integrated Network Reminder: The number of integrated network players in the current plane: 4..."

Are there any new online players?
It is almost time to assemble a minimum-standard adventure team...

Yi Xia looked at the prompt message with great interest, and then looked away.

There is one more quota allocated than last time. It seems that the speed of change of the earth's related environment is constantly accelerating.

Fortunately, there is a premise of faction restriction, which can save Yi Xia a lot of trouble.

Yi Xia does not discriminate against evil camps, they have provided great help for his growth.

But there is only one premise: the other party does not appear on the earth...

 Three more failures...

  After working overtime for a day, I feel muddled and out of shape.

  ——from a bald head who doesn't feel that this week exists on the weekend at all

(End of this chapter)

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