Chapter 457 Shrinking the ground into an inch (two more!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: the selection is successful, and related spells will be added to your spell book."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your spell: teleportation is alienated and shrunk into an inch."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a large amount of spell information is surging.

Shrinking to size?

Yi Xia sensed this alienated teleportation.

Compared to teleportation, in terms of functionality, there is no substantial change in shrinking the ground.

It's just that in terms of flexibility, it is obviously much more prominent.

It can still be applied to the transmission of spatial coordinates.

Of course, like the teleportation technique of the five rings, shrinking the ground to an inch is not suitable for crossing the boundaries of planes.

That is a function that only the more advanced space sequence spells possess.

Yi Xia didn't have much intention to experiment with the other spells.

Now, he just wants to verify his thoughts about witchcraft: spirit-taking.

Yi Xia thought for a while, then opened the item backpack and rummaged through it.

As a result, the chili sauce that was used long ago was not found.

It may have been disposed of at some point after the usual spiciness of the seasoning was ineffective.

Yi Xia pondered for a while.

It's not the first time to open the multiverse comprehensive network player trading center.

Although there must be a huge amount of extraordinary peppers on sale.

However, in terms of seasoning.

According to Yi Xia's experience, the local taste is always better than the absolute taste.

It is a novelty to taste exotic food by chance.

But if you eat it for a long time, it will still taste like your hometown, and it will be more suitable for your stomach.

As far as spicy is concerned, the oriental genealogy has its own history.

In the long years before chili, on this land, there has been a long-standing demand for spiciness.

It's just that at that time, the corresponding concept was not so clear.

After that, there is no need to elaborate on the development of spicy flavor.

Especially for Yi Xia's ancestral home.

The preference for such a taste has reached a new height.

Of course, Yi Xia is not sure about the specific intake of the concept of elements in Witchcraft: Spiritualization.

He is going to get some of all kinds of peppers and related products first.

With this in mind, Yi Xia stood up from the reclining chair.

At this time, it was dusk.

The orange sunlight covered the entire mountain.

Yi Xia closed his eyes slightly, and he focused on his perception.

It is relatively safe to shrink the ground to an inch and do it in the field of perception.

Of course, safety here does not mean Yi Xia...

With his current physical strength.

Even if it was teleported into the volcano, it would be a bit embarrassing at best.

And as Yi Xia's mind slowly unfolded, he gradually accepted the things in his vast perception field.

After going beyond the range around Liucheng, Yi Xia's perception became much blurred.

It can only be roughly captured by relying on the relevant feedback given by the power of the protoss.

However, Yi Xia only needs to know a rough location.

In this regard, he has a Nuo method: ask the sky, you can break all the fog...



Xue Huang was riding his tricycle, carefully driving towards the alley where he lived.

This alley was not so narrow.

But the cars parked on the side of the road made the narrow alley much more congested.

Xue Huang's tricycle looks a bit bloated due to the accumulation of many materials and tools.

Of course, compared to the alley at the moment, it is more than enough.

What made Xue Huang cautious was because of his poor wallet after his mother became seriously ill.

Because of carelessness, I scratched someone else's car.

Not to mention compensation, even if it takes energy, it is unnecessary.

If you meet someone who is troublesome, you are afraid that there will be all kinds of troubles.

Due to the blocking of tall buildings around.

At this moment in the alley, it was already a little unclear.

Fortunately, considering the safety of residents, the community installed several street lights.

This allowed Xue Huang to ride back to his residence safely.

Looking at the familiar courtyard, Xue Huang breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his face.

Although the journey was not long, it was much more costly than the previous journey.

Jumping back and forth, hanging out outside.

Now, with great difficulty, relying on the mellow taste of homemade chili sauce, I finally managed to make a living in this city.

Seeing that life was about to improve gradually, but encountered such a predicament.

Xue Huang was not upset about this.

Just get through this tough time.

I have experienced too much outside, and I don't have such complicated thoughts about it.

To make a living is to...

How can life be so smooth.

Just when Xue Huang was thinking and preparing to pack his things.

He heard footsteps outside suddenly, and Xue Huang raised his head suspiciously.

It may be that his past experience and current business have brought him into contact with too many people.

Although Xue Huang didn't have the miraculous memory that can be impressed by just seeing it once like those old traders.

But Xue Huang also has his own unique skill, that is: listening to footsteps.

It was also the place where he set up his stall, relatively speaking, it was not that noisy.

Simply put, there is less traffic.

But that's something that can't be helped, he can't squeeze in places with a lot of traffic.

With only a tricycle, he can't go too far.

I had no choice but to come down.

Fortunately, with the authentic taste of hot sauce, it has gradually accumulated some repeat customers.

In such a situation, Xue Huang, who doesn't like to play with mobile phones, has gradually found his own fun over time.

He listened to the pedestrian's footsteps to infer the other party's information.

Without raising his head, Xue Huang could hear the person's gender, weight, etc. from the sound of approaching footsteps.

The success rate of exchanges is not high, so I just try to relieve the boredom.

Recently, it seems to be on fire, and what I hear is getting more and more accurate.

Xue Huang felt that maybe this was the "Kung Fu" that the old traders were talking about.

The footsteps...

Xue Huang felt bored for a moment, feeling a little strange.

The voice was thick and steady, like the voice of a man in his prime, but it was different.

Based on the principle of not doing too much, Xue Huang also suppressed his curiosity.

However, the footsteps gradually approached.

Xue Huang couldn't help but turn around.

Under the dim projection of the street lights, he saw a strange young man.

The moment he saw the other party, Xue Huang was in a daze.

He always felt that although the other party was unfamiliar, he seemed quite friendly.

It seems to be the kind of kind-hearted people who are easier to deal with at first glance.

"What are you busy with?"

Seeing the other party walking straight towards his yard, Xue Huang wiped his hands and greeted him.

He guessed that the other party might have come to buy hot sauce.

I also encountered this situation when I was in contact.

But relatively few, after all, it is hot sauce, and it is not a delicacy.

Of course, this time, Xue Huang guessed correctly, the other party was indeed here to buy hot sauce.

There were no twists and turns, and the opponent was quite generous.

At this moment, Xue Huang heard the violent coughing of the old mother who lived on the other side of the yard.

Fearing that the guest might feel resentful, Xue Huang explained, and then continued to serve the other party with hot sauce.

Fortunately, at this time, the old mother's cough suddenly became much calmer, and it was no longer so sharp.

After the other party left with the hot sauce, Xue Huang hurried into the back room.

Then, he was startled when he saw the old mother whose complexion had obviously improved.

Fortunately, it was not as bad as he imagined in the end.

It looks like the medicine is working?
(End of this chapter)

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