The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 458 The sword cultivator asked the big witch, and the big witch was pouring hot sauce...

Chapter 458 The Sword Cultivator Asks the Great Witch, and the Big Witch is pouring hot sauce... (One update!)

As night fell, this strange city was gradually shrouded in a different kind of hustle and bustle.

Barefoot, Yi Xia walked leisurely in the alleys of the city made of cement, carrying the packaged chili sauce.

The weeping sound of the mother and child crying with joy behind them was already too low to be heard.

Yi Xia was naturally happy to see her, the suffering was relieved, and the world was reunited.

But such an overly intense and complicated scene is not suitable for too many onlookers.

Although there are too many existences, he reprimands Yi Xia for his tyranny and cruelty.

Of course, their courage can only go so far as to reprimand them.

But how do they know, what the witch holds.

Even the madness that is enough to burn the world has its moments of gentleness.

As for Yi Xia, he never could bear to see such a scene.

As we all know, he has a natural taste for sweets and bitterness.

I can't even look at these sad and miserable things.

Communication is still a common thing, and it is difficult to control the surrounding things.

Even his own destiny is also ups and downs.

As for now, it cannot be said in one day.

The majestic witch has a lot of sweet and greasy flavors, so what?

If something like this happens, he will solve it as soon as he sees it, and he won't send it too much.

Yi Xia's eyes shone with endless fire, and he saw the dark alley.

This city is the third city he has been to.

The first two places were bought by Yi Xia according to the taste in his memory.

There is hot sauce and chili oil.

Not necessarily, it can be called more or less delicious.

But it is always the taste in memory.

Now, taking it with the Fa, it can be regarded as forcibly fulfilling one's thoughts.

As for this place, it was after Yi Xia searched for it for a long time and found it too cumbersome.

Directly try to pass the Nuo method: Wentian Xunmi.

Facts have proved that in the local realm, Nuo: Wentian can be opened in infinite ways.

Of course, Yi Xia is not sure whether other witches will use it like him.

As a remnant of the old era, it doesn't have to follow the rules.

This is Yi Xia's view.

From a certain level, for Wu Ji, the relationship between bloodline awakening and individual consciousness is sometimes quite subtle.

It's hard to say that a witch who strictly adheres to the ancient etiquette will definitely not be able to awaken the blood of chaos.

It can only be said that since ancient times, there have been very few chaotic bloodlines who are so well-behaved...



The city where Yi Xia is now is located in the south of this ancient land.

Although it is already spring, the night wind blowing across the street still carries a bit of biting chill.

Under the dim street lights, various barbecue stalls and food stalls have been set up.

Yi Xia just sniffed the fragrance in the air, but didn't move over.

Now these, you can smell it.

Even the taste is no longer in memory.

Although Yi Xia didn't make too many special adjustments to the olfactory organs.

But even if he only benefits from the basic feedback of his own life intensity, it is enough for Yi Xia to clearly distinguish the composition of the strong smell in the air.

Some are pleasant, others are not so befitting.

"Handsome, do you want some barbecue?"

Yi Xia stood at the intersection, thinking about where to go next.

Through the Nuo method: Asking the sky, Yi Xia obtained many related earth scene coordinates.

Although it is not clear, the definition of plane consciousness.

However, judging from the quality of the hot sauce purchased at the location selected this time.

Should still be good.

Yi Xia's stop naturally attracted the attention of some nearby vendors.

Of course, that's just a few of them.

More vendors are busy making various preparations.

In order not to get busy later, I am so busy.

This time is considered a "morning market" in terms of barbecue and the like.

Relatively speaking, there are not so many people.

Therefore, naturally, he would not pay much attention to the passers-by around him.

Of course, there are still gaps, try to recruit Yi Xia who was standing still and didn't leave directly.

Yi Xia glanced at the existence that was greeting him.

It was an old-looking proprietress.

Probably have been operating this stall for a long time.

The other party's breath of life was imprinted on the same old chopping board.

Yi Xia smiled at the other party, but did not go over.

With the accumulation of time, the cunning protoss has accumulated some auspicious and protective aura.

In this state, it was difficult for any malicious unit to observe Yi Xia.

Of course, this is under the condition that Yi Xia has not shown the witch body and entered the fighting state.

With the murderous aura accumulated in Yi Xia now, that auspicious protection is far from enough.

But in human form, it is not a big problem to fool some weak creatures.

The other party can see him directly, obviously he is not someone with evil thoughts.

Malice is not hostility.

Compared with the determination of hostility, the determination of maliciousness is more extensive.

Regarding Yi Xia's reaction, the proprietress did not continue to invite her.

Instead, he continued to be busy with the matter at hand while paying attention to the pedestrians around him.

Yi Xia could see that as the other party came into contact with him.

Her breath of life seemed to be rendered with a faint golden light.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xia remembered the description of Luanniao's protoss power.

Not everyone who observes his existence can trigger such an effect.

According to the relevant description of the comprehensive network, it has a certain probability.

Of course, with the opening method of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

The so-called probability is not so "probable".

Especially for luan birds, which are known far and wide in the name of auspiciousness.

The power it moves is naturally difficult to act on villains.

Even if it is a villain who has kind thoughts towards Yi Xia.

"Boss, do you want some barbecue?"

And just when Yi Xia was thinking about the relevant characteristics of the fate of the luan bird.

The proprietress who greeted Yi Xia before finally stopped a passerby.

The other party stopped and looked at the ingredients that the proprietress put in the transparent refrigerator with a little hesitation.

I also looked at the barbecue property, which was old but well-rated.

He nodded with satisfaction and sat down.

Then started calling people.

Judging from the message of the other party's conversation on the phone, it is a rare and big list...

At this time, Yi Xia noticed that the golden aura on the proprietress's body had become much thinner.

The power of fate?
Yi Xia looked away thoughtfully.

He probably understands a little bit about the operating mechanism of the power of the Luanniao Protoss.

If you really can't get along in the future.

On the other hand, by virtue of such miraculous powers, one can earn enough food and clothing, and be a cheap companion with the guy from the old land.

Afterwards, Yi Xia walked towards the dark corner.

In the area where no one was focusing, Yi Xia thought about it.

A certain scene that should exist in the sea of ​​consciousness is like a distorted mirror image.

With an upside-down and twisted posture, it appeared in the area before Yi Xia's eyes.

Of course, that is not real matter, nor is it a mental illusion.

Rather, it is the coordinates of a certain real space, condensed in time and space under the relevant mana pouring and rules.

It's like folding a piece of paper in half.

The dots that originally existed in different areas on the paper can be overlapped across the paper.

In this way, it only needs to temporarily penetrate the paper to complete the long-distance space ignoring the physical distance.

In the next moment, Yi Xia's mana surged suddenly.

Things around him were in a trance.

After a short time that was difficult for Yi Xia to catch, he appeared in a certain city to the west of this land...

And when Yi Xia was working hard for the materials limited by the great witch, in a certain plane of the multiverse:


A huge monster like a mountain clutched his chest in astonishment.

But that cannot be changed, the reality that it has been cut in half.

It fell down suddenly, as if a mountain was overturned...

Not far away, a man stood holding a sword.

Thinking back to a certain terrifying figure like a demon like abyss, a bit of determination gradually emerged in his cold eyes.

After ten years of hard work in the bitter field, when it came, it was young, but when it went, there was a lot of frost and dust.

This time, cut off the confusion in your heart!

It is not a personal enmity, but an obstacle to enlightenment.

But I don't know where that Taoist brother is practicing now.

Come to think of it, when she is like her, it is the hard work to hone her skills...

(End of this chapter)

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