The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 495 High-Risk Personnel on the InternetAbyss-like Joint Sanctions List?

Chapter 495 Joint Sanctions List of High-Risk Personnel in the Internet-like Abyss Plane? (One update!)

Earth/Willow City
Facing the golden morning glow, Yi Xia sat on the balcony and opened the comprehensive network panel with his consciousness.

After receiving his message, the demon warlock quickly replied to him.

In the reply, the other party stated that they would collect the coordinates of the abyss-like planes that meet Yi Xia's needs as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with those who slandered Yi Xia.

Demon Warlock said:

If she has information about these guys, she will inform Yi Xia in time.

Of course, you have to pay...

In this regard, Yi Xia said that it is not a problem.

Now he doesn't have the energy and time to deal with these.

And it's a daunting task that's too complex to deal with and can be expected to grow over time.

Which battle-oriented legendary path will be calm?

At least, Yi Xia didn't think she would.

His path is destined to be stained with endless blood and death.

Driven by sufficient interests, Yi Xia believed in the efficiency of the other party's actions.

But that is also unlikely, and it will be done in too short a time.

Prior to this, Yi Xiade continued to screen and search through the comprehensive network player exchange forum and the war planes of the surrounding planes.

Among them, there are many related worlds with high value.

It's just that in the face of too large a total amount, the difficulty of obtaining it has been greatly increased.


In the distant mountains and forests, flocks of birds began to sing loudly.

The protoss with multiple auspicious elements acts as a neutralizer.

When he was on Earth, Yi Xia's aura had already been restrained to a large extent.

This made the surrounding forests, to some extent, more angry.

After a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, Yi Xia stared at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

That is the list of wars in the surrounding planes.

In the boundless timeline, chaos, wars, disasters, etc. never stop.

It can be said that this may be the state of more batches of planes in the multiverse.

Due to the plane of the abyss sequence, a joint sanction was launched against Yi Xia.

Therefore, Yi Xia did not search for a world that satisfies these relevant elements for the time being.

Although not all the worlds that can be searched through the relevant channels of Zongwang must mean that some connections have been made with Zongwang.

But Yi Xia didn't want to take chances.

Furthermore, always being rejected will give Yi Xia an inexplicable sense of déjà vu that he is already "notorious".

In fact, as far as those evil beings in the void are concerned, his operation is at best a slightly rough minor surgery.

Yi Xia didn't understand this.

Fortunately, the abyss is just one of the areas rich in elements related to demons.

There is no shortage of infinite possibilities in the multiverse.

Not long after, Yi Xia found a sign of a war plane in a post on a certain integrated network player exchange forum.

This is a medium-sized composite world.

The characteristics of its world show the characteristics of the border between the material universe and the spiritual world.

This type of world is also one of the worlds where foreign invasion wars occur most frequently.

After all, in the long shell of the material universe, due to the activities of the material world itself, it is inevitable that there will be loopholes.

Small intrusions simply cannot be completely blocked.

Of course the benefits are:
If one can possess enough power to control this qualification, then plane trade will bring unimaginably rich rewards.

Yi Xia naturally didn't know much about this, he knew it from the analysis in the post.


Call to War: Ted Kamara Seventh Cantilever Emergency Call to War

Type: Resist foreign invasion war conscript

Hostile Forces: Gatherdo Blue Blood Demons (Dark Sequence Demons and Subspecies, Derivatives / Average Challenge Rating: Level 15 / Alignment: Most Chaotic Evil, A Few Neutral Evil / No Legendary Hostile Units)
The minimum level requirements for enlistment: high-level warship control sequence above level 10, mech loader, etc. meet the relevant heavy war machinery combat missions, maintenance task extraordinary occupations, and other related extraordinary occupations at level 15 (players below this level are not recommended to register, if Sign up, there is a high probability that it will be rejected by the Warfront central system)
Faction special output: small and medium-sized personal combat equipment (combat merit level three or above), heavy war machinery (combat merit level above five can obtain permanent use rights, and combat merit level ten can obtain ownership rights), advanced intelligent life followers (combat merit level five Or choose a long-term resident mission to unlock free customization and modify follower form permissions)
Specific war-related information: ...


Yi Xia looked at the relevant information refreshed on his retina, and took a sip of the peppermint witch medicine noncommittally.

Speaking of which, the mint witch potion stock in the item backpack is running out.

After some time, there will be more refining points.

Generally speaking, Yi Xia's current main active areas are related dungeon scenes and some small related planes of the integrated network.

For medium-sized planes, Yi Xia doesn't go there many times.

Generally, if you go, it is also after confirming that there are no legendary characters in the main theater.

Mainly because of his current fighting style, it is too easy to attract the attention of the strong in this plane.

The medium-sized plane already has the qualifications for a more conventional birth legend profession.

Of course it's just qualifications.

Not all Medium planes have legendary characters.

It just has the soil to grow.

A truly legendary character has never been a cabbage that can be mass-produced or quantified.

The birth of every legend is just like its name, with its own legendary path that cannot be copied.

For now, Yi Xia has no plans to provoke legendary characters.

Although, he already has a legendary poisonous dragon in his hostile list...

This one is named Ted Kamara, in addition to its extremely advantageous characteristics of plane trade, it also has another characteristic:
Or based on a great upheaval in some ancient time before that.

In the basic rules of this plane, there are related concepts that suppress the birth of legends and divinities.

Yi Xia pondered, it might be the sequelae of his original gods who made too much trouble before and almost collapsed the plane.

In this regard, Yi Xia has a subtle sense of déjà vu.

Of course, it is precisely because of this feature.

The technology and magic of this world have been fully developed.

The "locked area" limited by the upper limit of development, its derivative related technological products and magical creations can be described as brilliant.

In the related exchange posts of comprehensive network players, with a simple sign of war, it once gained a lot of popularity.

Yi Xia has every reason to suspect that this is because of the followers of advanced intelligent life in the output of his camp.

After all, who can refuse a constant and loyal follower who has a very impressive individual combat power at the extraordinary stage, and has a self-made form and personality?

Of course, only these things can maintain a long-lasting popularity among integrated network players.

On the contrary, there are not so many people interested in the posts about strength.

Because that is something that cannot be practiced and attained through words.

What is really valuable is the communication between those researchers.

But those posts often have a high reading comprehension threshold...

Afterwards, Yi Xia consciously chose to sign up.

He has no interest in followers of advanced intelligent life or other faction output.

He has a burning passion for demons...

On the other side, the central smart elf who was "borrowing" the Warfront central system network to play a virtual derivative game suddenly received a strange war call-up application that was automatically marked red by the system:
"On the joint sanctions list of high-risk personnel on the Internet/abyss-like plane?"

"Level 11?"

"What strange disorder bug... Where can non-legendary characters get into trouble..."

"The recruitment application is approved!"

The central intelligence elf quickly completed the approval of the application for special signs.

This kind of object often has its own particularity, but judging from the previous situation, there have not been too many troubles.

Their world has nothing to do with the abyss, so it's not a big problem...

(End of this chapter)

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