Chapter 496 Central System Collapsed? (Two updates!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your application for war enlistment has been approved, and you have obtained the permission to teleport to the relevant war plane."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

Very efficient...

Yi Xia couldn't help but nodded.

It seems that, at least for planes that are not in the abyss sequence, he has no problem.

This is the normal situation.

After that, Yi Xia didn't delay either.

He directly opened the comprehensive network panel with his consciousness, and chose to teleport to the war plane.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to teleport to the war plane-Ted Kamara's seventh cantilever? Please choose the planet you want to descend on..."

Afterwards, a huge star map appeared on Yi Xia's retina.

In the dark void of the background, countless planets are scattered in every corner.

Vaguely, it outlines a huge, abstract pattern, resisting the red glowing danger edge from the starry sky.

Yi Xia noticed that many of the planets had already been marked with the obscure word "untransportable".

There is even a scarlet mark of "enemy-occupied area".

It seems that the strength of the demons invading this world is quite high.

Although Yi Xia doesn't know much about the heavy war machines in this world.

However, Yi Xia has been bombarded many times in the world where the evil species that tried to invade the earth were completely wiped out...

Objectively speaking, for units that do not have sufficient defense strength or have conceptual defense, the advantages of technology-side weapons in terms of lethality are unparalleled.

Its power does not lie in the monomer, but in its mass production that can be mass-produced.

This is unmatched by many magical civilizations.

Under such circumstances, many planets can still be captured by demons.

Yi Xia raised his vigilance slightly.

But he didn't feel too much danger and malice from this.

Should not be a trap.

He now has the resistance related to fate.

Perhaps it is not worth mentioning to the real bigwigs of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

But for exotic units that are not specialized in this area, it is enough for now.

Even if the defense is broken in the field related to fate, Yi Xia will be aware of it.

In a sense, this is the relevant quality that a transcendent of the oriental lineage must possess.

Just like in the world where swordsmanship prevails, extraordinary people will pay attention to people's saber and footwork.

For the Extraordinary Civilization of the Eastern Genealogy, fate and the like are elements that have been "played out".

Especially for Yi Xia, who has had many adventures in the oriental genealogy world, he still feels a little bit about it.

So speaking of it, how did these demons attack the allied army with a starry sky level defense line?

It can't be, it's life-threatening, right?

That's really... a bit of a waste...



"This joint battle network: coordinates FZ147.3.157, centralized artillery coverage request..."

"Approval is requested... The firepower of the side rotor front is adjusted by 7.3%, and the artillery fire supply is concentrated..."

"G-axis high-risk units appear, quantity: 1751 (there is energy disorder correction, statistical deviation 2.8%), the energy of the main ship is 60%, and free strikes are allowed..."

Starship Assault Commander-Andre Yasen wore a psionic network link device, and he was familiar with deploying various real-time combat parameters of this battle array.

Constrained by the consciousness that has reached the limit of human beings, he can't pay attention to the fierce battle that happened in hundreds of stars while completing his own combat mission.

For a male human who is eager and yearning to fight, it has to be said that this is a pity.

But this is also what one must endure and face when choosing the order of battle command.

Those icy data fluctuations are the battlefield he has to face.

In this respect, the human will is greater and more reliable than intelligent machines.

Andre Yasen understood it this way.

He has served in this combat array for five years.

The battle with those foreign demons has also continued for five years.

This is a number that is by no means short-lived for humans.

But whether it's Andrea Yasen, or any creature in this star field knows:

The war is still going on, and there will be another five years and more...

Finally, after completing a series of operations, Andre Yasen took off the psychic link device with a tired face.

It is said that some sequence commands can complete a series of controls with only basic equipment such as instruments and joysticks.

Andre Yassen thought that was outrageous.

Of course, those guys from the pure mechanical faction have done outrageous things.

Sometimes, Andre Yasen felt that they might have some communication with the demons outside.

Of course, the premise is that those demons who don't seem to be rational can talk to them calmly.

"Commander, inject energy potion?"

"I was chased by hobgoblins and fell into the ogre's trough, and I don't have such an ugly face like yours now."

Outside the lobby of the central control room, a humanoid unit with hair tissue of more than ten colors and irregular shapes on its head greeted Andre Yasen.

Andre Yasen didn't pay much attention to it, but just glanced at the other party politely, and then made a military salute.

In Andre Yasen's view, these guys from foreign lands have no advantages other than exaggerated individual combat capabilities.

Seeing the humanoid unit shrugged.

Then he whistled towards the array elves on the screen next to him.

The array elf returned a look of contempt in a very humane manner.

This made Andre Yasen, who saw this scene, couldn't help but feel a little headache again.

He always felt that his array elves seemed to have undergone some subtle changes in the style of painting these days...

"Where are you going to fight again today?"

"My right leg hasn't been fixed yet, and I've always thought it would be perfectly fine to attach an antimatter cannon to it."

"But the mechanic said I was crazy..."

"I think he doesn't understand at all, this kind of weapon is beyond the scope of technology here."

"I kind of miss my mechanic in the B21 area, it understands my art very well."

Seeing this, a humanoid creature next to him, who seemed to be not much different from ordinary humans, said boredly.

"Forget it, you blew yourself up in the worm's nest last time."

"If the captain hadn't picked up your soul core, you should still be watching the swarm blowing bubbles."

The companion mocked him mercilessly.

While chatting, the teleportation bin next to it lit up.

"Oh, is there a newcomer?"

"Looks like I'm finally going to have a deputy!"

"I hope to be a 36D human girl with full charm... It's really not good, and the orcs who don't look so wild can barely accept it..."

The Zongwang players with multiple luminous objects on their heads suddenly regained their spirits after discovering it.

And Andre Yasen, who just lay down in the rest cabin, looked at the latest reminder from the central system.

After a sudden shock, Andre Yasen carefully read the relevant specific information attached below.

Then, he climbed out of the rest cabin expressionlessly, and looked at the battle elves on the screen next to him:

"Has the central system crashed? Or is it using operating resources to play games again?"

The battle elves made a blank movement...

(End of this chapter)

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