Chapter 501 The Devil's Concept of Time (One more update!)

On the edge of the chaotic universe, the passage of time becomes blurred.

The light of the stars cannot fully illuminate this dark world bordering Outland.

The starlight that filled the sky also became faint at this moment.

Under such a background, everything is like a huge abstract picture scroll with a certain deep color.

For the expeditionary forces in this ruined land, they couldn't describe their current state of mind very accurately.

So far, demons from different worlds have fully demonstrated the infinite possibilities of the multiverse for them.

But now, due to the excessive energy disorder, the picture looks a bit out of frame.

It shows them another possibility of this world...


A relatively large demon elite, surrounded by multiple demons, was suddenly grabbed by Yi Xia.

Then, under the unstoppable violent force, the explosion of flesh and bones burst out suddenly!
The demon's counterattack made Yi Xia's transfigured armor, which was more fragile than the main body, become dilapidated.

Yi Xia simply tore off the remaining armor.

The scorching fighting spirit made him fight fiercely in the ocean of demons with his bare chest!
The blood light flying all over the sky is a joyful and cruel signal from the blood gu.

And the flames stretching over the material wreckage are more like the strong theme of this fierce battle.

At every moment, a mass of demonic residue is scattered from the center of the battle.

Under the action of the chaotic energy flow, they will wander along with those material fragments in this dead and dark world.

Or one day, attracted by a certain nebula...

The strong breath of death even caused some grotesque souls to be born around the battlefield.

Theoretically speaking, the breath of death in the center of the battlefield will become stronger.

But obviously, no soul will be born in such a place voluntarily...

Yi Xia didn't know how many demons he had killed.

Accumulated up to now, the huge life force, which has exceeded the lives of the same class by an unknown amount, is bursting and stirring in his body.

The huge heart is like the axis of a star that exudes endless light and heat, and every violent beat is like a majestic war drum that can shake the sky.

In a trance, the sea of ​​demons intertwined with darkness and fire is like a drumhead that blocks the framework of the magnificent universe.

Every witch banner he waved hit the tough drum.

The subsequent "waves" of the demons were all a shocking response to the vast sea of ​​stars.


I can play more!

In the turbulent sea of ​​consciousness, Zhu Yan's ferocious phantom opened its teeth and claws.

At this moment, some demons around stopped abruptly.

"In the name of the mighty and only Clavier Abyss, I surrender to you, mighty and brutal giant!"

"I would like to follow you to destroy these weak creatures, and set off a more magnificent destruction on this scorched earth!"

They chanted Yi Xia's name and gathered at Yi Xia's feet.

Among the endless demons, their different performances naturally attracted Yi Xia's attention.

Yi Xia's eyes filled with fire light stopped on them for a moment.

And the next instant:

The witch banner fell from the sky like a cloud of destruction!
The Great Witch does not need to be worshiped or followed, he only wants the merits after destruction...



Gates of Hell - Parsa gazes at the image from the blood and fire of the demon.

Its dark consciousness fluctuated violently.

That is not anger, but another kind of excited emotion.

This is a good seedling of the abyss!
As the lord of the 97th floor of Clivell's Abyss, Parsa, the Gate of Hell, hasn't had such violent fluctuations in consciousness for a long time.

How it looks at the other party in the picture is not a manifestation of the good camp, and a certain idea becomes more and more urgent.

Clavier's Abyss has invaded that world for a long time.

It's a "regular season" in a sense.

The abyss doesn't care about the death of demons, as time accumulates.

The turmoil and darkness brought about by the war will eventually submerge that world bit by bit.

To demon lords, time is meaningless.

They may grow stronger with time, or they may grow weaker with time.

In the chaotic and disorderly abyss, the future is the most difficult thing to look forward to.

You have to find a way to lure this guy into the abyss!

It will surely become the most powerful warrior at the gate of hell!

Or I will join it and become its most powerful lord!
In the dark consciousness of the Gate of Hell-Parsa, chaotic thoughts with the characteristics of the abyss emerged.

What a waste and blasphemy for such an existence to wander in such a peaceful world!
Only the abyss is its final destination full of endless destruction!
Perhaps waiting for the other party to reach the legend is the most delicious moment.

But the devil has no patience like the devil:

Now, immediately, immediately!

The devil's plan has no tomorrow, no future!

The Gate of Hell - Parsa's roar shook the bloody sky full of distortion and filth!
It can't wait.

The river of disorder and chaos that symbolizes the abyss of Clavier flows quietly in the endless sky.

It is like a narrow and cold eye pupil, staring at the restlessness filled with endless chaos.

And as one of the leaders of the current "regular season", the will of Hell Gate-Parsa quickly caused some changes in the many demons flowing in its lower blood...



These demons are retreating...

Star Dive Precursor - Lace Cassidy suddenly discovered this abnormal change.

The reasons for this need not be elaborated.

For a "prisoner" who is about to be sent to the "beheading platform".

Even a slight pause in the rear thrust is so obvious and full of breathless compassion.

Lys Cassidy is not afraid of death, but only if it can be resurrected...

At this point, Les Cassidy had already shed her disguise.

It wants to solve itself through demons.

But Lys-Cassidy found sadly: it was ignored by the demons...

Now, it can only bite the bullet and be carried by the demons to move.

So, what are they trying to do?
Lace Cassidy didn't think that these things born in the chaotic abyss would know fear.

The craziest picture it has seen so far:

It was a demon that had already entered a certain state of frenzy, roaring and autonomously sinking into the opponent's huge mouth like a black hole.

Perhaps they were trying to strangle or defile the giant who had gone mad.

Les Cassidy expressed incomprehension.

Therefore, it is naturally difficult to guess the thoughts of these demons.

And as time passed, after discovering that the surrounding space blockade gradually began to loosen.

Rhys Cassidy suddenly realized.

These demons, don't they want to get that guy into the abyss?
Les Cassidy thought she might be right.

But it's not happy about it.

Not for that giant, but for himself:

Being able to sync up with the devil's thoughts doesn't necessarily mean something good...

(End of this chapter)

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