Chapter 502 That voice that may be imprinted in history (two more!)

In the absence of reference objects, the sensitivity of life to spatial changes will be greatly reduced.

Especially during intense battles.

To be honest, when the demon kept retreating, Yi Xia didn't notice it immediately.

Because at this moment he is deep in the ocean of demons, and there are demons in all directions.

He didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things.

However, this does not mean that Yazi will lose such strong malice...

After waving a streamer bursting, looking at the demon who unknowingly pulled some distance away, Yi Xia stopped abruptly.

His eyes were filled with endless fire, and he stared at the huge invisible door in front of him and fell into thought.

Perhaps the demon, has some misconceptions about his intellect, or, strictly speaking, his eyesight...

Yi Xia never thought that he was too outstanding in terms of intelligence.

But at this moment, Yi Xia felt that she had been insulted.

The insult to his intelligence from the devil...

In terms of space, although he didn't have too deep achievements.

But at least, this doorway can still be seen.

Through the huge and invisible twisted door, Yi Xia vaguely caught a glimpse of a huge and hideous phantom.

No verbal description or other side-by-side explanations are required.

In an instant, Yi Xia, who has rich experience in dismantling the internal structure of demon lords, was able to know:

That is a real demon lord with authority over gods.

To put it simply and crudely, it can be regarded as an evil god in a certain layer of the abyss.

And unlike many gods whose power lies mostly in the authority itself, the lord in the abyss who can separate authority and concepts.

Correspondingly, there is no doubt that the combat deflection gods.

This is an existence that Yi Xia can't solve now.

Out of the abyss, in the area outside its territory.

If it is the material world that has a limit to the upper limit of life, Yi Xia feels that he can barely have a chance to touch the other party.

But if it's in the abyss, there's no room for tricks.

In terms of combat, true pit lords do not have the Achilles heel of many deities.

But it's okay, this is a demon lord...

As we all know, the improvement of the blood of the devil will bring about a huge increase in attributes, but it does not include the intelligence of the application domain...

Come more!

Don't be afraid, don't hold back, come on!

In the abyss, the gate of Hell - Parsa's low voice carried some kind of suppressed rage.

Through the huge door, it met Yi Xia's eyes in a certain way.

It sensed a harsh mockery.

In such a frenzied and graceful battle, the opponent actually possesses considerable intelligence and rationality?
This is heresy!

This is blasphemy!

The Gate of Hell - Parsa's furious roar shook the sky.

The likes of demons come abruptly and passionately, and even more so than hatred and enmity.

After some extremely skewed thoughts were born in the chaotic consciousness, Parsa, the gate of Hell, actually stretched his hand directly into the huge gate!

No one can refuse the call of the gates of hell!
It has "appropriate means" to maintain its summoning rate [-]%!
On the other side, Yi Xia's consciousness was suddenly condensed after sensing some kind of strong and painful malice erupted in an instant!

The next moment: The originally invisible huge door suddenly condensed in the chaotic space!

The powerful energy flow directly smashes the surrounding demons into pieces!

The high-speed matter particles, sharper than the blade, split everything in it!

On Yi Xia's body, there are white marks that represent the blows he suffered!

And in such a terrifying scene like a natural disaster, a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the door!

It is so huge.

The door, which could have accommodated Yi Xia's entry, became a bit crowded in front of this arm!
The surrounding space, because of the opponent's appearance, suddenly produced countless real "ripples"!
An evil and irritable atmosphere began to unscrupulously distort all the surrounding substances!

The dead particles of matter begin to meander, in the microscopic realm that is difficult for the naked eye to gaze at.

They stretched out countless distorted and grotesque face-like tissues, and constantly sang an evil and sacred name!

At the same time, a certain huge and magnificent gaze is also focused on this area.

The structure of the entire space was suddenly "shocked".

The space that was originally loose due to its proximity to the outer domain suddenly became extremely "solid".

The evil transformation of those particles stopped abruptly.

The light of divinity cannot penetrate the "true order" condensed by thousands of creatures!
In the blink of an eye, Yi Xia's pupils suddenly constricted.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

The opponent's powerful evil divinity is like countless sharp thorns full of sharp edges.

They penetrated Yi Xia's tough skin and eroded into Yi Xia's flesh and blood.

They try to distort Yi Xia's inner being, they want to pollute Yi Xia's life essence.

Then, it was swallowed up by the power of the bloodline full of chaos...

The conflict between the two levels of rules made Yi Xia, who was at the center of the conflict, feel unprecedented pressure.

Now that Teng Snake's protoss power is exploding, it should be possible to strategically retreat to a safe area...

But in the next moment, Yazi's phantom suddenly swelled!

It made Yi Xia's palm holding Wu Ban suddenly burst into a huge vein like a blue mountain!

It's one thing to be on the other side's territory, and quite another here.

Reach for it?

Are you a big witch or a chicken cub?
The next moment, the passage of time seemed to return to normal.

When Parsa's big hand, the gate of hell, was overwhelmingly grasping towards Yi Xia.

Yi Xia suddenly raised the witch banner, then turned around and smashed it down in a rage!
Under the provocation of pure will, under the instinct of countless swings, it can penetrate!
The bloodline power of chaos endowed that will with boundless sharpness and vigor!

At a certain moment, everything seems to be twisted into an epic battle picture full of tension.

And the next moment:
Without any room for hesitation or backing down, Yi Xia raised the Wu Banner and slammed it down!

At the moment when the will and the flesh were perfectly combined, the Wu Banner touched the palm of Parsa, the gate of hell.

The violent power that jointly erupted finally found a vent, and the violent power poured out unscrupulously!

In a trance, in the field of vision of observers who can barely watch all this.

The area connected to the outer domain seemed to produce a strong light that could blind the eyes of mortals!

And with the influx of particle tides, the surrounding life forms feel as if the universe is shaking!
All particles are completely empty, and the universe returns to its original dead silence!

And in the particle turbulence that was so violent that it was comparable to a particle weapon, a certain mournful howl that shook the sky was forever engraved in it.


Since then, some observers of Ted Kamara's seventh cantilever have sufficient material on the emotions and pronunciation fluctuations related to the abyss lord...

(End of this chapter)

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