Chapter 503 Boundary of Chaos, Humans and Witches (One more update!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: You repelled the gate of hell-Parsa (Klewell Abyss/97th floor lord) with your mortal body, your deeds will be spread in the surrounding planes, your surrounding planes The fame of the noodle system +1!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your behavior has attracted the attention of certain gods. Based on your relevant occupational deflection, when you die or give up your current career path, you may be guided by relevant gods."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your legendary way 'Earth God of War' related achievements have obtained new progress data changes..."

"Comprehensive web reminder: Gate of Hell - Parsa engraves your existence on the gate of Hell (line 364710, column 1), whenever the gate of Hell - Parsa's chaotic will changes, You all have a chance (based on the total number of inscriptions of Hell's Gate) to be listed as the current focus target."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have been recognized by Ted Kamara's seventh cantilevered cosmic spirit, and your relevant expulsion thresholds in this world and its derivative world have increased significantly."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and slowly withdrew his curled and trembling right hand.

The brutal divinity that burst out from Parsa's huge palm corroded and distorted his flesh and blood.

Forcibly repelling a real abyss lord with a mortal body without any damage is obviously too dreamy.

The life force of chaos is constantly repairing the damaged part of Yi Xia.

This brings more severe burning pain...

This is undoubtedly a powerful and tyrannical evil existence.

Even, it "enthusiastically" engraved his existence on the door of the abyss.

In Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames, the phantom of Yazi seems to be emitting a hotter red light.

Thus, Yi Xia was able to gain insight into the future:
In the distant years, they will have a more grand contact...

In this way, Yi Xia held the Wu Banner obliquely with his relatively better left hand.

The evil divinity that burst out from Parsa's palm scattered blood-colored, burning mist in the surrounding chaotic space.

Behind Yi Xia is a dark universe that has finally found a moment of rest after a long time.

And under the dark curtain after that calm, the light of distant and faint stars loomed.

In this majestic sea of ​​stars, Yi Xia's figure appears small and thin.

Only the faint blood color that has not faded in the long space behind him is silently interpreting the horror and horror that happened.

After the Gate of Hell-Parsa was repulsed, the demons also retreated beyond the boundary of chaos.

Their evil and chaotic eyes focused on Yi Xia.

It seemed that in the next moment, they would pounce and overwhelm Yi Xia, who was in a relatively weak state at the moment.

However, after the arrival of the spirit of the universe, the borders that were temporarily strengthened by epics prevented them from rushing towards destruction.

They need to dig a new channel under the leadership of the lord.

And this is the last scene that people can observe after the intense fire and turmoil...



After Yi Xia figured out the real reason why the collective purity of these demons suddenly dropped, he prepared to leave.

At this time, with the continuous recovery of the power of chaos, his right hand has recovered to a seven or eighty-eight degree.

For a chaotic life that has reached an extraordinary physique, the weakness caused by this level of injury will not last long.

In fact, if it wasn't for the opponent's divinity, Yi Xia's right hand would have returned to normal long ago.

An attack that does not break through a certain threshold within a unit of time is not very meaningful as far as chaotic life is concerned.

Of course, some extraordinary professions with cumulative injuries and outbreaks may have some room for manipulation.

And just as Yi Xia tried to move, the right hand that had grown epidermis rapidly.

He sensed that a combat spaceship was breaking through the area shrouded in a strong death breath, flying crookedly towards him.

At this time, due to the offset of the main battlefield towards the border of the outer domain.

In the absence of suppression, some unknown evils were born from it.

Perhaps the existence of this plane would guess that it might be born from the soul of a demon or the like.

But Yi Xia obviously knew that it had nothing to do with it.

For the souls of those demons have a place to go...

Originally sensing the fresh breath of life in the spaceship, these evil creatures instantly seemed to be dead spirits smelling blood.

In the realm where all things are hard to gaze at, they frantically gather.

This is also the reason why the pilot of the spaceship seems to be quite skilled, but he still can't get out of the dangerous area.

And when Yi Xia paid attention.

These beings that were born in endless death showed amazing agility.

They came at a more rapid speed, and fled in all directions.

Not long after, it disappeared into the void filled with a strong death breath.

Theoretically speaking, such an evil existence is unlikely to be rationally recognized.

Most likely, they filled the not-so-abundant rationality with some kind of eternal fear...

After getting rid of the interference of these dangerous foreign objects, the spacecraft was finally able to return to a relatively stable flight rhythm.

Under Yi Xia's gaze, it slowly stopped in the void in front of Yi Xia.

Just like Yi Xia's insignificance in the grand universe, at such a close distance, the spaceship is as small as a child's hand-made toy.

Or maybe, even smaller than that...

Afterwards, the spaceship slowly opened the hatch, and a human wearing heavy protective equipment flew out.

Not all beings are as rough as Yi Xia.

On the border of chaos near the outer domain, the particle frenzy is sometimes equivalent to the advanced disaster in some regions of the normal universe.

What's more, this place has just been polluted by a certain abyss lord.

The harshness of its environment is beyond the imagination of all things.

Yi Xia lowered his head and looked at this trembling human being in the extremely harsh environment.

This is not an extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

That's why Yi Xia didn't want to stay too long.

There is not much common language and understanding, even a few cups of casual chatting, it is mostly boring.

But the big witch still gave the opponent some time.

Yi Xia was rather curious. The other party took a huge risk to come here to say something to him.

In fact, through the opponent's heavy protective equipment, Yi Xia can already perceive the opponent's decaying breath of life like a candle in the wind.

"Great giant... Maybe you are waiting for the sanctioner of this galaxy, or the supreme leader."

"But I'm sorry, the one standing here is just a veteran, a father, and he didn't hold any important position in the galaxy..."

Under Yi Xia's gaze, the other party tried to raise his head, trying to make contact with Yi Xia's eyes.

But obviously this does not conform to the simple material rules.

So, he had no choice but to hold his head up and look at Yi Xia's magnificent body and said...

(End of this chapter)

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