The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 515 Ji Shuan's Rhapsody and the Message from the Demon Warlock

Chapter 515 Ji Shuan's Rhapsody and the Message from the Demon Warlock (One update!)

"Brothers, I declare: Our time is coming!"

Ji Shu'an looked around and said passionately.

However, there was not much response.

Lao Li, who was sitting on the sofa next to him and was fiddling with introductory books on hydraulics, didn't even lift his head when he heard this.

They're already excited.

There are still a few who haven't slept all night, and are catching up on sleep at this time...

Ji Shuan didn't take it seriously when he saw this, he was full of energy now.

It's a pity that as far as the method of suppressing spirits is concerned, the time that new practitioners can practice is limited every day.

Before this, Ji Shuan could not touch this boundary.

But now with the overall improvement of the general environment, his practice efficiency is getting faster and faster.

We all know that when you start at the bottom, it's all uphill...

As far as the entire plane is concerned, the scope of current aura fluctuations is extremely small.

But at present, their average cultivation level is only at that level.

Like the rising tide of a river embankment.

As far as humans are concerned, it may only be a slight change from water flooding the instep to the ankle.

For a crab, it is enough to swallow it.

Therefore, the current practitioners on the earth are more or less speculative about the changes in the general environment.

And just last night, they got official news.

In other words, not only the official, but also the authoritative certification of the Great Witch.

Although this also means that no one can accurately grasp the future situation.

But there is no doubt that this is the best news for anyone who is interested in transcendence.

Among them, for Yu Ji Shu'an, the meaning is even greater.

Because of the spirit-suppressing method, the requirements for the extraordinary environment are relatively more stringent.

Ji Shu'an even felt that how many more...well, decades of practice?

Maybe you can wrestle with the big witch!
Ji Shuan imagined like this.

Or to be more realistic, wrestle with his... bean soldiers?
It's not bad to think about it...

For now, apart from Tengyun's method, Ji Shu'an is most coveted.

It is Yi Xia's method of throwing beans into soldiers.

He has been thinking about it.

In the art of suppressing spirits, there are some related methods.

It's just listed as a minor technique by it, and it's called a low-level technique.

There are some similarities with the origami technique of heretics in ancient times.

Naturally, Ji Shu'an has no views on levels, and he does not study unless he goes to the Fa.

What's more, he learned some inspiration from it.

Of course he can't make origami.

But he is in a certain collection room in the imperial capital, but it is full of figurines.

Ji Shu'an felt that he might have found the correct way to use the method of suppressing spirits in the present age...

Maybe, it's time to activate those old...

At this moment, Ji Shuan caught a glimpse of Wu Kui who had just left the customs.

Forget it, the method of suppressing spirits has its own dimension, how can it be done in such a wrong way!

Activate a few dolls at most, and talk about servants...



And just when Ji Shu'an and the others were getting excited about the fluctuation of the earth's aura.

After chatting with Yi Xia all morning, Cang Zhong took his leave and left.

no way.

It’s different in the past.

For such a heavy topic of the current changes in the earth's environment, Cang Zhong had to ask as detailed as possible.

This is another matter related to Yi Xia himself.

After roughly confirming Yi Xia's identity, in terms of Chaofan's concept, Yi Xia's own composition is already very clear.

As for more details, it is inconvenient to dig so deeply.

The overall environmental change of the earth is obviously different.

When accepting this responsibility, Cang Zhong also thought that he might shoulder a rather difficult mission.

But looking at it now, the vision for the future at that time was still a bit too thin...

The deputy next to him handed him a tissue.

Cangzhong took it and wiped it.

Negotiations involving this level will naturally not be just one person.

This is true whether it is from the consideration of communication needs or the requirements of the discipline level.

Of course, for now, the deputy does not act as the main responsibility for communication.

He only acts as a supplement to the negotiation when necessary.

It is naturally unrealistic to simply communicate at the personal level on such issues.

Along the way, Cang Zhong didn't say anything.

After returning to the research institute, Cang Zhong began to prepare for the upcoming remote conference after the security door behind him was slowly closed.

A lot of people were obviously tossing and turning last night.

During the preparation of the report materials, Cang Zhong suddenly remembered something.

He turned to look at the assistant next to him and said:

"Help me prepare all the battle-related materials for the next witch sequence. I will read it after the meeting."

The assistant nodded, and then went down to collect.

Seeing the figure of his assistant leaving, Cang Zhong fell into deep thought.

Today's communication with Yi Xia made him discover a detail.

Yi Xia seems to have fought a certain water god...

Judging from his tone of voice and his statement at the time, the battle should still be somewhat intense.

Of course, in the end, it must end with Yi Xia gaining the absolute upper hand.

Thinking about it this way, maybe we can find relevant records in ancient books.

Cang Zhong felt that maybe he could use this as a clue to find Yi Xia's real heel.

In this way, they can know how big their hole cards are when a new game is about to start.

At least it has to be Zhang Xiaowang...



Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to the current turmoil on the earth.

There is not even an existence that has truly reached the extraordinary, and there is really no room for a big storm...

He needs to be vigilant at the moment, because there are foreign gods taking the opportunity to make trouble.

After all, there is a wider area besides the soil where he is.

It was a land that Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to.

In contrast, objectively speaking, it is more likely to breed belief in foreign gods.

After all, even if there is no outer god, its beliefs are quite diversified, full of human's colorful imagination of all things.

Nothing but the loss of its substantive positive effect.

Yi Xia has always maintained a high level of concern about this.

Fortunately, the relatively tough response to the intruders earlier seemed to be quite effective.

So far, Yi Xia has not found any abnormalities of foreign gods invading.

Afterwards, Yi Xia used his consciousness to open the comprehensive network player exchange forum.

It's time to harvest a wave of experience and exercise your muscles by the way...

As before, the activities of the multiverse demons have not changed in any way because of Yi Xia's appearance.

Under countless wars, what Yi Xia intervened was only the insignificant last digit.

It will not rest, just like the cessation to which the material universe will eventually rush.

Because of his previous experience, Yi Xia plans to find a world where the material plane presents the form of the universe.

However, it was not found for a while.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia randomly picked a seemingly "solid" non-legendary unit plane, and went to get some general experience, and by the way, see if he could get some powerful ancient life forms in the area to beat the teeth.

And just when Yi Xia was about to leave, a new reminder message suddenly appeared on his retina.

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have a new friend message."

Yi Xia opened it with consciousness and looked, it was the message from that demon warlock.

She found those who slandered him...

Yi Xia suddenly squinted his eyes slightly, and the drowsy Yazi phantom in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly regained his energy.

For this reason, he lost a lot of "bonanza".

The scorching consciousness that aroused was enough to make Yi Xia stop thinking about tooth-sacrificing.

Let the great witch witness your true courage...

(End of this chapter)

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