The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 516 The Grand Illusion Before the Star Communicator Organization

Chapter 516 The Grand Phantom Before the Star Communicator Organization (Two Updates!)

Star Communicator - Kerize - Tago, feeling a little uneasy.

Just now, it was "invited out" by the soul of the Star Communicator organization.

Kerize-Tago looked up at the stars above him with some doubts.

For some reason, the astrology has become a little confusing and blurry lately.

As if invisible, something majestic covered the sky.

Therefore, it is difficult to get a glimpse of its true whole picture.

But that doesn't hurt its business much either.

Anyway, no one dared to say that he really had insight into fate.

There are deviations, which is nothing more than normal.

Therefore, the business that should be done, the star communicator - Kerize - Tiger did not reject one.

It is not afraid, someone came to the door.

Except for the loose star communicator organization, the deterrent in the eyes of those who don't know how to do it.

It itself is backed by multiple related large-scale forces.

At some point, the star-spreader, Creize-Tiger, would be more than happy to act as their mouthpiece.

Under this vast emptiness, the morality that is benchmarked by flesh and blood life is pale and fragile.

No, in the eyes of the star-spreader Kerize-Tago, only power and wealth are real and more eternal existences.

As for the others, it was just short and intense fireworks.

Even if it is hot for a while, it will be dead silent after a long time.

Professional ethics?Order of fate?
It is a yoke that is false and deceives the weak.

The star-space communicator-Kerize-Tiger grinned at the starry sky with his big mouth full of fangs, revealing a few sarcasm-filled smiles.

It will not believe these.

Anyway, the institution does not have strong disciplinary measures for this.

It is precisely because of this that it will try its best to join this organization that is full of mystery and power in the eyes of others.

Star communicator... what a word full of reverie...

But in Kerize-Tago's view, it is not about conveying goodness and beauty, and spreading the light of wisdom toward the desert of civilization.

It is the best leverage for it to grab profits.

Before that, it took over a big order.

According to some colleagues, that is an extremely dangerous guy.

It's just that Ke Ruize-Tago didn't feel afraid of it.

It has been exposed to too much, what they think is dangerous, taboo and so on.

so what?

It—Crazy Tiger—is still standing here as always.

But then again.

Kerize-Tago felt vaguely:

Perhaps some of the recent not-so-right changes have something to do with the list it made before.

Can the other party find this place?

Crazy Tiger shaved off the food residue from his fangs with disdain.

It is going to work for a while, and then find a plane to avoid the limelight.

The current funds are not sufficient.

Kerize-Tiger wasn't here just for the legendary star-broadcaster.

It is preparing to use this to make a profit, and then build a huge cross-plane trading caravan.

Of course, trading or looting depends on the situation...

And at this moment, Kerize-Tago suddenly found that the stars above his head suddenly became clear.

Among them, a star suddenly became extremely bright under its gaze.

Is that... the astrology that symbolizes death?

Kerize-Tago's consciousness froze slightly for a while.

Then it heard someone calling to it:

"Crazy Tiger, a wizard from a foreign land is looking for you."

"Really? Maybe your memory has been disturbed by fate, but Rui Ze-Tago has already left."

Kerize-Tago said calmly.

And in the next moment, the starry sky disappeared, and deep shadows flooded the sky...



A Star Communicator Organization in the Multiverse

The face of the dark star - Anna Evan is standing on her exclusive observatory and observing the astrology.

In some fields, there are more overlaps in fields such as astral communicators and prophets, extraordinary astrology, etc.

One cannot become a qualified communicator of the starry sky just by possessing a unit that can sing the "Voice of the Starry Sky".

And at this moment, her teacher teleported over.

This is quite a rare thing.

Evanna hadn't seen it for several years since she became the teacher's disciple.

"What does today's horoscope reveal?"

The teacher's question, just like in memory, was full of unexpected pressure.

So, shouldn't you first ask your disciples about their recent situation?

Even if it's just a formal question?

Evanna calmed down and directly entered the state of answering questions:
"...Zapata's astrology has slight changes in light. From the perspective of the change formula of the seventh astrology of Gridas, this represents confusion, war and death..."

"Enough, your astrology is good, maybe you can become a good astrology scholar."

The teacher interrupted Evanna's answer, and then gave such an evaluation.

Evanna's expression froze, thinking to herself.

"Astrology reveals mysteries and reveals truths for us, but it does not give us answers."

"It's the question, the thing we're going to hang around retroactively."

The teacher's answer warmed Evanna's heart.

It seems that the teacher still cares about her studies...

"So, you found that I have stepped into the wrong field, so you came here to correct me?"

Evanna asked softly.

The teacher pondered for a while, then looked out the window:
"... There are guests coming."

Evanna: ...

Sure enough, a teacher who can't lie has no charm at all!

Evanna looked out the window angrily.

Then, she saw Ruize-Tago, this notorious guy in the starry sky communicator.

Apparently, what the teacher wouldn't say was this guy.

"Did it get in trouble?"

It was not difficult for Evanna to guess what the teacher meant.

And at this time, she suddenly had a new understanding of the astrology she had just observed.

So, is this also the teacher's lesson plan?

The teacher didn't answer, but looked at the area where Ruize-Tago was.

Next to it were a few seedlings of starry sky trees, which he won from a bet with his friends...

"Send it out, this is not where its fate ends."

The teacher pondered for a while, then summoned the soul of the Tower of Starry Sky and said so.

The soul accepted the order and then disappeared.

Seeing this, Evanna vaguely had some guesses.

So teacher, it shouldn't be for the seedlings of the starry sky tree, he should be following the torrent of fate.

Well, it should be like this...

And under the attention of Evanna, some fluctuations appeared in the void, and then an ordinary-looking human male appeared outside the gate of the Star Communicator Agency.

After a brief questioning, there followed without warning.

The entire headquarters of the Star Communicator Agency is shrouded in a deep shadow!

An aura of destruction and death that can be seen with the naked eye directly violently suppresses all the creatures in this area!
This is the horror and despair that the astrology can hardly reveal, and it is the deep darkness that is truly interpreted behind the light and goodness!
"Your courage and your actions don't seem to match."

"So, you're stupid?"

The sky-shaking sound was like the roar of the earth after the sky was torn apart.

Afterwards, a sky pillar smashed down!

(End of this chapter)

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