Chapter 526 Rotten Village (Two Updates!)

"A powerful alien...god? Or something like that, once again destroying the Nightmare Mask-false star."

In the corridor behind the dark city, some survivors gathered here.

The long-lost sun appeared in the other world, and they already knew what it meant.

This had happened many times in the troubled years before that.

Of course, this time today, it exploded much more than usual...

Even the well-informed pioneer who almost lost his life because of this has never seen such a scene.

Forerunners can glimpse the scene of a more distant realm through the barriers of the world.

He can see everything that is happening outside.

Of course, it's not always luck and blessing.

Too many pioneers have been lost because of glimpses of distant light or mad evil.

For the survivors, the importance of the pioneers is beyond doubt.

Fortunately, fate has not completely abandoned them, poor creatures struggling under the sinking world.

Although there have been losses, the number of pioneers in the camp has always been maintained at a barely supported threshold.

Some people say that this is the mercy of the planet.

But most people are silent about it.

Maybe the consciousness of the planet really exists, but now, it probably cannot protect itself...

This is a world full of disasters.

A long time ago, too many people thought that maybe tomorrow this doomed world would be completely destroyed.

But to this day, it is still dragging its rotting body around in the dead universe.

It's a tenacious world...

"Will He save us?"

Some people looked at the forerunner, and because they lived in the other world for a long time, they inevitably had some abnormal faces, revealing a little desire.

"...I don't know, but it seems that He didn't come for salvation."

The Forerunner was silent for a moment, then gave his answer.

"Live on, maybe you can survive until the day the world is destroyed."

The pioneer stood up.

In the face of such a gloomy future, no one can lightly say those encouraging words.

His greatest hope was that this big guy who didn't know where he came from could clean up some of the monsters outside.


Those words that seem to be full of burning pain are not suitable for guys like them who are lingering...




"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have entered Tabor Blue Star (inner world)."

Following the berserk airflow, Yi Xia squeezed in from the broken space barrier.

Afterwards, a new prompt message appeared on his retina.

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message, and then at the gray world that seemed to be shrouded in some kind of fog.

Doesn't look like it's going off track...

Yi Xia thought so.

And under the sky, the demons who were noisy and emitting many weird sounds suddenly fell into silence at this moment.

They looked at the majestic giant that appeared in the sky in a way that even the devil couldn't expect, and they seemed a little stunned.

The demons that appear in this world are probably not born from the real abyss.

After a short silence, they actually scattered and fled in all directions.

For a moment, the "restlessness" of the past resumed once again on the mist-shrouded land.

Yi Xia looked at the scene full of vitality below, as if he saw a hunter showing off a herd of deer.

Only at this time did Yi Xia feel that his efforts were not in vain.

The monster named Nightmare Mask-False Star is broken, but these are not...

"start running!"

Yi Xia's call was like thunder falling from the sky.

Then, like a thunderbolt, the witch banner fell straight down from the sky!
Since the consciousness of the plane released the relevant control, Yi Xia didn't have any worries.

After all, to be precise, there may be only a few uncorrupted and distorted places left in this world now...

Other areas belong to "lesions" in a certain sense.

The Wu Banner, which didn't hold back at all, directly covered a large area.

Just like the clouds falling, it will directly wrap the entire area.

But it is not as gentle as the clouds, but mixed with a majestic force that can melt steel in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth composition of this world seems to be somewhat different from the material world.

Under the bombardment of the Wu Banner, there was a continuous roaring sound.

The rock formations in the distance were raised high, revealing a river that seemed to be flowing with some kind of bloody liquid.

Most of the demons engulfed in it were directly transformed into a bloody mess by the changes in the rock formations.

The phantoms transformed by the blood gu unscrupulously devoured the lives and souls of these demons.

They are not derivatives of native evils, but hail from other exotic worlds.

Therefore, blood gu does not need to worry about being polluted by the breath of evil things.

On the ground, flames are everywhere.

Those demons who escaped to other areas by chance and were not affected by Wu Banan's attack were directly surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

The demons, who were supposed to have strong flame resistance, wailed unbearably under the scorching flames.

This surprised Yi Xia.

He has never seen such a "weak" demon.

Negative fire resistance?
Is this also a demon?
Yi Xia stared at the demons who seemed to have some kind of dark and malevolent aura intertwined, his eyes shrouded in endless fire directly pierced the opponent's evil flesh and blood.

Yi Xia tried to find out the root of the other party.

And soon, Yi Xia, who had already accumulated some space, found the world where he could taste endless decay and viciousness with just a little perception.

In the next moment, Yi Xia felt his soul was touched by something.

It's very slight, like the touch of something brushing against the hair.

Then, there was some weak feedback.

It's like being stung by a bee without penetrating the thick epidermis.

On his retina, a new prompt message is directly refreshed:

"Comprehensive network reminder: You traced back to the relevant existence of the Rotten Township-Hashamwar, and you were hit by the world curse of the Rotten Township."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the player's relevant skills, you are immune to the curse effect and have suffered a small loss of life."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your Celestial Power: Yazi-related passive abilities have been activated, and you have marked a new location..."

Yi Xia sensed the rotten world glimpsed in a glimpse, and there was a little thoughtful look in his eyes surrounded by endless fire.

A corrupt world dominated by evil chaos, filled with endless curses and viruses?

It doesn't look like it can fight...

The backlash of the world's curse did not penetrate his related resistances.

Naturally, Yi Xia would not be angry with a dead thing without humanized emotions.

He is going to harvest the demons in this world first, and then go to that world to see...

(End of this chapter)

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