Chapter 527 The Remnant Starfire and Outer Gods (One more update!)

The fire, the fire that reaches the sky...

The epitome of the transformed city in the material world trembled under the red flames.

Those demons full of viciousness and curses are also like a group of rats fleeing in a hurry.

After discovering the survivors, he seemed to have lost his bloodthirsty instincts.

Without even stopping to give him a little look, he bypassed them and frantically fled towards the area away from the terrifying figure.

"...I'm sure now that He really didn't come to save us."

Looking at those demons, even just one of them, is enough to make them terrified.

In the crowd, someone said so.

No one answered him, and they are now tailing those demons too.

The gathering place behind them is more about the balance of safety and resources.

In the face of such a magnificent disaster like the end of the myth, those complex considerations are already insignificant.

Now, they need to evacuate to the ultimate shelter:

It was a nuclear shelter located on the west side of the city.

The supplies there are quite poor, but at least there may be a glimmer of life at the moment.

As long as you are not in the core strike area, there should still be a possibility of survival...

The ground was shaking, and walking became extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the survivors at this moment, in a strict sense, have broken away from the category of ordinary human beings at some level.

That distorted and evil force occupied all the space.

Long-term corrosion, accumulated over time, will eventually change in physical form.

So these survivors barely held on.

Weak and slow-moving, in such a world, it is impossible to support the present...

But as the majestic figure approached, the trembling of the ground also became more intense.

Even before the other party launched the offensive that they had watched from afar, it was almost enough to wipe out a city in an instant.

The overwhelmed land can no longer maintain the previous stable structure.

The city is falling...

The red curtain of fire dispelled the fog that seemed to linger forever.

Darkness and evil, under the more violent power, appear so pale and thin.

Some people couldn't bear the huge pressure and gave up struggling.

Crouching on the broken ground, he prayed towards the majestic phantom that was hard to see at the moment, and the splash from the collapsed building was still hitting his body.

The forerunner turned around and grabbed him without saying anything, just carrying him on his shoulders like a cargo.

Naturally, this is not such a comfortable position.

But even this kind of treatment is only temporary.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, the pioneer can only abandon him.

Rescuing other survivors with spare energy is one of the few remaining moral lights among these human beings.

Those who are obsessed with more demanding requirements and can survive to the present will probably not appear here.

But even though everyone tried their best to escape, in such a harsh environment, they still moved forward slowly.

But the majestic shadow that is enough to cover the sun seems to be getting deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, the restlessness on the ground became a little quieter.

The street that swayed as if it was about to swing out of the horizon finally regained a moment of calm quite rarely.

They could even hear the sound of some buildings collapsing in the distance.

The invisible pressure turned into a poisonous snake coiled around his neck.

In a trance, the surrounding temperature seemed to increase a little.

Some kind of indescribable hotness began to make noise in the air.

And as a forerunner with relevant characteristics, he can even feel the gaze full of endless destruction and killing.

Without looking back, he also knew what happened...

No one dared to turn their heads. Everyone froze there like a frog suddenly covered by a strong light in the middle of the night.

Maybe it's just an ordinary thing, but in such a situation, it should be more comfortable.

In the absence of eye contact, their dull perception and overly complex information around them can make them ignore dangers that are beyond their understanding and response.

The pioneer bit the bullet and turned his head slowly.

Dodging and playing dead can't play any role in front of such an existence.

And human beings, even those whose bloodlines are no longer pure, should have their hard places.

That is the pillar that allows them to survive the long night longer than the lack of resources...

At this moment, time seems to have become extremely long.

The pioneer could even hear the creaking sound of his cervical spine under his stiff movements.

But there is an end to everything:

After the field of vision changed with the rotation of the head, the forerunner saw the two "big mountains" that stopped not far away and were surrounded by fire...

He tried his best to raise his head along the "big mountain", but he could only see a deep phantom under the curtain of fire...

But the Forerunners felt so tangibly that He was watching them...

The gaze with almost substantive temperature is so clear and trembling.

The body of the forerunner trembled involuntarily.

Perhaps, there is no such thing as a god.

But for such an existence, what is the difference between him and gods?
His gaze seemed to penetrate their bodies, looking at the interior filled with light or filth.

Courage, or will, seemed useless at the moment.

The forerunner can feel that his thoughts are becoming stagnant and dull a little bit, as if in the next moment, he will turn into those flesh and blood statues like dead things.

But in the end, after a long stare at the material world, isn't that much? The other party just left.

But it was no longer walking like before, but wrapped in a cloud of blood that could engulf the world.

It did not bring the expected destruction, nor did it bring the extravagant redemption.

He just walked away, as if he didn't care what they had suffered and experienced.

The forerunner froze in place for a long time.

The Forerunner broke away from the trembling when someone thought he was probably dead.

Because of his survival traits, he was able to glimpse more terrifying sights.

This is definitely not such a benevolent existence...

In visions that overwhelm the minds of mortals, the Forerunners saw too much destruction and slaughter.

I just don't know why, after the other party paid them obvious attention, they let them go.

Is it because they are too trivial?
Or because of their human blood?
Or because of other other reasons?
Forerunners don't know.

But he will never forget that scene.

It seemed to be imprinted in his mind, and it only needed a slight fluctuation of consciousness to emerge so clearly.

They survived...

But judging from the broken scene glimpsed by the forerunners, those guys probably won't survive.

What will happen to them, the forerunners have already predicted.

This might give them some respite...

At the same time, a certain plane of the multiverse

Looking at the Yuren who was tortured by the curse, the ferocious-looking adjudicator of the curse opened his cracked jaw that was dripping with corrosive poison:
"Are you praying again?"

"Your god can't control this place! No light can suppress the rotten darkness!"

"Enjoy eternal torture for your recklessness! I will 'entertain' you..."

Featherman didn't respond, it had already lost the socket of one eye, staring blankly at the rotting sky outside.

It can't see the light of the stars, it can only see an endless darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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