Chapter 590 The Stone Monkey Is Naturally Difficult to Understand the Compassion of the Great Witch (Two Updates!)
What is the point of the spell?
When he was still in the apprenticeship stage, Yi Xia's answer to this question was firm:
Easy to kill for greater power.

With the passage of time, Yi Xia's definition of it has gradually changed.

From the gradual weakening of the combat aspect, it has gradually turned to functionality, assistance, and even home furnishing.

Under the increasingly magnificent power of the witch body, the change and change of spells is a matter of course.

As far as this aspect is concerned, the related development of witchcraft spells has a somewhat similar context.

Of course, relatively speaking, whether it is ancient times, ancient times, or closer times.

There is no doubt about the advantages of the current earth at the basic material level.

Because of this, Yi Xia was able to develop a somewhat lazy and gentle temperament.

In this regard, some dragon kings can give strong evidence for this
Yi Xia looked at the scorching sun above his head and fell into deep thought.

Climate change has been a common occurrence throughout the ages.

But for the creatures of this land, simple compliance is always more than a violation of tradition.

This point can be seen from the complicated spells of praying for rain.

Many of the 6-level witchcraft professional spells are of the rain-seeking type.

Of course, in Yi Xia's view, for some of the spells, it seems too far-fetched to say "beg"...

Of course Yi Xia wouldn't learn spells like begging for rain.

If he can ignore the influence of the world, he only needs to wave a few times to Tiling and the witch flag towards the clouds outside the sky, and it will be enough to "beg" for continuous rain.

However, pure violence cannot accomplish certain delicate tasks.

Yi Xia's consciousness was focused on a certain professional spell that emerged in the void.

In the next moment, specific information about the spell was refreshed on his retina:


Witchcraft: Endowment (sixth ring)
Type: Six-ring career-limited spell (after unlocking the advanced ring number, you can consume 1 spell selection reward to increase the number of rings, theoretically up to ten rings)
Restriction: Possess the title of great witch or related qualifications

Mana consumption: minimum 15 points

Spell description:

After a standard casting action, the witch tries to communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth to make temporary or permanent changes to the natural climate in the limited area.

Please note: This spell has a certain success rate, and the final related effects are not necessarily exactly the same as the caster's initial expectations, and there is a certain probability that fluctuations will occur based on the comprehensive state of the current environment.

Scarlet Warning: The whole process of casting this spell requires the permission of the consciousness of the relevant plane. If the relevant permission is not obtained, there is a high probability of obtaining relevant suppression from the consciousness of the plane, or even a direct attack!




Yi Xia stared at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, the introduction of this spell seemed quite concise.

It doesn't seem to go well with the scarlet warning with a serious threat behind it.

With a simple opening method, is this also a rain-seeking spell in a certain sense?
But obviously, this spell has a more complicated and obscure way to open it.

Just like the top supernatural power of mediating good fortune, some people can use it to knead soil to become adults, while others can only turn it into tricks.

In Yi Xia's opinion, based on his current understanding that may not be so accurate, this spell roughly corresponds to opening the background control interface of the earth-related elements?
This is nothing too, there is such a serious scarlet warning behind the spell.

Which world can allow existences such as guardians of the plane who are completely trusted, and dare to touch such an essence?

This is substantially different from other spells such as praying for rain.

To put it simply, it can be regarded as having obtained the remote control of the earth's "air conditioner"?
Yi Xia took a sip of the cold peppermint witch medicine, thinking so.

It is probably difficult for him to play with it.

Yi Xia did not have such a solid reserve of relevant knowledge.

If it's about earth veins and bearing loads, he might still have some practical experience to mention.

When it comes to things like celestial phenomena, it's a completely different matter.

But even so, Yi Xia was still somewhat interested in it.

Learn it first, maybe when it will come in handy.

Isn't it the meaning of storing complicated spells?
With this in mind, Yi Xia made a decision.

In the next moment, with the relevant fluctuations in Yi Xia's consciousness, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: the selection is successful, and a new spell has been added to your spell book: witchcraft: endowment (sixth ring)..."



The scorching sun swept across the earth like waves.

Even in a room surrounded by air-conditioning, Zhong Ling could still feel the heat wave outside.

In this kind of weather, Zhong Ling didn't want to go outside at all.

But my mother was always restless. Before Zhong Ling got up, she had already fed all the animals in the family and cleaned up the house.

If it wasn't for the scorching sun at noon, she might still be planning to go to the orchard to get some pesticides.

My father works in other places, and he can only come back during special times such as rush harvest or Chinese New Year.

To those busy in the fields, the changes that translate into small numbers in global temperature changes seem dull and ineffective.

It's only when I'm sweating profusely that I feel that the sun is really poisonous this year.

Also because of understanding such hard work, Zhong Ling always thinks about how to help reduce the burden on the family after obtaining the inheritance of the spell.

But she is a decent person after all.

It is always difficult for a well-behaved person to obtain a large amount of wealth so quickly.

Fortunately, trickling streams also have their tenacity, and Zhong Ling is not dissatisfied with this.

Shi Wei next to him ate a piece of iced watermelon, grinning from the cold, but his face was full of refreshment.

It stands to reason that there are cloudy and sunny places in the mountains.

But perhaps because of years of encounters, it seemed a little hard to resist loneliness, and it finally followed the little girl back to her humble house.

Shi Wei, who always likes to have some verbal confrontations, did not attack this time.

The TV that has been on for a few years is playing some magical lines that make it hard not to have some subtle associations.

In places that are gradually neglected by young people, those crude health care product advertisements that may have some active ingredients still maintain a tenacious vitality.

Shi Wei watched it with great interest, and regarded it as some kind of sketch-like art.

And at this moment, the sun seemed to suddenly dim.

Zhong Ling didn't care, it's like this in summer, maybe it's a common thing when a cloud comes and the whole land becomes dark in an instant.

But Shi Wei was taken aback suddenly, and turned to look at Zhong Ling:
"Where is there a severe drought in your place recently?"

After hearing this, Zhong Ling shook her head uncertainly, then took out her mobile phone to search, and then her shaking head became firm.

"Strange, what is that big witch doing..."

Shi Wei muttered with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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