Chapter 591 The Tranquil Time of the Great Witch (One more update!)

It is naturally difficult for a spirit like Shi Wei to understand Yi Xia's behavior at the moment.

Even human beings who belong to the same era are not always happy to share one billion of their blessings among others.

It's not just about the greed or good and evil of the human heart, but also the restraint from its class and related environment.

In this case, an individual with great power in one body will appear to be much more free and wanton.

When the noon sun gradually began to slant westward, the outdoor temperature changed accordingly.

The temperature-related feedback of human somatosensory is quite subtle.

Maybe it is just a small digital change in value, but it is a huge change that is difficult to describe when it is fed back to the human body.

From time to time a breeze blows, bringing a little scorching coolness.

Someone wiped the sticky sweat on his forehead, thinking that he should have some cold beer today.

Some people cheered up a little during the drowsy and hot wait, saying that there should be more pedestrians when the weather is cooler...

Yi Xia stood on the balcony, looking at everything in the world with eyes filled with endless fire.

On the small coffee table next to it, a spell book that rarely appeared in such a pocket form was lying there quietly.

Yi Xia didn't try to make permanent changes, but made temporary adjustments with relatively weaker impact.

For the earth, the current climate is still in the normal range.

In the long years that have passed, it has experienced years of chaos that are many times more extreme than this.

What is difficult to accept has always been only human beings themselves.

When there is free time, Yi Xia is not stingy with using these tricks to bring some short-term joy.

Just like Yi Xia did this after gaining Fei's power.

The more permanent changes will depend on their own tossing or sinking.

Maybe this is also a practice of witches?
With the practice of the sacred vows made, the changes in thought and will brought about by the extension of time are silent.

It was deposited in the blood that was as hot as fire, and it also churned with the burning will.

Just like reading never directly gives people thoughts, but in the words that quietly emerge on the paper, there are naturally different souls relaxing.


Just when Yi Xia was relieved that the "nagging" in his ears had dissipated, he heard the sound of the mobile phone that was thrown together with the spell book.

Yi Xia glanced at it, and it turned out that it was not Cang Zhong, but Wu Kui who hadn't contacted for some time.

This is a good seedling for cultivation.

Since Yi Xia's perception has been further improved, he found that the other party has been practicing together with those Dianzhou inheritors.

To be able to make him forget about his practice and contact him directly, obviously he must have encountered something.

Since Yi Xia goes out to "visit friends" all year round, Wu Kui sends messages most of the time.

After all, she is not as convenient as Cang Zhong, who can instantly know that Yi Xia's mobile phone signal is "online".

Occasionally, when she remembered that her cell phone still had some chat software, Yi Xia would take the time to check it out.

Most of the time, it is the information of Wu Kui, Ji Shuan and others.

Of course, the latter words are mostly game link invitations.

Fortunately, at least he didn't have the guts to ask the big witch to help him hack an atypical application platform for e-commerce of advanced mathematics...

With a thought in Yi Xia's mind, in the next moment, a bean soldier emerged from the void and took the phone over.

This is not to be lazy, but to practice the original intention of learning spells.

The next moment, Wu Kui's familiar voice came from the connected phone.

After the polite greetings, she got straight to the point and asked about some matters of cultivation.

Yi Xia naturally knew what she was asking.

Huo Dou Xuying is the evolution of his will and the concept of protoss. It has been borrowed from related concepts, and of course Yi Xia will perceive it.

Like the guy with the tattoo:
Until now, Yi Xia has been able to perceive the other party's whereabouts more accurately than satellite positioning...

Of course, Yi Xia has never paid attention to this.

"That's not a black dog, that's called Fudou..."

Yi Xia leisurely took a sip of the peppermint witch medicine, and said with a slightly anxious face to the hands-free cell phone.

He didn't directly point out the reasons for these mutations in Wu Kui, but was interested in perceiving the changes in the aura of the other party who was still somewhere in the imperial capital at the moment.

Saints also have anger, and it is normal for great witches to have a bit of bad taste.

On the other end of the phone, after a slight silence, Wu Kui expressed her hidden worry again.

"Out of control? Feedback from bloodline tracing, thunder and fire strikes, it's just a fulfillment."

"What's more, even a mountain can't be damaged. It's not dangerous. Just don't go shopping recently."

"Vulcan? There is no god here, just use your hand."

On the other end of the phone, looking at the screen of the phone that was hung up, Wu Kui was still a little confused.

She had never heard that her ancestors were related to Vulcan.

How did you awaken the power of the ancient Vulcan's bloodline?

Is it...

Wu Kui's eyes suddenly widened, and it was difficult to maintain the strict expression management.

Because she thought of a possibility...

Without any basis, Wu Kui directly thought of a certain wooden sign that she brought to the ancestral temple to enshrine.

Other than that, Wu Kui couldn't think of any other possibilities.

What's more, as an existence that is quite familiar with Yi Xia.

Wu Kui could naturally hear the subtle changes in Yi Xia's tone.

It's just that she didn't think about it before.

But at this moment, when everything can be connected, Wu Kui instantly feels that everything is clear.

Wu Kui knew that Yi Xia must have known about this.

It's over, it's over, this wave of society is dead...

Wu Kui hid her face and ran away, leaving the other friends in the living room who were watching and eating melons in a daze.

Luo Xian raised his eyebrows at Ji Shu'an, motioning for him to investigate.

Ji Shuan shook his head resolutely, expressing his denial.

Although the shy Wu Kui is indeed rare to see, it is quite exciting.

But Lei Xiu, who has a high probability of turning into shame and anger, and who is currently returning to "No. [-] in the unofficial ladder of all things on earth", is not just as simple as "heart-wrenching"...

Ji Shu'an said that he still has great ideals to realize, and has no idea of ​​"heroic sacrifice" for the time being.

Brother Li shook his head beside him, saying that young people can't get girls like this.

Then I rubbed a few glasses of light beer for a few people, and began to think about the past...

Then, after Ji Shuan clicked on a profile picture marked "Sister Li" on the chat software, Brother Li's "Legendary Road" came to an end...

Amidst the laughter, Xia Yi is in full swing...

In Liucheng, a smile appeared on the corner of Yi Xia's mouth.

He thought of his college days, when he was ignorant but enjoying himself.

Afterwards, Yi Xia opened the comprehensive network panel with his consciousness, and sent a message to someone in a rather distant plane.

The peaceful time is just an adjustment, now, he needs a grand hunt...

(End of this chapter)

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