Chapter 613 The Faceless Man's Blasphemy Ceremony (One more update!)

Yi Xia looked down at the burning earth.

The growth of blood makes the earth farther away from him.

In Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, those exotic buildings with a bit of industrial civilization are like young mushrooms after the rain.

And the monster named Faceless was as insignificant as a speck of dust.

Even with Yi Xia's enhanced vision, he needs to be in a relatively open place to barely see the facial features of those humanoid monsters.

Of course, this refers to the appearance of the other party in the material world presented by the refraction of light.

The field of perception is another matter.

From Yi Xia's point of view, the city of the Faceless Man is just some uneven ground.

Naturally, he didn't need to wave the Wu Banner to clear them as before.

It only needs to trample hard once, and the whole earth will emit continuous roars.

It's like stepping on a loose rock with many air bubbles.




In the tens of thousands of miles of the sky, the noise of the noisy and violent wind could not even be overshadowed.

Killing, death, destruction?
Everything that happened in such a small realm could not bring much substantive feedback at all.

Now, Yi Xia seemed to understand that those majestic ancient gods often showed indifference towards mortal things.

It doesn't even need Yi Xia to wave the witch banner vigorously - just a simple walk, the continuous tremors of the earth and the continuous firelight are enough to wipe out most of the monsters.

That's enough.

Just like an empty quagmire, no one cares about a few loaches or young fish that escaped by chance.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two lucky big fish by chance.

Of course, under the star spirit of Yazi, "Big Fish" has no chance of escaping under Yi Xia's nose.

Not long after, the whole city was completely overturned in the smoke and flames...

Those once prosperous and bright places are now all turned into dead ruins.

And the evil spirits active in it are naturally difficult to escape.

Flame is a natural power to exorcise evil spirits, not to mention the top-level witch fire even in the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

In order to prevent the "overreaction" of the plane, and at the same time out of feedback for the extravagance of the plane, Yi Xia did not go to another city of faceless people on foot.

He soared straight into the air.

It seems to spread with a sense of depression and destruction, and those evil spirits that are not yet aware of it are directly wrapped in it...

In the next instant, Yi Xia soared into the sky!

The scarlet cloud of burning blood roared away with the sea of ​​flames behind it!

In an instant, there seemed to be a burning sky in the sky. Although it was about to become dark at night, it became stagnant in an instant.

The airflow knocked away by the majestic body pulled some kind of white air waves on both sides of Yi Xia.

Following the silk-like slender railway on the ground, Yi Xia quickly flew over another city.

But here, it doesn't seem to belong to the territory of the faceless people.

Yi Xia glanced down, and the flight stopped abruptly, causing the air waves behind him to turbulently.

For a moment, air currents flew across the sky.

Somewhere the railroad was forcibly disconnected.

Probably in order to maintain a certain logic on the surface, warning signs of "under construction" and "earth disaster location" are hung on both sides.

Although according to this, the power grid stretched horizontally above the ground not far away has greatly reduced its credibility.

And the power grid in the past is a tall wall.

It was built like a battle fortress, full of rough and violent features.

Inside the high walls is a very crowded city.

They are generally much lower than the cities Yi Xia had seen before that belonged to the Faceless People.

But probably due to the uneven construction, it looks more conspicuous from a high altitude.

A large number of human beings wearing clothes with certain logos live in this crowded city.

The appearance of Yi Xia undoubtedly brought riots and turmoil.

In the long years that have passed, they have probably gradually figured out the logic of taboos related to the Faceless Man.

Even, it is gradually restoring the previous technology.

But Yi Xia, who appeared in the sky now, is obviously beyond their ability to deal with it...

Yi Xia saw a lot of factories emitting black smoke—with limited and scarce resources, this was one of the few options.

Natives of this world?
Yi Xia looked away.

Without continuing to stare, he could also feel the fear and panic emanating from many lives in the entire city.

This is not the world or derived plane of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental lineage, and Yi Xia didn't perceive much familiarity from their breath of life.

In this way, without staying too long, Yi Xia flew straight over.

"what is that?"

The man who seemed to have regained his life got up from the ground.

He looked at the fiery red cloud of blood going away in the sky, and on his face that had not completely escaped from the atmosphere of despair, there was only a deep bewilderment and the joy of the rest of his life.

No one answered, and after the dead silence, there was a suppressed sob...



Not long after, Yi Xia flew to another city belonging to the Faceless Man.

But things seem to be changing...

Yi Xia stood on the blood cloud, looking at the faceless people gathered in a square on the ground.

This is all the faceless people in this city, not one is left out.

But obviously, they are not for Yi Xia to spawn monsters more conveniently.

On that faceless face, flesh and blood squirmed.

They are connected to everything in a twisted form, intertwined with some kind of profane and evil power.

Yi Xia is all too familiar with this.

That's a sacrifice...

Obviously, after Yi Xia destroyed the first city of the Faceless Man, some kind of rule was triggered.

As if everything had been calculated, when Yi Xia arrived, the evil blasphemy priest reached a certain dangerous stage.

Yi Xia threw a streamer straight down, this kind of twisted sacrifice was not even worth watching.

In the next instant, Yi Xia sensed some kind of fluctuation in time and rules.

A cold force seemed to be trying to invade his sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, before the restless protoss inside had any feedback, it was directly swallowed by the power of chaotic blood.

At the same time, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive Network Warning: You have violated the rules of the Faceless Man, and the wordy praise-blasphemy first chapter is triggered!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Relevant immunity test is in progress..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the character's related skills, you are immune to the related effects of the faceless curse, and you have received weak (based on the character's current maximum health) desecration damage."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have passed the relevant test, but you still have to bear the follow-up effect of the relevant spell. You have been added a spell-like effect: Faceless Nightmare-Whispering..."

(End of this chapter)

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