Chapter 614 Perhaps, it is valuable... (Two updates!)

When Yi Xia's retinas refreshed dense reminders, the witch banner, which was more magnificent than the mountains, had already smashed heavily on the square where the faceless people gathered!

Like a meteorite falling, the whole earth made a deafening sound of breaking!

The shock was far more violent than before, and spread rapidly from the earth plate!
The violent impact is like a surging wave rushing away!

A city full of dense underground facilities simply cannot withstand an impact of this scale.

Without the slightest pause, it was as if someone had wiped it off the map.

In an instant, there was only a big pit full of cracks left in the entire city!

As for the faceless man?
The Faceless Man, who was already on the verge of death after the sacrifice, could not resist such an attack at all.

Under the smashing of the witch banner intertwined with the power of chaos, the spirit body or the flesh and blood are equally fragile things.

Yi Xia ignored the still unrecovered ground, he was researching what this so-called "Faceless Nightmare - Whisper" was.

One must know that by now, his comprehensive spell resistance was already very high.

Not to mention the curse aspect.

In this way, it can actually give the other party some kind of debuff effect, so Yi Xia couldn't help but pay attention.

And with Yi Xia's gaze, the specific effect of this state was refreshed on his retina:


Faceless Nightmare - Whispers:

Type: Forbidden Curse / Concept Lock
Current layers: 2

When the character is in a limited plane, all units with relevant elements of the faceless man can attack the soul of the character across material distances.

Each layer of Faceless Nightmare - Whisper, allows up to 1* relevant layers of Faceless to attack the character.

After the attack triggers, the Faceless Nightmare-Whisper level increases exponentially.

Every hour or less (based on the character's Chaos Deflection and related status), Faceless Nightmare - Whispers will trigger once,


Similar to the plug-in state of the plane, adding a curse that limits the attack of enemy units?

Yi Xia looked at the information that appeared on his retina, and after he understood the status effect, he understood it instantly.

Although on the road of spells and curses, Yi Xia didn't extend much, nor did he have much expanded knowledge.

But this kind of thing involving the power and concept of the plane has entered the field that Yi Xia is familiar with.

After all, before this, Yi Xia also had related ideas:

Lock it through the consciousness of the earth plane, and then realize the spell-like strike beyond the visual range.

Although the taboo method is harmful to the peace, it is usually banned by the plane.

It can be used on the enemies who invaded the earth, but it is two different things...

Of course, now, Yi Xia naturally didn't extend in this direction.

At that time, if you get related spells, it can also be used as a supplementary method.

After learning about the general realization principle of this magic effect, Yi Xia immediately lost interest.

This spell is probably the spell series in the dungeon limited output?

Using the power of a mortal to seek the authority of the plane, the potential corresponding to the level 12 spell is not outrageous.

However, Yi Xia felt that there might be some realistic deviations in it.

On the other hand, then again, the loss of authority in this plane is a bit serious...

Yi Xia perceives the corresponding components of that taboo organization.

This kind of authority that started to involve the core domain was taken over by evil spirits...

Now, Yi Xia is not surprised at all why this plane has double experience.

It's time to "hurry up"...

And just when Yi Xia was in the sea of ​​consciousness, silently complaining about the encounters related to the consciousness of this plane.

Suddenly, Yi Xia noticed some kind of weak fluctuation.

In the next moment, in Yi Xia's consciousness surrounded by endless flames, a faceless man emerged from the void.

Under the power of the authority of the plane, it ignored the rules and obstacles of the material world, and directly penetrated Yi Xia's protection.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Yi Xia and many protoss, before the other party even touched Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness, he was wiped out by the power of chaos that naturally circulated around...

"Comprehensive network reminder: You killed a faceless man, you got 8 points (plane experience bonus 000%) killing experience!"

Yi Xia fell into deep thought as he looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Perhaps, this spell also has its value?


"Looks like someone's in trouble..."

Sorin, who was struggling against the crazy Faceless Man, suddenly heard the unsympathetic muttering of his colleagues next to him.

There's something about this guy, but it's just feeling neurotic...

Fortunately, the other party's positive energy spells are pure, and they don't seem to be able to be cast by a twisted or corrupted mind.

Maybe this is the only way to use such pure purification power?
In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flooded Sorin's mind.

Of course, he didn't indicate it, but nodded with the same deep expression.

The evil power born from the death of a large number of faceless people had a violent impact on the surrounding positive energy circle.

The surrounding area was constantly filled with various types of lightning explosions, and the ambient light pollution reached the highest level for a while.

Thorin shot a Faceless Man in the head as he tried to cast a curse, and he moved closer to his fellows.

"Who are you talking about in trouble?"

Although he was in the middle of a fierce battle, Thorin still couldn't restrain his curiosity.

Of course, he didn't ask what the trouble was.

After all, from Sorin's point of view, it's strange that the unlucky guy who is still in this world hasn't encountered any trouble...

Unfortunately, the peers did not respond.

Thorin: ...

So, I hate half-spoken guys the most...

After resisting another wave of offensives, Sorin heard the muttering of his colleagues as if talking to himself:
"In a little while, these guys should be calmer."


Thorin tried to control his thoughts, not to let himself follow the words of the other party.

Fighting the faceless man under the protection of the positive energy circle is really not too thrilling.

The real danger is after the power of the magic circle is difficult to maintain.

In a sense, this kind of fun-like relaxation now is also to accumulate positive energy for the hard work ahead.

Of course, Sorin felt that only the other party had accumulated something...

But with the passage of time, Sorin suddenly found that the faceless man in front of him disappeared suddenly!
Thorin felt his hair stand on end for a moment, and the Faceless Man hadn't shown such ability before.

He hastened to increase the intensity of the coverage attack, but he still didn't find any abnormality.

And not long after, all the faceless men suddenly disappeared again!
Thorin froze for a moment.


He thought about what his colleagues said before, and then turned his head suddenly, but only saw a face of the same astonishment...

(End of this chapter)

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