Chapter 615 The Tranquil World and Departure (One more update!)

The position between quantity and quality is always difficult to coordinate in the infinite time and space of the multiverse.

For Yi Xia, a faceless man is so weak that he can't even get close to his soul.

But when the countless faceless people are superimposed together, the meaning is different:

On the premise of continuing to pay a heavy price, they were able to break through the outer protection of Yi Xia's soul.

Of course, this is probably not such a lucky thing...

Yi Xia soared above the sky.

The densely updated killing information has already been temporarily pulled into the temporarily shielded area by him.

For a world with a large number of faceless people, this type of spell is indeed dangerous enough.

Soul protection has never been strengthened by the vast majority of extraordinary beings.

What's more, even a transcendent with the ability to protect the soul.

Faced with the impact of such a huge number of faceless people, it is often difficult to resist.

Battles in the soul realm are naturally different from those in the physical realm.

At times, it is more sinister and taboo than physical combat.

Because the destruction of the soul is two completely different difficulties in terms of resurrection than the death of the body.

Just like injuries at the soul level, it is always extremely difficult to recover.

This is probably also the value of the relevant limited output spells in this world after comprehensive consideration.

Unfortunately, it met Yi Xia...

After the souls of the last batch of undead struggled and turned into ashes in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames.

The whole plane seems to have "come to life"...

Some kind of indescribable majestic gaze falls from the sky.

Yi Xia is not unfamiliar with this, it is obviously the plane consciousness of this world.

The disappearance of all the undead undoubtedly triggered a certain mechanism of plane consciousness.

Yi Xia could perceive a certain concept full of darkness, evil and distortion.

Its malice is so strong and pure.

It's a pity that the current power of Yazi is not enough to mark this kind of concept that has not been condensed into a personified will.

Its hostility towards Yi Xia and other strong emotions are marked by the related consciousness emanating from the infinite undead before the temporary.

Not very precise, can it be roughly equivalent to "the resentment of the undead"?
Of course, Yi Xia is very sure of one thing:
In addition to the undead, there are other more grievances about him in this world...

And in the next moment, with the emergence of the plane consciousness of this world, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have destroyed all the undead in the current timeline of this world, and you have completed the limited epic achievement [Undead-No Eternity]!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your behavior has caused the current timeline of this world to have a relevant important deflection. You have gained 1 point of influence on the plane, and your relevant behavior will be recorded in the epic legend of the plane (perception 20 points The above can be learned through the relevant channels of familiarity with the legendary class)!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: you are taboo-faceless gaze. When the limited plane is in the natural environment of night, you will be expelled from the plane (the expulsion strength will be strengthened with the passage of night time), and you cannot enter from other worlds at night. Or the timeline enters the limited plane of the current timeline."



Yi Xia looked at the dense reminder information refreshed on his retina.

He didn't quite understand how twisted concepts such as the Faceless Man were born.

If it was just a simple invasion of foreign forces, obviously the situation would not be what it is now.

There must be some corresponding concept of the hyponym, which will lead to the appearance of the original distortion.

Yi Xia shook his head, and stopped this meaningless thinking.

He is not an expert in the field of evil spirits and the like.

He just likes the "enthusiasm" of the Faceless Man who is full of "bravery".

This was the first time that Yi Xia had slaughtered related monsters in the entire plane so thoroughly.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the faceless man will not disappear forever in this world.

Some kind of dark emotion of intelligent life that Yi Xia has not yet known will breed and strengthen that twisted and evil concept.

Perhaps in the near future, there will be a new harvest of faceless men.

Of course, it is estimated that it will not be able to reach the previous scale...

After all, it was the accumulation of Faceless after distorting a technological civilization similar to the current earth's expanding population.

Naturally, there is no such bonus now.

Yi Xia has seen many distorted and corrupted worlds, but it is rare to see this kind of world where authority has been directly corrupted from the inside.

Yi Xia secretly made a note in his heart that he was not good at cleaning up such problems.

Therefore, if the earth has relevant precursors, Yi Xiade will kill it in the cradle.

This is probably another level of "Shen Nong tastes all kinds of herbs"?
Afterwards, Yi Xia directly concentrated his consciousness on his comprehensive network panel.

It's time to leave...

Even if there is no relevant feedback from Yazi, he can still hear many nagging from every corner of this plane.

Surprisingly, there wasn't much malice, but mixed with various other emotions...

Obviously, the "double experience" opened in this world has attracted many online players like Yi Xia who want to use it to develop.

It's just that everyone is just fishing.

At most, a few people who don't talk about martial arts will come here occasionally.

Ke Yixia pumped water directly...

Afterwards, under Yi Xia's related consciousness fluctuations, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to teleport away from the war plane? Please note: based on the player's current state, after leaving the war plane, the player can only try to enter within a limited time!"

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message on the retina, then ignored it, and directly confirmed it with consciousness.

Although there will be undead in the future.

But to Yi Xia, it was of little value.

A small number of undead without "double experience" are really not very valuable prey.

Therefore, in Yi Xia's view, the twisted concept corresponding to the undead does not really make much sense in terms of his related transmission restrictions.

In the next moment, with Yi Xia's consciousness confirmed, relevant teleportation prompts refreshed on his retina.

Not long after, his majestic body disappeared on the dead land...

But after Yi Xia left, some changes suddenly appeared in the originally dead land.

Some forms of life appeared from every corner.

They looked at the world that had truly fallen into silence before them, and fell into a certain daze.

And those in the collapsed urban areas or fringes?

At this moment, most of them don't have this kind of emotional mood, and the secret joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe is a more intense emotion...

 I have to work overtime again tonight. This chapter was written during my lunch break.

  I don't know how long I will be busy later, and the bald head will try his best to type.

  Because if it is not updated normally today, full attendance will be gone... (bald and tired)

  ps: really tired...

  ——From a bald man who only wants to be a salted fish in peace

(End of this chapter)

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