Chapter 630 The spotlight of the era is in place (two more!)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the earth

After Al Hodge barely overwhelmed the smell of hangover with his perfume, he walked into the dark cellar with a little fatigue.

In the gap surrounded by the wine barrels, an old, somewhat stooped figure was already sitting there.

"Mr. Kapak, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the mentor whose complexion was getting worse these days, Al Hodge hurried forward and asked.

If we say that before that, he still had some thoughts about impersonating and playing games.

But not long ago, the "real magic" shown by the other party completely convinced Al Hodge.

Of course, being born into what Al Hodge sees as a no-nonsense family has its costs.

Although in recent years, Al Hodge has rarely had a little freedom and indulgence.

But in the past two decades, Al Hodge has experienced harsh training.

Being ignorant and incompetent in the class that Al Hodge belongs to is more suitable for upstarts or a small group that already has a standing firm.

More often, it is not as free and wanton as it seems to outsiders.

Of course, in Al Hodge's view, the difficult days are over.

Before he got married, he still had a happy and free life...

In short, Al Hodge feels that he is not so easy to fool.

At least, he doesn't see some chemistry as magic.

And what Kapac showed him was the real magic that exhausted Al Hodge's existing knowledge and database, and it was difficult to get a reasonable explanation in the current knowledge system!

Of course, according to Capac:
"This is just the beginning, Mr. Hodge..."

Although Al Hodge felt that it was enough for him to learn this step.

The more he came into contact with, the more Al Hodge could feel his mentor's enthusiasm and profound accumulation of magic.

Those are not things that he can simply leap over and replace.

Therefore, Al Hodge never thought he could reach the level of a mentor.

A clear self-awareness is also what they must have.

Cultivating a fool is a choice that can only be made as a last resort under the toy of fate...

"It's just some allergic reaction, it's okay."

Capac smiled at his rich student.

Under the dim light, Al Hodge could see some fanatical colors in the other party's cloudy eyes.

Afterwards, Kapak paused, and suddenly he looked at his students and said:
"I'm going to the East, Mr. Hodge, next month at the most."

"This time, I'm also here to say goodbye to you."


Al Hodge was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then asked impatiently:
"Didn't you say..."

"Yeah...but that's why I'm going."

When he said this, Hodge could see Kapac's cloudy eyes filled with a different kind of brilliance.

His deep voice seemed to have some emotions that Hodge couldn't understand for a while.

"Mr. Hodge...the spotlight of the times has already hit there, groping in the dark has never been too difficult..."

"You were born in the light of the lighthouse. Although you have seen and heard it, you have not personally felt the powerlessness and heaviness."

"I'm not afraid of hardship, it's just a repetition of passages in my life that have passed away."

"It's just... there is not much time left for my body..."

Capak said calmly.

At this time, Huo Qi realized that his mentor was very old.

His erudition, serenity and wisdom made him ignore the wrinkles on his face full of history.

But time will never forget it, and instead give it more favor...

Huo Qi fell into a certain tangle when he heard the words:

He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't know how to say it.

At this point, he had completely trusted the mentor.

Words that once seemed to be nagging and incomprehensible have suddenly been endowed with new value.

What still fresh in Hodge's memory is what the tutor said about the oriental god.

If there is no accident, Hodge is ready to never run there for the rest of his life.

Who's okay to run into the territory of a foreign god?

Before that, he had studied religion well...

Hodge still has some understanding of the composition of many religious gods on this planet.

Of course Dongfang Hodge doesn't know that much.

The intricate, fragmented, or intertwined system of gods made Hodge wonder how many orientals themselves can fully understand...

Anyway, he got enough credits, so he didn't study further.

"The East is different..."

Although Hodge didn't say anything, Kapac seemed to understand the other party's worries.

Or perhaps, he has repeatedly considered this rather heavy question.

Therefore, after Hodge's voice stopped abruptly, Kapac said so after being silent for a while.

"I'm on the hunt for truth and knowledge, and they won't embarrass a seeker so much—this is an alternative interpretation and expansion of the East for worshipers. I remember that in the second lesson of the third lesson, I mentioned But Mr Hodge..."

Seeing Kapak's calm gaze, Hodge was shocked.

He also thought about it, and he didn't say that he forgot...

"Some people can interpret expressions through subtle changes in facial muscles, but I...have a more convenient way-I mentioned it before, so I won't go into details here."

Kapac didn't say any more, but Hodge became more and more guilty.

He hasn't felt this kind of stare like a scumbag and a waste of time for a long time...

Perhaps magic, indeed, does not treat all people fairly.

And just when the two of them fell into a certain silence, Hodge saw the mentor suddenly raised his head, and there seemed to be a little strange light in his cloudy eyes.

Capac looked towards a certain direction of the cellar with a solemn expression.

Hodge dared not make a sound.

For a long time, when Hodge felt that his feet began to feel a little numb because he had been in a stiff state.

Kapak suddenly said:
"He has become stronger...His kingdom stands on the ground, and all living beings appear in his eyes..."

"I guess I don't have to worry anymore - it's a blessing to be watched..."

Huo Qi secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then moved his feet calmly.

Afterwards, as if he was flattering, he looked at the instructor and asked:

"You mean, the one who has started to target people like you?"

Kapak suddenly smiled under Hodge's inexplicable gaze upon hearing this:

"Mr. Hodge, maybe in your eyes, I probably know a trick."

That's not a trick...

Huo Qi whispered in his heart when he heard the words.

Kapak ignored it and continued:

"But in the eyes of the gods, there is no difference between you or me."

"He was staring at something else..."

"But because of this, I'm probably freer—after all, He's watching..."

(End of this chapter)

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