The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 631 Spell Selection and Night Fog in the Mountain Village

Chapter 631 Spell Selection and Night Fog in the Mountain Village (One more update!)

Yi Xia held a witch banner and stood quietly on the balcony.

At this time, the dim sunlight shone on his shoulders, as if coating him with a golden glow.

Yuto, who was tending the garden, glanced through the shade.

There seems to be some majesty and solemnity on the big witch...

Pablo Sheen thought to himself.

And in the realm where ordinary extraordinary existence is difficult to detect.

On the land intertwined with auspicious auras, there is now a new layer of power with a bit of chilling aura.

That is the power of Xiezhi's star spirit.

After inspiring the protoss, Yi Xia directly used it.

As far as the effect is concerned, there is not much significant gain so far.

After all, the extraordinary environment on Earth is still immature.

As far as the present is concerned, those who can obtain the extraordinary inheritance are mostly existences with their destiny.

Of course, this is somewhat fatalistic.

In terms of another opening method, in terms of aptitude and nature related to extraordinary inheritance, they all belong to the best among the huge group of billions.

Perhaps the complex emotions of human beings lead to many variables in related judgments.

But the plane's judgment in this respect appears pure and efficient.

Ordinary and complicated desires of good and evil are not considered factors related to plane consciousness.

The ideological anchor of the civilization pedigree and the cognitive structure of the consciousness system are the things that the plane consciousness will consider more.

Of course, based on the relevant contextual thoughts attached to the relevant inheritance power of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree.

In terms of whether the nature is pure or not, it is also naturally eliminated.

Therefore, as far as the present is concerned, the "net" that Yi Xia has just laid down has not caught any "big fish".

As for those shrimps, fish and crabs that were hung up by the way, it was not Yi Xia's responsibility.

The great witch is not a god, and will not take over the internal affairs of all things in such a meticulous and in-depth manner.

What's more, the era of theocracy has long since passed away from this land.

While being wary of the resurgence of theocracy, Yi Xia felt that he had to be more cautious.

He cannot use his own will to override the existing order and laws of all things.

Under that majestic witch body, they are fragile and thin, but they maintain the peace and tranquility of countless living beings.

Of course, this does not mean that Yi Xia will go through the trial process honestly when he just ran into some villains who were probably entangled by retribution...

In fact, in this respect, Yi Xia has already connected with Cang Zhong in this respect.

It probably won't be long before the first batch of beings with a high enough status will be able to enjoy the tracking from the extraordinary realm.

The relevant state given by the power of the Xiezhi star spirit can greatly reduce the difficulty of divination and tracking when the number of layers is high enough.

From Yi Xia's point of view, practicing skills for extraordinary people in related fields is also considered waste utilization.

Not all "evil deeds" considered by ordinary things can attract the feedback of Xiechi's power.

It was originally aimed at the power of the extraordinary domain.

The evil deeds of all things need to reach a certain threshold before they can be stimulated.

And that level often means a long prison or a more thorough trial.

Therefore, there is no sympathy for Yi Xia.

This is his consistent attitude towards all absolutely evil skewed sequence existences.

And this is also Yi Xia's belief that his related power can touch the limit of the order of mortal things.

The new era has a new order and its corresponding destined people.

As Yi Xia, who stretches and bears the only surviving vein from ancient times, he knows where his path lies.

He didn't have much energy to take care of those trivial things.

Keeping the enemy out of the planet is what he needs to focus on.

As for the numerous changes inside?
Then you have the intention of all living beings...



Under the setting sun, Yi Xia spread out the spell book between his knees.

After gaining mana, he seldom flipped through spell books in such a "real" way.

With a level 14 professional level, you can unlock 7-ring spells.

For the relevant planes of many spell series, this is already the domain of high-level spells.

It is also a power that is difficult to reach for countless spellcasters who are chasing the road of magic.

Even though there are so many comprehensive online players, those scattered in the multiverse belong to a small group that can almost be ignored.

Just like among the infinite planes around him, Yi Xia also needs to search for a suitable war plane through professional searches.

Not all planes can produce groups with such a large number of Transcendent series.

In many cases, it may be the product of several epochs of development, change and growth of civilization.

Of course, for Yi Xia, there were not many emotional fluctuations.

In this respect he was not much of a devout seeker.

In fact, there are only a few spells that Yi Xia commonly uses at present.

In combat it is even rarer.

The magnificent witch body can replace or ignore the effects of many spells.

As before, Yi Xia can now choose three new spells.

In this regard, monster summoning, as always, occupies a place first.

The bait of the void that is alienated from the 7th ring monster summoning technique, I don't know how effective it is.

The level 7 monster summoning technique with no basic skill bonus can probably correspond to some huge existences on the elemental plane.

And if personal related elements are added, I don't know which ones correspond to the complex creatures in the multiverse.

Yi Xia was still more interested in this.

Of course, it is different from before.

Naturally, the current monster summoning technique cannot be used on Earth.

There is a high probability that those things cannot be accommodated in a basement...

As for the other two spells, Yi Xia thought about them and soon came up with a definition.

As in the preface, there is no need to repeat Yi Xia's relevant values ​​in terms of spell selection.

As far as the 7th ring spell is concerned, Yi Xia first finalized an advanced teleportation spell.

That is an advanced version of the teleportation technique, and it is also used to advance the shrinking technique.

As for the other one, Yi Xia thought about it, and finally chose to control the weather that can be alienated.

He now has the power to control floods, but he's still a little crude in terms of manipulation.

After all, before this, Yi Xia had not mastered any spells related to the water system.

Therefore, when I used it for the first time, it was inevitable that there would be some small deviations...

It is worth mentioning that this is also the source of those creatures who feel that the catastrophe is imminent.

Fortunately, the plane consciousness of that planet was restricted in time.

Therefore, it is also necessary to choose a spell to supplement this aspect.

The next moment, with the relevant fluctuations in Yi Xia's thoughts, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you choose level 7 monster summoning, advanced teleportation, and weather manipulation (can be alienated) as the relevant rewards for your professional level improvement?"

Yi Xia made the confirmation directly.

In the next instant, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Confirm success, your spell book has added new spells: 7th-level monster summoning, shrinking the ground to an inch (great success) and calling the wind and rain (catastrophe)..."

And just as Yi Xia was leisurely choosing spells, a remote mountain village in a certain corner of the earth ushered in a noisy night...

"Is it foggy?"

Ji Shu'an, who was rubbing yellow paper, suddenly looked up at the village that had fallen into darkness early because of the mountain, and said in a subtle tone.

Several people around were taken aback when they heard the words, and then raised their heads suddenly.

If the fog has a color, it always has a very different meaning to them.

On the other hand, Tong Bing, who was huddled in the corner with the little ghost, looked at these people who suddenly had different expressions with inexplicable expressions on their faces.

"I said, they can't be middle arts..."

The kid said in a low voice.

Tong Bing: ...

Then he glanced at his little ghost, and whispered narrowly:

"I thought you'd be more blunt."

"Don't dare, then... the female Taoist friend is good at thunder..."

The little ghost was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said resentfully.

The next moment, one person and one ghost only felt that their eyes dimmed.

However, thick fog rose suddenly, like a sarong sky, and it was difficult to see half of the surrounding area.

In a trance, someone whispered...

"Wouldn't you be pretending to be a ghost in front of the kid?"

The kid was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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