The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 645 Commentary, is it the added value of the game?

Chapter 645 Commentary, is it the added value of the game? (Two updates!)

The current Yuan Xian believed the old lizard's words.

He has the characteristics that a responsible and enthusiastic senior should have.

Of course, apart from some subtleties in personal preferences, Yuan Xian has not found anything wrong yet.

If it was a comprehensive network player from another world, Natou would definitely bow down at this time.

A good "Big Brother" character is not so easy to meet.

Even forces belonging to the same camp of kindness have different individual performances.

Before, Yuan Xian had no concept of the three districts that the old lizard mentioned.

He always felt that the place should be like the first and second halls of a movie theater.

Turns out, a planet...

Yes, Yuan Xian looked at the miniature of the planet in front of him.

At this moment, he is sitting somewhere in the void.

To be honest, except that I saw this kind of pictures by accident when I was swiping the video on my mobile phone.

Yuan Xian has never accepted such things so earnestly.

This kind of perspective gives people a sense of freedom as if they are traveling in space in a trance.

Because it is in the "public area" of the guild, the field of vision in front of it is fixed.

According to the old lizard, when he gets richer in the future, he can go to the "personal field" to have a look.

Once there, he can control the transformation of the picture in front of him as he likes.

Of course, the old lizard does not recommend that Yuan Xian enter the personal field too early.

Because the standard is not enough, there is nothing to see at all.

I can only watch the excitement, wasting time in vain.

In this regard, Yuan Xian can only say that in the short to medium period of time that can be expected, he probably won't have too much generous funds...

"Brothers and sisters, it's another grand gathering of war lords."

"There are a lot of new faces today, so I'll waste some of your time introducing them—I'm Cheek, the unlucky guy who is responsible for giving amateur commentary to everyone every season."

At this moment, a recognizable voice came from under the constantly rotating miniature of the planet.

"This guy's commentary is not bad, but his mouth is too broken."

"What he's saying doesn't apply to you yet—you're still early, and there's no need to think about fixed alignment racial bias."

The old lizard sitting next to Yuan Xian raised his mouth by the way.

Yuan Xian followed and nodded.

He can't wait to see the battle between the powerful war lords!

"The forest centaur has good potential, and it can be cultivated as a core unit in the middle and low-level units."

"Of course, if your civilization pedigree has relevant characteristics, you can also consider it as a core deflection."

Having said that, the old lizard glanced at Yuan Xian:
"You are so firm in this aspect, I think it must be a strong and excellent civilization lineage."

"Maybe you haven't realized it yet - not all lineages of civilizations have such a central appeal."

"For more existences, it's not even as difficult as changing advanced professions."

"After all, if you change to an advanced level, Zongwang is punished by professional experience..."

The old lizard stopped talking after he finished speaking, he knew that the kid next to him was not thinking about it anymore.

On the miniature of the planet, the opening remarks called Cheek's commentary attracted some acquaintances cheering with ridicule.

"To be honest, the opening of the competition area this time is a bit hasty, and I don't know what the organizers think."

"From the pre-war preparation time to the combat stationing, the whole process seems a little impetuous."

For Check's judgment, many people present expressed their approval.

Of course, due to the venue, Yuan Xian could only hear the voices of the integrated network players discussing in the surrounding area.

Because it is an internal venue for guild activities, there are naturally no options such as mute shielding.

"I'll make a wild guess: there must be something inside."

"Maybe this time, we'll be able to see something new."

Check continued to expand, of course, obviously some people didn't want to listen to his nonsense and shouted for him to play something else.

Check directly expressed his understanding of this, and then changed the subject:
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, or the commentary subsidy will be deducted again."

"The following is still following the old process, which is also everyone's favorite link—let's first take a look at the powerful factions participating in this competition."

"First of all, it's the last champion - Ring of Stalwart - Tamsun and its Poison Bombers."

Following Chuck's words, the picture of the miniature planet began to descend suddenly, and then heard a dark green area all over the body.

There, countless lives with distorted forms are working hard to build—if defilement of the ground can be considered a kind of construction.

"The Poison Bomber is the nickname we give this guy internally. He is a very powerful war lord."

"A filthy, poisonous symbiont, powerful is powerful, but I despise it..."

"You don't have to think about this direction, it is difficult to reproduce the deflection and pollution of the civilization lineage."

The old lizard next to him said with a little disgust.

As for why...

Yuan Xian looked at the humanoid life in the center of the picture, which was as tall as a small mountain, but covered with deformed and miserable green tumor-like substances, and he probably had a clear understanding in his heart.

In a sense, is it similar to the evil swordsmanship in the realm of mortal things?

Of course, for many individuals, such a price may not be as heavy as Yuan Xian understands.

At least even here, the guy who was dubbed the ring of stalwart also has a group of fans.

"Don't look at me, it's just personal preference - as long as the camp is not biased, the guild doesn't care about it."

Facing Yuan Xian's suspicious gaze, the old lizard twitched his face, and then said angrily.

Fortunately, the picture of the Poison Explosive Army who was having dinner soon changed.

Check then started a new round of commentary.

All kinds of war lords and their legions with a very strong individual color are presented to Yuan Xian one by one under Cheek's explanation.

In this regard, every time the old lizard will give a second commentary that fits Yuan Xian's current situation.

Of course, this also attracted the attention of some people around.

Then after discovering that it was the old lizard, their faces had a look of enlightenment.

Then I stopped paying attention to it-professional commentary that fits the development line of newcomers is not as interesting as Cheek.

It's just a matter of listening to it for more fun-there aren't too many people, and they really want to learn something from it.

In other words, for many powerful war lords, their path is difficult to repeat and imitate.

Just like children and adults look at a person who is the focus of the world, the related thoughts in their hearts are of course very different.

Pi can replace him with the romance and ambition that not all adults can possess.

And just after Chek finished explaining the war lords of the first sequence, he began to work according to the routine.

"Let's proceed to the selection of this year's Fishing Mixed Score Champion."

"Let's take a look first, which war lord's progress is the slowest."

Then, the screen turned, and an empty area appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Suddenly, there were rustling sounds of laughter from many corners.

While Yuan Xian looked at the familiar figure on the screen and his pupils shrank suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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