The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 646 It's Just an Ordinary Battle Between Lords of War

Chapter 646 It's Just an Ordinary Battle Between Lords of War (One more update!)


Because I am not so interested in the more entertaining corner corps in the back.

The old lizard gradually focused on Yuan Xian.

Therefore, it was easy for him to notice the strangeness of Yuan Xian's expression.

So the old lizard asked curiously.

You must know that even those so-called "corner legions" that are entertaining are not accessible to ordinary war lords.

This is the most powerful group of existences in the sequence of war lords of the surrounding planes.

Even the weakest group among them, in a wider circle, is undoubtedly the dominant existence.

Therefore, the old lizard was a little curious about how Yuan Xian knew each other.

Of course, there are not many surprising things:
Just like what he said to Yuan Xian, war lords with excellent potential are always more likely to attract the attention of various relevant forces.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Yuan Xian to know some powerful war lords.

It's just that the war lord that Yuan Xian knew seemed a bit unfamiliar...

The old lizard looked at the picture presented on the planet, and he was sure that he didn't have much impression of the human war lord who seemed nothing special.

Unlike other war lords with distinctive personal characteristics, the most prominent characteristics displayed by the other party are:

So far, he has not shown the regiment that belongs to him.

In the next moment, Yuan Xian's answer made the old lizard fall into deep thought:
"Probably?...I'm not sure, is it the one I know..."

Yuan Xian looked at the picture in front of him in a daze and said.

And all the confusion and doubts of Yuan Xian were instantly answered after the other party took out a familiar drink full of déjà vu.

"It seems so..."

"But I don't remember him saying that he still has this job..."

Yuan Xian murmured.

The old lizard next to him quickly reorganized the broken information in Yuan Xian's mouth.

Then, it is associated with another object that has already established a fuzzy character model.

Surprised to see the boss of the hometown while watching the war event?

What old legends turn on the way...

The old lizard shook his head.

Now we can get a general idea of ​​what the civilization lineage of Yuan Xian is like...

After some entertaining interpretation, Chek turned the scene to the other side.

But at this time, Yuan Xian obviously had no intention of watching.

He is now full of doubts and...another kind of unspeakable passion.

The last time I saw the big witch make a move, it was still in the dungeon.

To be honest, fun is fun, but not so fun.

This time, maybe I can see it for real...



time flies……

For individuals trapped in boring work, ten hours seems to be a long time.

For a huge army of at least tens of thousands, ten hours is not enough to complete too many combat fortifications and the establishment of a favorable environment.

In this regard, the warlords of the mechanical legion sequence may have an advantage.

The planet is not illuminated by the light of a star, so it is always in a cold and dark environment.

The arrival of various war lords transformed the environment in various ways.

Now, look from the miniature of the planet.

You can see that the planet that was originally like a black sphere has now become a colorful lantern.

This is a tacit propaganda method of various war lords in private - of course, in some respects, it is also convenient for the commentary of each plane to be selected?

And when Yi Xia drank the peppermint witch medicine, which had already been declared exhausted, in one gulp.

A new reminder message finally appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: The battle preparation time is over, Arturo's war lord's arena is officially open!"

And following this prompt message, a number of bombs exploded in the sky like fireworks.

The momentary high light illuminated most of the planet under some kind of dazzling light.

"Comprehensive network reminder: You are in the 'combat fluorescent' area, and you will not be able to perform operations such as troop transfer, switching, and convenient storage."

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message on his retina, and then looked away noncommittally.

He stood up from the ground, and in his eyes filled with endless flames, the growling growl of Yazi had already pointed out the direction for him...

At this time, with the fanatical fireworks that symbolized the beginning of the battle, the war lords of the entire planet became restless.

In the spectating area, Check is methodically interpreting.

And soon, he noticed a change somewhere:
"Strange, the respeaker is playing tricks this time? Who is he betting with?"

"Is this the rhythm of preparing for a wave of Stud?"

Under the equally curious clamor of other guild viewers, Chek dragged the scene to a certain place on the planet.

There, the bloody banners were unfurled again and again.

And the legion with hundreds of thousands of troops lined up neatly, under the action of each command center, presents a kind of frightening aura.

In terms of quantity alone, although it cannot be compared with the overwhelming mass of mechanical and biochemical corps.

After the extraordinary individuals that can be sharpened are gathered together, what they show is another situation.

Judging from Cheek's quick dragging screen, the opponent didn't even build camps and logistics lines.

This is a scene that usually occurs in the final stage of the battle...

Judging from the pace of exchanges, it is still in the early stages of the battle.

It seems that various places are "flowering" on the spot, but the real drama has not yet been staged.

Directly relying on the corps carried to carry out a frontal hedge is something that everyone will do in a very long version.

Now after a long period of accumulation, the compound form of camp building + legion hedging is more common.

Although Cheek and other "entertainment" viewers feel that this is getting less and less fun.

In a game like everything, maybe tower defense does have its age bonus, but not many people will buy tickets for it...

"Which side is it?"

"Poison Explosive Army? Or the King of People?"

Check quickly adjusted the miniature planet, but judging from the direction the opponent was heading, it didn't match up with those powerful war lords.

But there is still one...

In order to facilitate viewing from a macro perspective, there are halos symbolizing various war lords on the miniature of the planet.

And after Chek pulled the miniature of the planet into the macroscopic field of vision, he clearly saw two war lords who seemed to be rushing in both directions.

It's just that there is no tenderness or charm in it, but it is filled with a kind of tension and tyrannical determination that can be felt even through the simple display on the planet miniature.

And one of them was the respeaker who he had been wondering about just now.

As for the other one...

Check fell into a brief silence as he watched the strange message from the war lord.

On the other side, Yuan Xian suddenly understood.

He took a sudden breath, then looked at the old lizard:
"I finally know why our big witch is here. That guy probably made an appointment with our big witch..."

"Great witch?"

"It's what I told me before, the strong man in our hometown..."

The old lizard nodded when he heard the words, but naturally he would not have such drastic emotional changes as Yuan Xian.

It's a common thing to fight between war lords.

No need to be alarmed...

And at this moment, the halos that symbolized the two war lords collided suddenly, turning into a scarlet color that symbolized the battle.

And the next moment, the entire planet seemed to tremble in miniature!
(End of this chapter)

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