Chapter 648 The Hero's Banner (One more update!)

When the epitome of the planet appeared for the first time, the signal of the live broadcast screen was unstable and jittered.

It was originally scattered on many observation horizons in every corner of this planet that has become a bloody arena.

In an instant, more than 80.00% of them converged in the same area.

In this way, the figure of Qingtian appeared in front of everyone without warning.

It was a more intense and direct horror than the sudden glimpse of a fat cockroach coming out of the side.

Even the patterns presented on the miniature screen of the planet are enough to give such a real and oppressive feeling.

And when Check switched the screen tactically without knowing it.

In an instant, with the sound of rapid breathing, the entire viewing area fell into a dead silence...

Even Yuan Xian, who was a little prepared in his heart, was the same.

Perhaps the previous distance was too close.

Although there is a sense of oppression, it is impossible to get a glimpse of the original appearance after all.

And now...

Yuan Xian looked at the majestic figure wreaking havoc on the miniature planet in front of him.

Yes, under such circumstances, Yuan Xian couldn't give a softer word than "ravage".

The trembling earth, the broken mountains...

The sky, which seemed like daylight under the many battle fireworks, seemed to be a lot more restrained at this moment.

There are no mixed, obscure elements.

The basic combination of fist and foot is the trace of deep tearing on the earth...

And the huge witch banner, which looks a little pale even if it is described as a mountain, with a strange but familiar style of painting, is even more powerful than countless taboo spells or sudden bursts of energy.



Under the vast and magnificent body, everything is as small as dust and symmetrical.

After the miniature picture of the planet was brought into the other party's field of vision by Chekla, there was only a creeping "creep" on the ground.

That is the greatest visual interpretation that the creatures on land can give...

And more, they are perfectly integrated with the "tiny" protrusions and gaps of the earth, and there is no difference.

As for the sky?

Without the earth and mountains as a blocking and buffering sky, the bursting airflow seems to be more violent than the most violent natural disaster.

Anything that gets involved, doesn't have much changing framerates at all.

Like a drop of water that merged into the sea, it lost the most distinctive characteristics of an individual in an instant.

There is only a piece of sky that seems to be burning, which is sending out some kind of terror and horror in a low growl...

That is the mythical limit that can be imagined by all things or living on the earth.

But now, under the limitation of material rules, it is presented in front of the world in such a real and explosive way.

Under the sky, he seemed to be a giant god who came out of ancient mythology, unscrupulously venting the tyrannical power that once belonged to mortals!


At some point, Yuan Xian found that his breathing became so fast and hot.

It was as if something was burning in his chest.

It made him want to shout inexplicably, stand up excitedly and abruptly, and tell them:

This is - our great witch, the ancient and true mythological source of our civilization!

And the old lizard next to him fell into silence like the spectators around him from the beginning to the end after switching from the screen.

He has seen the world.

It was also used as the core sequence of the trade union, representing the trade union to participate in the prestigious competitive activities of the surrounding planes.

I have also come into contact with those powerful beings who are sung, chanted, and even believed in.

But such a picture is really rare in the old lizard's life...

Life at the planet level is also a dangerous existence that can run rampant at the level of the multiverse.

Compared with the existence of wisdom and civilization, giants that are difficult for ordinary creatures to communicate with are the nightmare of most civilizations.

Even if it is a powerful and powerful civilization for a while, not many people are willing to provoke such a guy.

Therefore, the relevant combat records that can be left are even rarer.

More often, it is chronicled as a chapter of the end of a planet, civilization, or miraculous revival.

As for witnessing?

That probably needs some courage and determination to die resolutely...

And when such an existence is still a powerful native occupation of the local plane...

The old lizard could only give a shock of silence, and he suddenly understood why the respeaker made such a choice.

The moment the killing device appeared, the old lizard instantly understood the reason for the respeaker's previous actions and some abnormalities in this activity.

He really didn't have many better times than this...

As for more?
The old lizard didn't want to think about it.

The killing instrument is indeed a good thing, but not everyone can easily control it.

In this regard, the old lizard still knows some real inside information.

After all, any comprehensive online player who is new to such a concept can resist not understanding something that can increase killing experience on a regular basis.

What's more, the Killing Tool is the one with the least superficial hard threshold in the same level.

It's just that the old lizard knows that the truth is not that simple.

Like a bloodthirsty mosquito, a war machine that will rush to a large number of dead bodies.

And a concept like a killing tool cannot be satisfied by the slaughter of one or a few wars.

Only the innumerable mass of death and blood can calm down the powerful force born from the original concept of death.

Holders who are unable to meet such conditions will eventually be eliminated naturally.

Just like an artifact chooses its owner, it will naturally be attracted to existences with relevant elements.

In this regard, the old lizard felt that he was obviously not a good fit.

He thought that his hands were still covered with blood, but that was not on the same level at all...

No matter how bloodthirsty or belligerent a warlord is, there is a limit.

For the digestion of material resources and fields, it takes time to settle.

As for the individual, the cost in this regard is so meager...

He looked at Yuan Xian who seemed to be in a state of frenzy beside him.

After a long silence, the old lizard said:
“…greatness is often great because it is difficult to replicate.”


Yuan Xian nodded when he heard the words, he understood what the old lizard said.

"But I think, I know where I'm headed..."

"I suddenly understood, I always feel that I have some unharmonious problems in combat..."

Yuan Xian looked at the miniature of the planet that had fallen into some kind of madness at the moment, the light in his eyes made the old lizard feel a little hot.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered what he looked like when he was young.

He seemed to be the same at that time, stubbornly and obstinately insisting on his ideas.

That cannot be defined purely in terms of right or wrong.

It is also the innocence that is difficult to regain after going through wind and frost...

"From the ancient barbaric years to the fierceness of the past... Our civilization, the education I have experienced and recognized... have never been the 'invincible heroes' that I admire..."

"The hero's banner should be the arrow flying at the front of the array!"

"If there is an enemy at home, I will be the vanguard, lead the soldiers, and charge behind one person!"

Yuan Xian pointed to the majestic figure that was shaking the four directions on the planet, and said firmly.

The old lizard just watched this scene quietly, and he suddenly understood why the other party was unwilling to accept the reversal of the civilization lineage.

It is indeed an excellent civilization with such a real charm. ...

(End of this chapter)

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