Chapter 649 Killing Component - Killing Crown (Two Updates!)
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have killed the holder of a killing device, and based on the relevant killing rules, you have obtained all the killing device components held by the other party!"

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have won the Killing Crown (9/10)!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the player has an untransformed killing device, please choose whether to convert it into a killing crown component? Please note: this conversion is irreversible. After the conversion is completed, this component will no longer be converted into other related components. Components of the sequence!"

Yi Xia held a witch banner and stood on the ground.

After a hearty fight, the boiling blood power in his body made the surrounding air seem to be on fire.

The soaring and distorted sky tells the hidden danger and terror invisibly.

In the eyes of the existence with the relevant extraordinary vision, the area where Yi Xia was located was surrounded by red and violent flame particles.

Just like birds hovering for the phoenix singing, the gathered flame particles are enough to burn all matter clean.

Fortunately, the earth, which had already been tested by severe high temperature, barely resisted this extremely harsh environmental mutation.

This prevented Yi Xia, who had not yet risen from the clouds, from feeling the damp, hot and muddy experience.

Killing Crown?
Yi Xia combined the nine newly acquired killing weapons with his previous one and took them out together.

The appearance of ten killing instruments seems to plunge the entire planet into some kind of imminent disaster in an instant.

But there is no coveting gaze, not even the most basic research.

The value positioning of a single-piece and a complete set of killing tools in multiverse-related intelligence organizations has always been two completely different concepts...

Sometimes, the real transaction price of the former may be much more expensive.

As for the latter, most of the time there are only surface prices listed by intelligence organizations...

There are countless rare treasures in the multiverse, and the idea of ​​such an existence is really not cost-effective...

Yi Xia was not in a hurry to clean up the other warlords on the planet.

For him, the main purpose of participating in this event has been achieved.

As for the others, there is no need to worry.

Let them play for a while and have fun before talking,
In this way, Yi Xia sat straight on the ground.

After the earth was naturally sunken, it naturally turned into a half-lying appearance.

This feeling of acting recklessly is like not having to wash the dishes after eating.

Afterwards, under Yi Xia's gaze, the relevant information of those killing crown components appeared:


Killing Crown (9/10)
Item Type: Killing Tool/Limited Multiverse Advanced Magic Rare Object/Unique Concept Cohesion...

Item Quality: Unique
Concept binding: Yi Xia (except for kills within the rules, it will not be lost by other means)
Item level: 14 (changes with the life level of the holder, and will not exceed level 32 at most)
Item effects:

1. The Killer (9/10):
The holder gets a 225% killing experience bonus, which is regarded as an increase in the base value and can be positively affected by other coefficients.

This bonus directly affects the holder, and is not affected by related channels including but not limited to contract commission, team sharing, and weapon spirit cultivation.

2. Killing Crown (Unique/Limited/Unformed):

The holder can ignore all other rules and learn killing experience from all units killed (increased by the effect of the killing device, but the kills below the average level are not affected by other correlation coefficients).

Unique: The holder can choose a plane, ignore the rules and status of the current material world, and directly draw the gain of the authority of 'killing' from it.

Please note: this gain is only temporary. When the holder uses it on another plane, the relevant killing power gain currently held will be automatically lost.

The holder can absorb the absorbed killing authority to obtain constant related effects and plane-limited concepts (clergy, personality, etc.), but after the absorption, unless the holder separates the relevant concepts, it will not be able to use it in other positions. use this ability again.


"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: Based on the player's relevant perception and destiny sequence-related skills and attributes, you can obtain relevant secrets from the relevant concepts of the item."

"Scarlet Secret One (Extraordinary Perception): When the player obtains a complete killing component and continues to obtain related components, the difficulty of holding it will increase exponentially with the number of new components."

"Scarlet Concealment [-] (Extraordinary Perception; Possesses Fate-related Abilities): When players continue to hold related components or finished products of the Killing Crown, they need to perform a sufficient amount of killings at regular intervals, otherwise they will get the status of 'Slaughtering Aversion'. If this state is eliminated within the duration, the related destiny battle event trigger test will continue..."

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: A person-related information test is in progress..."

"The test is completed, you are not currently in the state of 'killing aversion', your current killing specification is: excessive..."

Yi Xia looked at the related item information that appeared on his retina.

As for the effect of this newly appeared component of the Killing Device, Yi Xia did not know the relevant information about this component in advance.

So Yi Xia was a little unfamiliar with this.

The special effects related to the killing crown are quite simple and intuitive in terms of direct bonus.

225% kill bonus...

Judging from the relevant buff effects of Wutang, there is no need to repeat its value.

Yi Xia looked at the scarlet hidden information that appeared on his retina, and he seemed to understand the origin of that guy just now.

From Yi Xia's point of view, this is no different from sending a big gift bag to your door...

So, could the nine killing instruments be too much to bear?

Instead of mass spawning monsters, what is the purpose of building this kind of pure killing gain deflection sequence?
Yi Xia shook his head, slightly puzzled by this.

Probably because the other party thinks that his blood or cruelty is close enough to the limit of intelligent creatures?

Yi Xia restrained his thoughts and focused on the second special effect of the Killing Crown that was directly defined by its name.

For the time being, Yi Xia ignored the power to kill and the convenient channel to become a god that he hadn't found to be of much use to him.

For Warlords, the authority to kill is a wonderful thing - it can collect the benefits of killing actions on the entire plane except itself.

But for Yi Xia, the benefits of this behavior are obviously too slow and inefficient.

He has always preferred a more direct, rough approach.

In this way, the core of its value lies in the description of ignoring all rules to gain killing experience.

is a useful object...

After understanding its core value, Yi Xia thought so.

Afterwards, he made a choice directly with his consciousness.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: Please confirm whether the player should transform the killing tool - Aliona's Devouring Blade into the killing crown component? Please note: this choice is irreversible!"

Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

In this way, the ten killing crown components are complete on this planet!
The indescribable killing atmosphere, with such bloody and direct actions, announced the existence of a real killing component!

Under the gaze of Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, a crown exuding a cold and murderous aura emerged in the void.

Yi Xia grabbed it, but instead of wearing it on the top of his head, he put it on the thumb of his left hand.

His head has its own unrestrained place, and there is no need for any miscellaneous objects to carry it...

(End of this chapter)

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