Chapter 664 The Stellar Disaster Outside the Door (One More!)


A dwarf child stretched out his hand curiously.

Then quickly, he shrank back under his mother's scolding.

Under the protection of their elders, they deserve to enjoy this innocence,

In this regard, Furnace Shovel-Valdas-Karlov agrees.

It was standing in its own rock house, watching the movement outside.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been back for some years.

Back to this place where the air seems to be filled with slag and flames...

"Uncle Karloff, do you eat pancakes?"

A child ran in from the outside, holding a big cake in his hand.

That is one of the staple foods of lava dwarves, and its hardness is comparable to some rather "thin and brittle" ores.

Of course, this assessment is also for the lava dwarves.

Vardas Karlov touched the child's head with a smile, then took the pie, and then gave the child some fructose.

It's not very good at making desserts or anything like that, but only relatively speaking.


It's been a long time since I ate this kind of flatbread, and Valdas Karlov felt like he was chewing a lot of slag.

This is no illusion—the abundance of minerals dense in the air of this world soon imbues everything edible with a certain harshness.

Vardas-Karlov barely finished eating the pie, and it never wastes food.

The frost giant has found a powerful helper...

Valdas Karlov looked at the snowstorm outside and thought so.

But also, if they are not even prepared for this, it will be difficult for them to conquer this world full of flames.

Vardas Karlov also enlisted help.

Its experience over the years has allowed it to get acquainted with some powerful integrated network players.

It's just that they are more inclined to take risks and fight monsters.

And there are not many who have set foot in the extraordinary war.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for those humanoid meat grinders full of blood and tyranny to coincide with the activities of Vardas Karlov.

Vardas Karlov no longer wants to trace back the grievances of his ancestors.

Once the race war is waged, there is no point in talking about anything else.

Just like cutting a special ingredient that would volatilize in just a few seconds in its natural state, every distracting thought that flashes past in the sea of ​​consciousness is waiting for a correspondingly expensive price.

Now the Dwarf King has summoned all the soldiers of the kingdom.

As violent as the dwarves are accustomed to-the dwarf king did not call in the name of guarding the homeland.

It is going directly to the lair of the frost giant!

Vardas-Karloff had little to say about this.

It has a deep understanding of the temperament of its own people:
Just like the proverb among the lava dwarves—the skull of a dwarf can be the final mine...

And when the wind and snow outside are getting bigger and bigger, so that the sky becomes a vast expanse.

The ground began to shake slightly...

Vardas-Karlov knew that another bloody battle had begun...



When Yi Xia recovered his perception from the distorted space, what appeared in front of his eyes was a snow-covered land.

Just when doubts emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness, the flickering spirituality gave Yi Xia an answer:

It's the power of magic...

Yi Xia stared at the snowy sky above his head with eyes filled with endless fire.

In the dense clouds, Yi Xia could sense a rather powerful frosty aura.

Frost giant spells?
And in the next moment, the comprehensive network prompt was refreshed on Yi Xia's retina, which verified his idea:

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The teleportation is successful, you have entered the war plane..."

"Integrated network area reminder: due to the spells of hostile forces, the current general environment has changed from: weak burning to bitter frost..."

Yi Xia glanced at it, and then stopped paying attention.

The natural environment of this world seems a bit harsh.

In human form, he could vaguely feel all kinds of fine mineral residue mixed in the wind.

The quality of the beast meat here is definitely not very good...

Yi Xia quickly came to a conclusion.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't plan to hunt here either.

It appears to have once been a gathering place for dwarves, but it has now been evacuated.

According to Yi Xia's perception, they moved into the fortress which was some distance away.

Because when he came into contact with Vardas Karlov, Yi Xia was still very weak.

So naturally there is no breath of the other party.

Fortunately, as far as finding someone is concerned, Yi Xia has no shortage of means:

Yi Xia took out the Wu Banner, and then his mind moved.

Under the seal of the witch, the name of the great witch.

In this way, the sacrifice is complete.

Suddenly, a spiritual light suddenly appeared.

Big Witch - Hunting Quartet!

In the next instant, Yi Xia soared into the clouds.

The blood cloud roared like a rainbow, heading towards a certain direction...



At this time, Vardas Karlov was busy in the kitchen closed by magic.

It is not good at fighting.

Therefore, the front line can only be supported in this way.

Healing and recovery have always been the mainstream development direction of supernatural effects in magic cooking.

Valdas Karlov is naturally quite proficient.

Of course, it was probably due to childhood reasons and the civilization style of the subsequent races.

Relatively speaking, its cooking is still much rougher.

In this regard, Vardas Karlov only felt that they had never experienced real roughness...

And at this moment, Vardas Karlov heard the hammering on the door.

It frowned suddenly, the last thing it liked was being interrupted during its own cooking time.

So, during this time, its doors are closed.

But now it is not a competition or studying cooking skills, and it is during the war, it is obviously quite difficult to obtain such a stable concentration time.

Therefore, Vardas Karlov had no choice but to adjust the flame to a relatively mild state.

Then, cursing and ran to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Valdas Karlov saw the cub next door coming with a somewhat awkward human.

no, not human...

It's a stellar disaster warning...

Vardas-Karlov looked at the scarlet warning refreshed in its eyes, and immediately froze there.

It was given to it by a friend.

According to the other party: Although its accuracy inevitably has deviations in measuring the upper limit of the other party, the lower limit is basically accurate...

Of course, Vardas-Karlov now prefers that it has a greater deviation...

Because it doesn't know such a dangerous existence.

However, the next moment, the other party looked at it and smiled:

"It's been a while, and you still look the same."

Vardas-Karlov: ?

It tried to turn its brain to quickly remember who the other party was.

But dwarves really don't have an extra racial bias in this regard.

Fortunately, the other party probably saw the embarrassment of Vardas Karlov at the moment, and he then said:
"My name is Yi Xia. I was once favored by you and taught me skills."

"I heard that you have encountered some trouble this time."

"My progress in culinary skills has probably missed your expectations, but I am familiar with such rough work..."

(End of this chapter)

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