Chapter 665 The Cause of All Disasters and Destruction (Two Updates!)
Sometimes, being a cook is a very boring job...

At least, that's how the Frost Giant chief Hermes sees it at the moment.

It is a rare variant among frost giants.

In addition to the majestic size, Hermes also possessed the rare spellcasting talent of the Frost Giants.

In the Frost Giant tribe dominated by the power of blood, Hermes became the chief of the tribe after adulthood.

In the long time that followed, Hermes gradually unified all the tribes of the Frost Giants.

It banned all other tribal names, and established the kingdom of the frost giants in its own name.

Of course, the clansmen still call it the chief...

Frost giants whose average intelligence is below the 10-point level don't care about these useless elements.

They are loyal to powerful chieftains and their inherent knowledge...

Therefore, Hermes had to give birth to some new considerations.

It needs a group of minions or servants who are slightly smarter than the frost giants.

If all goes well, they should now have completed a nice raid.

Before the lava dwarves have completed effective blocking, push the battle line straight to the opponent's axis city.

This plan is not very clever, nor is it so easy to take effect.

But if it is on the Frost Giant, the situation will change a little...

But a cook destroyed Hermes' raid plan, turning the original lightning raid into a full-scale tug-of-war.

Hermes loathes this inefficient warfare.

Because in its view, the lava dwarves are already its resources.

Now, it has to fall into the hedging consumption of "internal resources".

Therefore, Hermes deeply loathed this cook who made everything so bad.

It has no idea how its plans were leaked.

Frost giants don't spawn traitors - because none of them are that smart...

Under the popular perception of extreme xenophobia and bad outside world, no outside creatures would set foot in the territory of frost giants.

So, what went wrong?

Or a divination spell?

But although those dwarves are a little smarter than the frost giants, they are not good materials for learning spells.

Hermes was puzzled by this.

Fortunately, it got unexpected help, and the price it paid was just an armor that it didn't need at all.

The dwarves are really good at their workmanship - but what does their ancestral armor have to do with the frost giants.

So Hermes graciously agreed to the deal.

Judging from the current battle situation, the effect is not bad.

However, just as Hermes was thinking about how to quickly end this "infighting", a mage wearing a black robe teleported in.

"Giant King, you may be in trouble."

The mage spoke.

Hermes looked down at the other party. He didn't like this mage very much.

Because it always feels that the other party is looking at him, without that kind of respect.


"You mean, the advance on the frontal battlefield is blocked?"

What the other party said made Hermes a little puzzled.

And the opponent's next performance made Hermes fall into a certain kind of horror:
"...We are going to evacuate, this is the compensation for breach of contract."

"You're a smart guy, but luck never sees that."

"For the sake of our breach of the contract first, I advise you to go to another place to hide first."

The other party threw a magic package at Hermes, and then disappeared straight away.

Hermes suppressed the anger in his heart and opened the magic package.

Immediately, a large amount of treasure poured out from it.

Even Hermes was immediately shocked.

It did not expect that the other party actually handed over such a large amount of compensation.

Hermes grabbed a handful of treasures in his hand, and started to investigate.

The treasure is very clean, so clean that it makes Hermes panic...

It understands these black-robed mages, they have always been a group of bad guys who are most able to manipulate the wind.

Greedy, treacherous, notorious...

But now, they actually gave up so many treasures and severed ties with it.

Obviously, the troubles this time far exceeded Hermes' expectations.

What went wrong?
Hermes didn't know, and it hadn't received any relevant urgent battle reports from the frontline.

Everything is as usual, it seems to be advancing steadily...

And just when Hermes was thinking hard about the origin of the danger, the earth suddenly shook violently!
The royal palace of Hermes also began to shake!
Afterwards, there was a roar like a long roar of a magnificent behemoth!

And that bang seemed to be just the beginning.

Soon, the continuous bang and the tremor of the ground made Hermes unable to sit still any longer.

At this time, the world of the frost giant seemed to be falling into the wrath of thunder.

Hermes staggered and ran out of the palace, along with many frost giant maids and servants.

Afterwards, Hermes saw the blood-stained sky.

On the distant horizon, a giant that really lifted the sky is attacking everything in the territory of the frost giant!
For a long time, Hermes felt a sudden tremor in his heart, which was a kind of spontaneous fear and trembling.

Why is it?
Hermes didn't know.

It wanted to escape, to escape from the frozen land that brought it endless glory, but at this moment it made it fall into a nightmare.

From the cold rational vision of the caster, as long as it is alive, the civilization of the frost giant will not disappear.

As the only spellcaster and wise existence in the tribe, it can restart its ambition and great cause in another wild world...

But Hermes just stood there.

At that moment, the phantom of the caster and the frost giant seemed to have completed the final contest in its mind.

"I hunted mammoths when I was a teenager, and now I'm older and the mammoths are bigger..."

Hermes murmured.

Then it took up arms and flew into the sky.

Just another mammoth...



The frost giants surrendered...

They are lucky.

Because more frost giants fell in their icy kingdom.

The Dwarf King looked at the Frost Giant Warlord who was prostrate and shivering on the ground with complicated eyes.

When fighting it, the opponent was obviously so brave.

But just went back and took a look, then ran to surrender in horror.

It was as if it had been pulled from its bones, and it could no longer hold its head up.

Shivering like a wretch made the dwarf king quite disgusted.

It doesn't really enjoy the joy of defeating a powerful enemy, but feels that everything comes suddenly and at a loss.

But after the urgent report from the dwarves below, a little understanding appeared on the face of the dwarf king.

Then, there is complexity that is difficult to describe in words.

The powerful enemy who gritted his teeth for it and rebuked its villainy fell forever with its kingdom.

And all, but because of the meager kindness of a cook...

Absurd reality, more shocking and...uninteresting than third-rate drama...

The dwarf king shook his head.

Or go back and hammer its fire...

(End of this chapter)

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