Chapter 707 The Trouble Encountered by Elena Su (a new update!)

The mist spread like a big curtain, sweeping everything around in an instant!
A few mimetic phantoms of the legendary Zerg couldn't escape the mist even after flickering.

This inherited technique that is connected with the bloodline, at the moment when Yi Xia's bloodline is continuously strengthened, has shown a very different momentum from before.

Looking down at this unknown planet from the distant starry sky at this moment, one can see the extremely dazzling deep haze on top of a dim star with the naked eye alone.

It seems that there is no essential difference from the picture presented by the cloud map of ordinary planets.

But when all things meet their eyes too much, those strange things that cannot be noticed can be revealed quietly.

But for the group of legendary Zerg imitation phantoms who were engulfed in the fog, it was a different feeling.

In the smog, the sky and the earth are indistinguishable.

The related material world, which was originally clear and clear in the relevant sensory organs, has gradually become chaotic and distorted.

But what's horrifying is that it still has the strange order that seems to have existed before.

Interpreted in the relevant field of microscopic vision, it seems that all the particles in it are undergoing disordered and random changes.

The feeling of tending to chaos made the genetic information about the Twisting Void involuntarily emerge in the consciousness of the legendary Zerg mimic phantom.

But this is obviously not the power to distort the void, it is the deprivation of another concept.

After several attempts to flicker in space, it was found that the changes in the surrounding material information endowed it with chaos and disorder.

Several legendary Zerg mimetic phantoms that naturally dispersed in the thick fog stayed in place by coincidence.

The targeted evolution they are currently tending to is not enough to separate more resources for solving this unexpected element.

The strong adaptability of the cosmic Zerg to all changes is more reflected in the macro level, rather than the instant variation of individuals.

But even so, life like the cosmic Zerg obviously wouldn't sit still.

What's more, they are still separated mimetic phantoms.

Quietly, in the thick fog where all sound, light and shadow are distorted, suddenly a shadow arrives as expected!

The lack of sound makes all this lose some of the most intuitive horror elements.

But for the legendary Zerg mimetic phantom who was hit hard by the Wu Banner at this moment, it obviously has a different view on this.

In the smog, the earth suddenly trembled violently!

But that change was separated and distorted by the smog.

Several legendary Zerg mimetic phantoms that were separated from each other in the thick fog did not notice this change at all.

And after the relevant elements of the space gradually tended to a certain extreme chaos and disorder with the passage of time, the legendary Zerg mimetic phantom could not initiate effective space flickering at all.

Perhaps those eerie beings born deep within the true Twisting Nether are able to understand and navigate this lack of conceptual confusion.

But obviously, this batch of cosmic Zerg is not life with such elements.

So, under the circumstances of being unstoppable and unavoidable, the Wu Banner slammed down heavily again and again.

In the silent smog, a legendary Zerg mimetic phantom disappeared into the air forever.

On the other side, the legendary Zerg who was fighting various human legendary characters suddenly trembled.

A certain chaotic pain traced from the shattered mimetic phantom, wrapped so clearly and truly...



The legendary psionicist - Elena Su - felt that she had encountered the most difficult trouble of the year.

Yes, second only to the real danger of fighting a legendary dragon...

If there is a danger of that one, it involves eternal sleep on both physical and spiritual planes.

So this time the threat comes from another form of death...

Although in many related derivative literature, Lu Chi seems to be an element that people like to hear and see.

But for a serious legendary character, it is a defect that can only be caused by elements related to curse or fate.

Therefore, when there is a small story with relevant elements in any legend, it must be an enduring tavern topic.

People like to talk about these small scandals of powerful lives, which are even more elegantly called "celebrity anecdotes".

It's just that it probably didn't take into account the feelings of the person involved...

Elena Su expressed concern about this.

What's more, when there is a famous bard in his team...

Elena Su looked at the fog around her and felt a sudden surge of pressure.

Who would have thought that a non-legendary character could make such a battle.

She felt that as a psychic incarnation, she was restricting the legendary material universe, which was enough to solve all problems...

The background sound of Wushuang's theme was all prepared, but in the end it was difficult to get here...

So, who can tell me: Which world's native spell is this mist?

Elena Su was able to separate sufficiently complicated and obscure elements from the seemingly simple mist.

Of course, from the perspective of its natural spiritual beauty, Elena Su has a certain inexplicable sense of déjà vu:

The other party is obviously not a spellcaster in academic research, and she probably has the same path as her.

The difference is that her related psionic spells don't have such a supermodel existence...

I don't know if I can find a way to whore... No, I can pay to learn...

Elena Su thought so.

The more she tried, the more greedy she became.

This non-academic powerful spell-like ability is indescribably attractive to beings like her.

I just don’t know whether to take the bloodline compatible route or the civilization-biased route...

Or something more troublesome?

In this regard, Elena Su has rich experience.

And just when Elena Su was suffering from a headache and eyes getting hot from the smog in front of her eyes, the spirituality in her heart suddenly experienced some kind of violent fluctuation.

Then, Elena Su suddenly raised her head.

The deep smog hinders everything.

Even if she tried to activate many powerful magic abilities, she only opened her vision slightly.

And the farther distance is still a vast expanse.

Elena Su felt that she already had a general understanding of the characteristics of this spell-like ability.

If there is no relevant targeted preparation, even if her body is here, there is a high probability that she will not be able to escape in a short time.

And if there are targeted preparations, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?


Elena Su tried to wave her hand at the haze above her head.

Not long after, the thick fog cleared, revealing the land that had become a mess and broken at some point.

And a majestic figure that blocks the brilliance of thousands of stars behind her is quietly staring at her...

(End of this chapter)

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