Chapter 708 Elena Su's Legendary Exposition (Two Updates!)

too close, too close...

Elena Su subconsciously held her breath.

People always think that legendary characters are omnipotent like gods, but obviously that is the product of their excessive imagination.

At least, in the past more than a hundred years, Elena Su has never experienced such an exciting scene.

"This is much more exciting than observing with the field of view of the astral world..."

Elena Su tried her best to raise her head, but she couldn't see the whole picture of the other party from such a distance.

So, I can only express such emotion.

"Internet players?"

Yi Xia stared at the strange caster below.

From the opponent's body, Yi Xia sensed some kind of obscure and dangerous aura.

The concept corresponding to that breath was not like the spellcasters Yi Xia had come into contact with before.

Inexplicably, Yi Xia felt that the real character corresponding to this current existence should be a legendary character.

Although until now, his contacts with legendary beings are basically heterogeneous.

It was a feeling that cannot be described in words.

It's as if mortals can get a similar feeling when they see the real body of a god for the first time.

It's just that relatively speaking, legendary characters don't necessarily have sufficiently distinctive dominant characteristics like gods.

"Of course, there are not many serious spellcasters in this universe."

Elena Su shrugged and said so.

"They asked me to help you, but it doesn't look like you really need it..."

Afterwards, Elena Su set her sights on those scars on the earth that still had some kind of tyrannical and terrifying power.

Even though there were no remains of any corpses, Elena Su, as a legendary character in terms of psychic powers, could naturally feel the aura of projections related to being smashed to bursting forcefully.

so rough...

Even as a player who has "professional discrimination" in terms of firepower, Elena Su will often choose to expel or seal against such units.

Of course, if it doesn't work, Elena Su will also choose a more direct but laborious method.

In this regard, Elena Su felt that the "peer" above her head probably had something in common with her...

"Elena Su, a level 21 legendary psionicist, from Martha - Sea of ​​Gold."

Afterwards, Elena Su introduced herself.

"Yi Xia, the great witch of the earth."

Yi Xia's voice sounded like thunder in the sky.

Then, his figure shrank suddenly.

When Elena Su looked again, she saw a strange human youth standing not far from her.

And the lingering fire in his eyes, even she couldn't help but feel a little dazzling.

Am I contacting an ancient god?
Elena Su complained silently in her heart.

Of course, it is complaining on the independent level of mind separation.

The opposite side can be regarded as a peer in a certain sense, although it has not yet broken through the legend.

But judging from the current situation of the other party, it is not uncommon to master some supermodel-related abilities.

But the big witch?

What a career this is.

After thinking about it, Elena Su added a new item list about the Great Witch in her database, which was listed in the classification of the ancient hero occupation series.

From Elena Su's personal understanding, she felt that the existence of the other party, even in its original plane, was definitely not a very common existence.

After all, such an individual development requires too many resources.

Even if Elena Su didn't know much about her system, judging from her current situation, it was enough to cultivate multiple legendary characters.

Of course, this is just a statement on the total amount of resources.

Legendary characters cannot be achieved simply by piling up resources.

"Are you a spellcaster?"

After the two got to know each other a little better, Elena Su tried to ask.

"That's right, the characteristics of the profession are like this, and I myself have average achievements in this area."

Yi Xia thought for a while, and then said quite frankly.

"Do you want to exchange spells?"

Elena Su heard that she was more interested, and she didn't hide much, and directly expressed some of her thoughts.

For psionicists, this is a common occurrence.

After all, compared to mages, the spells of psionic warlocks do not have so many harsh academic prerequisites.

It has always been simple and crude:

If it is, it will be, if it is not, it will not be, there is no intermediate term, it is a very clear diode.

Elena Su herself wasn't in the legendary battlefield over there, but in another world.

This time it was temporarily caught by teammates as reinforcements.

So now, even though those legendary Zerg mimetic phantoms have been killed, she doesn't plan to leave so soon.

Of course, before that, her thoughts must be somewhat different from this...

"Do you want to learn Haze?"

Yi Xia pondered for a while, and he quickly guessed what the other party was thinking.

Elena Su nodded quickly.

It is in this aspect that she will show such enthusiasm and excitement.

So much so that the hundred years that have passed away seem to be the basic accumulation of the painting style of the longevity species, and there is no popular painting style that a legendary warlock should have at all.

However, comprehensive network players have always been unique in distorting the "collection style" of related professions...

"That's not so easy..."

Yi Xia said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Easy things and not much fun."

"I have studied the spells of the Sequence of Storms, and I was able to form an inner circulation spell combination of the Legendary Sequence of Storms. If you have the intention of trading, I can use the cornerstone spells and subsequent construction ideas in exchange for this."

Elena Su expressed her attitude.

Yi Xia did not agree, but gave another reply:

"Go and learn about the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy. When you know the definition of witches, you will know the answer..."

It's broken, it looks like it's in the civilization segregation sequence, maybe there are other restrictions...

Elena Su heard something from Yi Xia's reply.

After that, she saw Yi Xia staring at her, and gradually began to interweave some different emotions.

During the spiritual touch, Elena Su could clearly see a ferocious ape-like beast in the opponent's eyes eager to try:

"Maybe we can exchange ideas, maybe a more tangible experience in battle can give you a better understanding of this."

Elena Su Wenyan fell into deep thought, and then she understood the meaning of Yi Xia's words.

Elena Su suddenly shook her head quickly:
"You look more like a warrior, Xia, than a spellcaster."

"You don't think that the legendary profession means the concept of being super capable of fighting above all things."

Yi Xia pondered for a while after hearing the words:

"Could it be weaker than ordinary things?"

Although Yi Xia's words were questionable, their tone was different.

Seeing this, Elena Su probably understood a bit:
"Have you never been in contact with other legendary characters before?"

Yi Xia shook his head.

Good guy, the existence of destiny corresponding to the revival of the plane?

For a moment, Elena Su felt that she understood the other party's definition.

"Then I understand."

Afterwards, Elena Su began to explain:
"The definition of legend, I don't know how to tell you for a while."

"But legendary characters don't necessarily mean that their combat ability is significantly superior to ordinary things, although most of them do have more powerful power than ordinary things."

"But that's just its obvious feature. To me, obtaining the title of legend means that I'm no longer bound by the existing, natural spirituality, and I've reached a state of life that transcends spirituality but tolerates it." .”

"It will indeed bring about a series of improvements in combat ability, but as I said before, it is just one of the external manifestations, and does not mean absolute separation."

"Like all things, can't they kill gods?"

Elena Su said this, the concept that was rotten in the world of mortal things actually exists in the multiverse of the gods, but it possesses a very different kind of magnificent charm.

Yi Xia nodded, he roughly understood:
"So, have a chance to practice?"

Elena Su: ...

Hey, you didn't listen at all!
In other words, the other party does not actually have awe in the true sense of this.

To put it simply, in a sense, Elena Su felt that Yi Xia had the perception that "Legends can be killed" or "Legends are more powerful beings".

This made Elena Su feel a certain familiar déjà vu, and she felt that this was probably a born blasphemer.

She began to wonder what kind of civilization could give birth to such an existence.

But fighting is impossible, even in training mode.

After all, with how much those guys she knew paid attention to some irrelevant information, her spells couldn't stop it at all.

"Add a friend. If there are similar opportunities in the future, I will tell you."

"Actually, in my personal opinion, I think non-combat and legendary characters of the Tianxuan series below level 25 may not be able to win you—I mean in a one-on-one duel..."

Elena Su said so.

In fact, she has other ideas.

After all, which spellcaster could refuse the friendship of such a melee spellcasting unit with great potential?
Even if she has some related compensating abilities in close quarters, she cannot refuse this temptation.

From Elena Su's point of view, in the realm of legends, the mere fighting has not lost its former brilliance, but the proportion of friendship and alliance elements between legendary individuals has begun to become stronger.

Simply put, the era of going it alone is over.

Fighting to the death, who is a serious legendary character who will challenge you one-on-one...

(End of this chapter)

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