The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 725 The "tacit understanding" between the scarlet crystal and the guardian of the

Chapter 725 The "tacit understanding" between the scarlet crystal and the guardian of the world (one update!)

The dead sea is in a mess.

Yi Xia was suspended above this broken space.

Because of the chaotic space, it turned into countless broken but complete sea areas in the void, just like some kind of weird spectacle.

Of course, the same turbulent waves are stirring in those divided seas at this moment.

Even in the deepest sea area, at such a distance, it is difficult to maintain the ancient peace.

Of course, because of the breath pollution from the void shaft.

Most of the creatures in the surrounding sea area have undergone distortions to varying degrees.

Therefore, such a destructive disaster is more like a grand purification and cleansing.

Perhaps over time, the Void will be forced or voluntarily to look away from this world.

But its imprint and impact are far-reaching.

Just like the twisted scar on the abdomen of a human being, it may record an unknown past...

Yi Xia's consciousness turned into violent flames, and he scooped up the dead body of Ablaise from the depths of the ruined sea.

Just like the lives corrupted by the power of the void before, the material remains of the void unit are not worth eating.

Maybe it has some nutritional value too, but it's like the outer shell of a durian.

Even if it is edible, few people care about it.

And with the lingering flames, the corpse of Ablaise, the Ember Skeleton, was gradually destroyed by the violent witchfire.

The void power contained in it began to leak out.

Due to the repression and expulsion of the high concentration of alien forces by the material world, it naturally condenses into a certain lens-like substance.

This is what Yi Xia needs - void crystallization.

Of course, in terms of extraordinary academics, it may have many detailed and even different titles.

Just like the same fruit, there can also exist such highly deviated concepts as strawberries and cucumbers.

Ke Yixia has always been indifferent to this - he doesn't care about these tiny details.

Perhaps because of the related influence of the breath of different planes, the void crystal of Ash-Ablaiser, the Ember Skeleton, presents a certain magnificent crimson color.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, the blazing fire brought this jewel-like crystal out of chaos and distortion.

Afterwards, Yi Xia threw it straight into the item backpack.

This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest, and it can be regarded as an additional embellishment of this fruitful result.

And the more complex harvest lies in the related products of those crystallized demons.

If it was the past, Yi Xia would directly send Dou Bing to do it for him.

But now, with the continuous strengthening and application of Yi Xia's flame-related abilities.

As for how to use this kind of power that is too tyrannical in the eyes of ordinary people, Yi Xia already has quite a bit of experience.

Of course, this is also related to the extremely high tolerance of the things he needs to be in contact with:
In the chaotic sky filled with countless broken sea areas, Yi Xia stands like a giant who has been watching since ancient times, standing amidst the fire and disaster.

Afterwards, countless flames suddenly burst out in the void!

Just like there are countless flame seeds stretching in the void, the lingering firelight has become the most distinctive theme in this area!

As if everything is in the pure world of fire elements, everything is shrouded in a raging fire!
In this way, the sea area evaporates, and the living beings are burned to ashes.

In the variegated salt rain that was boiling for the scorching storm, finer void crystals emerged from the void, and were wrapped in firelight and flew towards the huge body that seemed blurred in the firelight!

Yi Xia closed his eyes slightly, the habits related to mortal things in the past allowed him to gather his mind in this way that the sense of ritual is more important than the actual effect.

This is the first time that Yi Xia has used his huge spiritual power in this way.

The witch's chaotic bloodline is a bloodline with main attributes related to perception.

Therefore, psychic ability is also one of the main characteristics of its bloodline.

It's just that compared to those lighter and agile wills, the heavier chaotic thoughts don't have such a ostentatious external effect.

Of course, Yi Xia felt that this might also be related to his current experience.

Compared with the overall length of Chaos life, his current life journey is still too short and frivolous.

Some experiences and strengths have to go through enough time to show the mottled and blurred colors of the period...



In this way, everything perishes.

In the dust storm of death and destruction, Yi Xia got what he needed.

And the Void Shaft, which was originally as deep as a black hole, has completely collapsed into a broken form at this moment with the forcible arrival of the Ember Skeleton-Ablaise.

It may still be able to accommodate a little void life, but there is also a high probability that it will be lost in the deeper chaotic sea.

Yi Xia stared at the wreckage of the void shaft below with eyes filled with endless fire.

After confirming that this "monster spawning point" had already lost most of its "benefits to Yi Xia", Yi Xia directly looked away.

He is quite satisfied with the hunting arrangement this time.

At least, because of the spatial disorder caused by the power of the void, the aftermath of the battle will not completely pour onto the land of the material world.

Of course, there may be some waves on the more distant sea area, but that is unavoidable.

Yi Xia could already feel the strong divine aura coming from the more distant sea area.

Apparently, believers related to the sea area are sorting out and calming down the restless ocean.

Yi Xia took a look, and saw a tiny figure that was exerting divine power under the monstrous storm.

After realizing that his observation almost caused his magic to fail, Yi Xia quickly looked away.

Da Wu felt that it was time for him to leave.

In terms of restoration, Dawu only has more brutal means, which probably won't be accepted by the aborigines of this world...

And it was also at this time that Yi Xia noticed the eyes that continued to pay attention to him.

Thus, after a long time, Yi Xia completed eye contact with a certain existence.

In a daze, Yi Xia seemed to glimpse a majestic tree that pierced the sky and the earth above the sea of ​​destruction.

world Tree?
Although he didn't come into contact with this kind of concept much, relevant words emerged in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness for the first time.

And under the phantom of the World Tree, Yi Xia saw a tiny human figure.

That seems to be the role of a prophet of this world, Yi Xia can see the heavy power of the world carried in the old soul of the other party.

Probably because of being discovered, the other party couldn't look away immediately, so he smiled politely at Yi Xia.

Even if he couldn't perceive the other party's related emotions, Yi Xia could still feel the reluctance of the other party's smile from the relevant presentation of the phantom.

This guy, wouldn't it be the guy who went directly through him to apply for approval?
Yi Xia suddenly thought of this, and then returned a more sincere and subtle smile.

This is a small anecdote about the guardians of two very different worlds.

At least, Yi Xia thinks so.

After that, he didn't make it difficult for the other party.

Yi Xia opened the comprehensive network panel directly, and then chose to exit the dungeon world.

And after discovering that Yi Xia had left, in a distant corner:
"Another thirty thousand years..."

Someone murmured faintly.

On the other side, the trade winds of time bring messages from distant times
A certain kitty who was quietly listening to the sound of time passing in the material world pricked up his ears.

Thus, it was able to know the chapters of the story that happened in a long time ago, on a certain strange sea, where the waves are magnificent and the world is destroyed...

(End of this chapter)

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