Chapter 726 Emerald's long dream is welcoming you... (Two more!)
Earth/Willow City
"Comprehensive network reminder: Your related benefits from the super-large extraordinary copy-Momchi-Void Shaft are summarized as follows:

(2) Comprehensive network disaster coins: 200 pieces (summary of dungeon-related achievements and task rewards)
(3) The super-giant treasure chest of the Burner of the Sea of ​​Destruction in the Void Shaft


"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your final performance in the copy with the elements of the 'Epic Prologue', you will receive an invitation letter to open the subsequent related epic events."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the requirements for subsequent additions/changes of relevant planes, the minimum entry level for subsequent related epic events is: level 20. You need to meet the minimum entry conditions when the relevant events are opened to enter the dungeon scene (unused The invitation letter will be automatically changed to the Purgatory Abyss Challenge Letter*5) after it expires."

Yi Xia couldn't help but fell into deep thought while looking at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

At this time, he had already returned to Liucheng.

The Void Shaft was destroyed by him, and there will be a follow-up?

Even, it is a legendary copy.

Although, Yi Xia expressed some doubts about this newly added condition.

But in general, the fate of this world looks quite rough...

In this regard, Yi Xia couldn't help but shook his head.

He doesn't know how many days later the subsequent copy will be opened in his timeline.

But it seems that there is a high probability that he did not break through the legend at that time.

After all, judging from the current situation, just the general experience needed to upgrade from level 15 to level 19 does not know how many evil races will be slaughtered.

If you don't feel that from the bottom of your heart, he doesn't quite meet the relevant requirements and value concepts of the way of admiration.

Yi Xia felt that he didn't know how many philanthropy points he could get just by eliminating evil creatures.

Of course, this is only Da Wu's accidental feeling.

The great witch does not need to put on the coat of benevolence, he has his own burning and red color.

The dungeon harvest this time is not bad overall.

Although he had eaten a gluttonous feast like the cosmic Zerg before, 600 million killing experience is not too little.

After all, in comparison, the more value of Void Life lies in its income as a material for refining Wutang.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia now took out the dungeon treasure chest.

The relevant rewards for super-large dungeons are similar to those on the battlefield, and they all appear in the form of treasure chests.

Of course, this is also related to the dungeon elements Yi Xia chose.

Yi Xia didn't have much interest in those dungeons with too much "thin" content.

Only those that are very close to the elements of the battlefield are worth Yi Xia's time and effort.

The treasure chest of the Void Shaft, just like the treasure chest related to the void element obtained by Yi Xia before, has a very "casual" shape.

Simply put, it exceeds the aesthetic specifications of most mortal objects.

In this regard, Yi Xia is naturally no exception.

He has no interest in opening such treasure chests with his own hands.

Driven by Yi Xia's thoughts, the twisted treasure chest slowly opened.

In the next moment, a faint light quietly emerged.

Just when Yi Xia felt that his luck was about to overturn.

The next moment, Yi Xia's retina refreshed with relevant prompt information:
"Comprehensive network reminder: The void shaft's... super giant treasure chest has been successfully opened, and you have obtained the beard of the world tree-the long dream of the emerald follower (limited)!"


The Beard of the World Tree - The Long Dream of the Emerald Follower (Limited)
Type: Limited consumable/unique
Quality: unknown
Times of use: 1/1
Limited: Emerald Elder's Mercy (Only units that have not used related items can successfully use this consumable)

item description:

A dreamlike creation born from the roots of the Great World Tree, it was drawn into the material world by the dream called the Emerald Follower.

Inspire its power, and you will sink into the ancient time corresponding to the world tree.

Those illusory or real times will overlap and appear in front of your eyes.

You will go back to the beginning of your birth, fade away the superpowers you have or have not had, and experience a very different and brand new life.

You can leave something or take something away, or just go through...

And as the price promised by fate, all this will be engraved in the shape of a story in pure and sacred words, it will be a (unreviewable) beloved sacrifice...

Item usage effect:

The character can use the item with a short burst of power.

Please note: After use, the character will fall into a short (no more than one natural day) sleep state (material world).

In this state, the body of the character in the material world will be protected by the power of the world tree, it will be immune to all damage and spell effects, and it will be exempt from the time impact brought by the more lengthy time soul of the character's flesh and blood body.

And the soul of the character will enter the dream of the world tree, and return after a complete life cycle...

ps: Present the most luscious fresh fish to the great master of illusion, please wake up from the eternal sleep... It's time for a new illusion! (Howling at the top of his lungs)——Comprehensive Network Hot Comments 9999+
ps: You Illusion Party are really boring, every related creation of the Illusion Lord came to leave a message...——Anonymous

ps: I don't care why the Lord of Illusions needs such a story. He can obviously browse through the gaps of countless times and see the changes of thousands of living beings. Maybe this is the deviation of greatness corresponding to the ordinary? ——Dark Star Tranquility - Dean of Rierdas Divine Academy - Leonhard

Yi Xia looked at the dense reminder information refreshed on his retina.

He seems to have acquired a rather strange but seemingly remarkable thing?

It seems that the related plane bonus of the earth + the increase of related destiny props + his own extraordinary luck are not so easy to miss.

Yi Xia looked at the relevant information given by Zongwang with great interest.

He has not obtained this type of related props.

Therefore, Yi Xia looked at it quite carefully.

But it seems that Zongwang's description of this is not so clear.

World tree dream?
Yi Xia couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

World Tree, he probably knows about it.

But with the addition of the suffix Mimeng, Yi Xia is not so clear.

Complete a complete life cycle?

Yi Xia thought about it, but he couldn't figure out the value of this thing to him.

If you can enter with extraordinary power, it may be able to be used as a lengthy skill training.

But without extraordinary power...

Yi Xia fell into deep thought.

Dawu didn't have any feelings about this.

In the present moment of his gradually burning life, there is no time to stop and listen to those small sounds.

However, in the realm of spirituality, Yi Xia can still vaguely perceive some faint enlightenment.

That seems to be related to the way of legend and the soul...

After thinking about it, Yi Xia decided to give it a try.

Maybe it's good to use it to practice your skills?

Using the body of a mortal to conduct battle dance training, one can expect to gain something.

Yi Xia thought so, and then returned to the attic.

After a short preparation, Yi Xia tried to stimulate the ancient power of the World Tree...

(End of this chapter)

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