My system is not decent

Chapter 1163 Excellent quality is fundamental

Chapter 1163 Excellent quality is fundamental

As for how Ge Kiln appeared, it should be because porcelain was recognized by the world and finally formed in the mouths of later generations, which is a rare phenomenon.

To be more precise, it should be during the process of handing down the porcelain, because the same batch of porcelain was sought after by others, and finally formed public opinion, so it was praised by everyone, and finally formed an independent kiln in people's mouths.

Therefore, the kiln mouth where Ge Kiln wares were first fired must have been Longquan Kiln. It is also because of this that the kiln site of Ge Kiln has never been found.

In other words, Ge Kiln was indeed not an independent kiln at the beginning, but a part of Longquan Kiln.

It's just because the porcelain made is too special, the porcelain produced by it is taken out by the later generations alone, and it is called Ge Kiln Ware, so Ge ​​Kiln Ware appeared.

At the same time, his brother also became a younger brother.

This process must be a long one, so it took more than a hundred years for the records in various canonical levels to be formed.

Calculated in this way, the earliest period when Ge Kiln and Di Kiln appeared should be the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, or it can be said to be the Southern Song Dynasty, or even the Yuan Dynasty.

Because these dynasties existed at the same time.

With this conclusion, Chen Wenzhe's thesis can be regarded as over.

Of course, scholarship has always been controversial.

And this is where the fun of academic research lies.

Among the five famous kilns, the kiln site for firing the handed down Ge Kiln has not yet been discovered, which has led to many theories about Ge Kiln in the academic circles.

Some people think it is Xiuneisi official kiln, some people think it is a certain kiln in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and so on.

Today we have no way to prove anything, even Chen Wenzhe can only infer, but he can't say conclusively that his conclusion is the truth.

Because this kiln site has indeed not been found, and Ge Kiln is mysterious because of this.

It's just that, as time goes by, the truth of things will gradually surface.

The Ge Kiln mystery is naturally no exception, otherwise Chen Wenzhe's conclusion would not have been recognized by others.

There must be a reason for Chen Wenzhe to draw such a conclusion.

Because in 1932, the Qing Dynasty Rehabilitation Committee found a batch of porcelain that had never been seen before when it was checking the cultural relics of the Forbidden City.

The glaze color is mainly fried beige, grayish blue, and blue-yellow, with different shades.

On the glaze surface, there are patterns of different sizes, and the color of the fetus is dark brown, dark gray, light gray, and earthy yellow, and the carcass is relatively dense.

This batch of porcelain, in the records of the Qing Palace, has neither the place of origin nor the time of firing, which embarrasses the researcher.

Since they look a bit like the Ge kiln described in the literature, they are labeled "Ge Kiln", "Fang Ge Kiln" and "Song Ge Kiln".

In 1936, Guo Baochang, then a special committee member of the Forbidden City Porcelain, reappraised the porcelain in the Palace.

He combined the poems of Qianlong Yongge Kiln, and this batch of porcelain was designated as Song Ge Kiln.

Since 1956, many archaeological excavations have been carried out in the Longquan area, and a batch of black-bodied celadon porcelain has been unearthed, which is completely consistent with the characteristics of the Ge kiln recorded in the literature.

The characteristics of porcelain and the location of the kiln have been documented, so experts speculate that the location of Ge Kiln is likely to be in Longquan.

However, after comparison, it was found that the Longquan black-bodied celadon and the sample provided by the Forbidden City differ in the chemical composition of the glaze, the color of the pattern, and the cutting form of the bottom foot, indicating that the two are not the same kind of porcelain.

In order to distinguish it from the Ge Kiln recorded in Ming and Qing documents, the Ge Kiln in the Forbidden City and a small number of similar porcelains in the Shanghai Museum and the Wanwan Palace Museum are called "Handed down Ge Kiln" by academic circles.

Because it was originally considered to be the Longquan black body of the Ge kiln, the Kaipian porcelain was considered to be "Longquan imitation official" and "Longquan official kiln".

It seems that Ge Kiln did not exist in the Song Dynasty, and the records of Ge Kiln in the literature are considered to be rumors.

However, if you study and analyze carefully, you will find that things are not so simple.

The key lies in the issue of "Longquan official kiln" and Hangzhou suburb altar official kiln, which comes first, which has not really been resolved.

Because the theory of "Longquan official kiln" is based on "Longquan imitation official", it is believed that it is impossible to imitate an official kiln, but it is consistent with the official kiln. It is naturally an official kiln. If it is needed, it will be fired in Longquan to make up for it.

This point of view naturally leads to the conclusion that the official kiln in the suburbs of Hangzhou is earlier than the official kiln in Longquan.

However, there is not enough archaeological data to prove this point of view, and it also leads to various doubts.

The suburban altar cannot meet the needs of the imperial court, so why not expand it locally and nearby, but build a kiln in Longquan, thousands of miles away?
Song Shi Nandu brought northern craftsmen, they are used to round kilns fired with coal, how can they build dragon kilns in Hangzhou with firewood?
Are the discussions in the literature about Ge Kiln necessarily groundless?

A brother cannot imitate an official, but an official can imitate a brother.

The official kilns of all dynasties and dynasties are all built on the basis of folk kilns. Isn't it possible for officials to imitate elder brothers?
During the Song Dynasty's southward journey, the emperor wandered for 13 years. Where did the Nandu kiln workers survive during this period?How to survive?
Should I eat the imperial food, or seek my own way out?
These questions finally focused on the age and nature of Longquan's original black-bodied open-piece porcelain.

In other words, could the original black-bodied open-piece porcelain in Longquan be the product of the combination of northern craftsmen and Longquan kiln craftsmanship during the emperor's more than ten years of homelessness?


Acquire a large number of artifacts, tiles and kiln furniture.

After in-depth research, some experts and scholars believe that the relics in the strata of the Song Dynasty should be the "Xiusi official kiln" referred to in the literature.

The relics in the strata of the Yuan Dynasty are "handed down Ge Kiln", the latter is an imitation of the former, and the essence of "handed down Ge Kiln" is the product of imitating officials after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Some experts and scholars believe that Tiger Cave is the "Gege Cave" mentioned in "Zhi Zhengzhi Ji".

So far, it can be basically confirmed that the handed down Ge Kiln is a product of the Yuan Dynasty, and definitely not the Ge Kiln among the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty.

Although there is already some general knowledge about Ge Kiln, with more and more archaeological discoveries, the problem of the kiln site of Ge Kiln has not only not been resolved, but also involves more and more questions.

Is the Ge kiln mentioned in Ming and Qing documents the Song Ge kiln?
The earliest record about Ge Kiln was found at the end of Yuan Dynasty. Did Ge Kiln originate in Song Dynasty or Yuan Dynasty?

Ge Kiln and Guan Kiln have similar pronunciation, and the characteristics of porcelain are similar. Could Ge Kiln be Guan Kiln?

What is the relationship between Longquan black-bodied celadon and Ge kiln handed down from generation to generation, and the official kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty?
All of this is precisely the mystery of Geyao that makes it have an irreplaceable position in people's hearts.

Forging iron still needs to be hard, and excellent quality is the foundation.

If there is no excellent quality, who would care who created the Ge Kiln?In what year was it created?Where is its kiln site?
(End of this chapter)

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