My system is not decent

Chapter 1852 Daming Chihui

Chapter 1852 Daming Chihui
The young boss is still very proud. The antique shop has been open for three years at a time.

He can be regarded as a model of not opening for three years, but eating for ten years after opening.

Thinking that he had hidden these things for more than half a year, the young boss couldn't help but sell them quickly.

Although it didn't cost much to receive it, it's heartwarming to hold in your hands!

Chen Wenzhe didn't know what this guy was thinking, and he didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to buy a few more treasures.

Next, Chen Wenzhe was really pleasantly surprised, because he saw two colorful jade pots and spring vases, and two plum vases.

This is not over yet, what kind of classic porcelain is the Yuan Dynasty?Nature is a big pot.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe also saw four large pots, and it was not finished at this time. He went into these four large pots and found some dishes, and besides that, there were actually two and colorful flat pots.

Seeing this, Chen Wenzhe was a little autistic.

Does the person in front of you also have a golden finger? He obviously discovered a cellar from the Yuan Dynasty.

Because the porcelain in front of me is not unearthed, but more like a cellar, because it is so well preserved, there is no muddy smell, and there is no rust.

"The best in the world" multicolored porcelain is really not a boast.

The Yuan Dynasty was able to make blue and white flowers that are the best in the world, so it is not bad to make five colors.

Among the colored porcelain, there are five colors, bucket colors, enamel colors, and pastel colors.

This classification is not the classification that the ancients carried out when they began to produce colored porcelain, but a process that gradually formed.

For example, the word Doucai was not called Doucai in the Ming Dynasty, and it was called Wucai in the Ming Dynasty until the early Qing Dynasty.

Ming porcelain has this feature. It is continuously classified in the process of development, and then adds a very specific prefix.

The porcelain in front of me can be seen to be old at a glance, and this cannot be concealed because it is well preserved.

Obviously the young boss didn't understand this point, he was just a layman.

Of course, he must also know some knowledge of porcelain appraisal, at least he is very sure that this is definitely not porcelain from the Ming Dynasty.

The five colors of the Ming Dynasty are so famous, like the young boss in front of him, he will definitely learn some identification knowledge of the five colors of the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, he may fall into the pit.

The first feature of the five colors of the Ming Dynasty is that all the five colors of the Ming Dynasty were called blue and white colors.

It is also inseparable from blue and white, and the blue on the five colors is expressed by blue and white at this time.

Then when it wants to make a work, a problem will arise.

Blue and white should be painted for the first time, and the remaining colors should be painted for the second time.

Therefore, when you see a semi-finished product that has not been kiln for the second time, its picture is very abstract.

Chen Wenzhe has encountered it countless times, and someone showed him blue and white flowers, saying that the blue and white flowers are very strange, the pattern is very incomplete, and it is impossible to tell what the painting is about.

These are generally semi-finished products, which flowed into the folks without entering the kiln a second time at that time.

In history, when someone encountered this kind of thing, they would secretly hide it, and then take it to Jingzhen for secondary processing, that is, to fill in all the colorful parts.

Therefore, there is a technical term called: post-hanging lottery, which refers to hanging lottery again after hundreds of years, which is suspected of being fake.

Some merchants would take advantage of loopholes when the post-hanging lottery appeared. From the late Qing Dynasty to the early years of the Republic of China, the post-hanging lottery was very popular.

The reason is that five colors were more expensive than blue and white at that time, so someone must have found a way to turn it into five colors, and someone would use pure blue and white to add color.

How to distinguish it is very simple, you imagine whether the pattern is complete after removing the color, if it is complete, it must be hung at the back, not complete, but it is possible to hang at the back.

The five colors in the late Ming Dynasty are mainly red and green, and the expression of colors is relatively simple, and it does not emphasize too much color.

There was once such a large pot, which set a world record for Chinese porcelain in Xiangjiang in 2000, at 4400 million Hong Kong dollars, and this record has been maintained for a long time.

Red and green were the main colors in the Ming Dynasty, making its strong expressive intentions clear at a glance, and later became popular, that is, big red and big green.

In the past, red and green were considered a very timid color.

However, it uses the colors of red and green to collide strongly to form a style.

This style is also named in Neon: Daming Chihui, which is mainly red.

In the late Ming Dynasty, red was popular, but there were also green ones, also called Daming Chihui.

In the Ming Dynasty, for more than 200 years, only the five colors in the Wanli period could compete with blue and white, occupying half of the country.

There are many reasons for this. The first is that the market was full of extravagance at that time, and the colorful colors were warmer than blue and white, which seemed precious. This kind of kitsch tendency is very obvious.

Secondly, it is due to the aesthetic trend of culture. When we sort the known cultures, we will find that there is a trend in cultural aesthetics.

Such as Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan opera, Ming and Qing novels;
For example, porcelain, the secret color porcelain of the Tang Dynasty, Song porcelain, Yuan blue and white, and Ming five colors.

It follows a trend from implicit to euphemistic, to popular to straightforward.

You need to have skills to understand implicit things, but you don't need to understand straightforward things. The strong and bright colors are very easy to get people's general favor.

For example, a little girl is most likely to like big flower skirts when she doesn't know much about society. This is innate and does not need to be taught, it is an intuition.

For those who are not well-educated, the color should not be too plain, so the five colors lasted for a long time in the Ming Dynasty.

During the transition period of ceramics, the production of colored porcelain was very small, because at this time, the country was in turmoil and the people were in dire straits, and people's requirements for life dropped to the lowest point.

In the Kangxi period, five colors quickly reached their peak, and the remaining two types of colored porcelain in my country, enamel and pastel, were created during this period.

At that time, enamel color and pastel color did not constitute the focus of the market, and with the addition of fighting color, this dynasty was really colorful.

The five colors of the Ming Dynasty were so famous, but the five colors of the Yuan Dynasty were mixed in, which seemed a bit of a fly in the ointment.

This is the important reason why some half-bottle vinegars don't know the five colors of the Yuan Dynasty and look down on the five colors of the Yuan Dynasty.

Five colors were created in the Yuan Dynasty and carried forward in the Ming Dynasty. Although they existed in Shunzhi in the early Qing Dynasty, they only gathered for a while in Kangxi and increased rapidly.

If this batch of multicolored porcelain is not from the Ming Dynasty, it cannot be from the Qing Dynasty, because the Qing Dynasty spared no expense in making porcelain.

Whether porcelain is good or not, one of the most critical reasons is the cost.

For example, during the Kangxi period, life began to be rich, and the cost of entering the kiln for the second time of five colors was no longer considered.

Although there is an extra procedure, it also adds a layer of beauty, which shows that we were able to do this during the Kangxi period.

The economy of the Qing Dynasty recovered and developed rapidly during the Kangxi Dynasty, and this cost can be accepted.

And it is also liked by ordinary people. This is the main reason, and it has little to do with political reasons.

Of course, it does not mean that the Yuan Dynasty government had no money and no good things.

(End of this chapter)

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