rebirth of change

Chapter 70 He Wanrong Enters the Entertainment Circle

Chapter 70 He Wanrong Enters the Entertainment Circle

"Xiaojie, can I really?" He Wanrong asked hesitantly.

"Sister Wanrong, of course you can. You look sweet and have a unique voice. It is the best to be our spokesperson. Brother Ouyang promised to give you the endorsement fee of a first-line star." Chen Kangjie smiled and said to He Wanrong. It was his idea.

"But I have never been on TV, and I have never filmed anything!" He Wanrong was still a little worried and nervous.

"What's the matter? People always have their first time. Who is born with experience? You can learn while shooting. Besides, it's just a 30-second commercial. Moreover, we pay to shoot commercials, and the advertising company will accommodate you. Don't worry!" Chen Kangjie continued to encourage her to comfort her and resolve her doubts.

After returning from Beijing, Chen Kangjie came directly to He Wanrong and told her about asking her to shoot a commercial.Ever since he went to Hong Kong once, Chen Kangjie knew that although He Wanrong didn't directly agree to enter the entertainment industry, she could tell that she really wanted to sing. After teaching in middle school for a few years, she might also be a little bored. When it comes to school teaching, She also lost the passion she had when she just graduated, and now she works purely for work. When Chen Kangjie discovered this change in her, he decided to take the initiative to find work for her.

After returning from Hong Kong, Fan Wenxuan called He Wanrong twice, she really wanted to take He Wanrong under her banner.On the phone, He Wanrong didn't refuse or agree. Maybe she was a little bit unconfident about being a full-time singer. This time, Chen Kangjie forced him to take over the commercial song and commercial shooting.

"Okay, you agreed to them, and I can only try to help with the filming, but what about the endorsement fee, is it too high? Don't let the company think that you are using power for personal gain." It is okay to do things, but I am not famous after all , taking the endorsement fee of a first-line star, He Wanrong felt that it was a bit inappropriate, and she was not at ease.

"Sister Wanrong, don't be a fool if you have money. Besides, you didn't take advantage of it. You will be a first-line star soon. Do you doubt the quality of the songs I write for you?" Chen Kangjie really didn't know what to do with this sister , With a wry smile, he brought himself out.

Giving an endorsement fee of several hundred thousand is really nothing to Chen Kangjie, he doesn't want He Wanrong to be too cheap, and Chen Kangjie is very confident that He Wanrong will be popular soon, and he will be a first-line star immediately, but he is too sincere as a sister , Worried that he was getting too much money, and Chen Kangjie, a consultant, was not easy to get along with in the company.

"No, no, no one can write songs better than you, Xiaojie, you will help me write my songs in the future, and I won't sing songs written by others. Do you hear me? If you drag me into the water, you will I have to be responsible." He Wanrong hurriedly separated the relationship, she trusted and admired Chen Kangjie's musical accomplishments, of course, since she joined the singer industry, she had to grab this guy as a full-time writer, otherwise He Wanrong is really not sure whether she can be popular or not.

The sentence "You have to be responsible" made Chen Kangjie a little unnatural, why is the meaning a little weird?But Chen Kangjie quickly threw away the bad thoughts in his head, this is a god-sister.

"No problem, how about writing two albums for you a year, isn't it good? But, of the two albums, I am only responsible for writing half of them, and you write the other half yourself. I still have to go to school, and I have to give it to Brother Ouyang I’m very busy as a consultant over there.” Chen Kangjie doesn’t want He Wanrong to rely too much on him, He Wanrong’s music background is good, Chen Kangjie wants to ‘force’ her to take the initiative to develop her potential, that is the long-term solution After all, the few songs in Chen Kangjie's mind can't stand a few albums and will be used up.

He Wanrong laughed with a "poof", "You still need to spend time on your studies? You actually use it as an excuse to go to school. Now I have heard that your lectures are better than your teachers in your school. You are purely dawdle"

Chen Kangjie is famous now. Not only do he get full marks in every exam, but the students like to listen to his lectures more than the teacher. The homework explanation after school every day is the most popular among the students. Many people from the next class come to ask for connections to join Well, Class [-] of this year's elementary school is also the class with the best grades since the school was established. The average score of each test is very high, and the other two classes will be pulled apart, because Class [-] has no students who are lagging behind. Well, if you score more than [-] points in both subjects, you are considered an upper-middle student or average student in other classes and grades, but in Class [-] of the fifth grade, that is the bottom role.

"Hey, although I don't need to learn elementary school content anymore, I'm still learning. I buy so many books every year. It's not like you don't know that you have to read those books when you buy them, right? You don't want my brother to become Another 'injury Zhongyong'?" Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed by He Wanrong's words, scratching his head and explaining with a laugh.

"That's right, anyway, you have to write half of each album for me."

"No problem, what I said just now, you will gradually become a singer-songwriter in the future, I will write more for you before, and you will write more yourself later."In fact, Chen Kangjie doesn't need to say much about this, He Wanrong's character, and she would not really ask Chen Kangjie to do all of this for him. In the process of cooperating with Chen Kangjie, she is actually learning to create by herself.

"Xiaojie, I heard that the entertainment industry in Hong Kong is very complicated, and many stakeholders are involved. Many gangsters use the entertainment industry to launder money." He Wanrong went to Hong Kong once, and it seems that she has come across a lot of information , so he said without worry.

"You don't have to worry about this. Feiyang Entertainment will soon be a subsidiary company of Hongyuan International Investment Company. The whole company will take care of you. You just need to do your own thing well, and ignore the rest." Of course Chen Kangjie knew The entertainment industry in Hong Kong is quite dark. In fact, as long as it is an entertainment industry, it is the same everywhere. There are many unspoken rules. The black forces also like to intervene, but Chen Kangjie still believes that he has the ability to take good care of this god-sister.

"Brother Ouyang really invested in Feiyang Entertainment because of me? I thought they were joking." He Wanrong never expected that Ouyang Zhenhua would really decide to invest in Fan Wenxuan's Feiyang Entertainment.

"Hehe, if he invests, he has to invest, and if he doesn't invest, he has to invest, otherwise I will lose face!" Chen Kangjie said cheerfully.


After returning from the capital, Chen Kangjie called Ouyang Zhenhua together and asked him to inject 500 million US dollars into Fan Wenxuan's Feiyang Entertainment Company, but Hongyuan needed to hold 80.00% of Wu's equity, and the remaining 15.00% belonged to Fan Wenxuan. The company was still managed by Fan Wenxuan, she was the general manager, and she informed He Wanrong of her intention to join the entertainment industry.

After Ouyang Zhenhua called Fan Wenxuan with the news, she agreed without hesitation, and danced excitedly after hanging up the phone.Counting it, Fan Wenxuan took a big advantage. Her company itself is a small company with only 100 million yuan. Now that 500 million US dollars has come in, her worth has doubled or tripled. Moreover, Hongyuan's head office is no more than More 'intervene' in the management of the entertainment company, so that it will not affect Fan Wenxuan's display of her talents and realization of her own value.

After Fan Wenxuan and Hongyuan International's attorney sorted out an agreement, they personally brought six of them to Ouyang Zhenhua to sign, and then came to talk to He Wanrong about joining the company and releasing music records.Now is a critical period for Master Kong Food Company, Ouyang Zhenhua did not return to Hong Kong, so Fan Wenxuan could only come here.

For this result, Ouyang Zhenhua felt a little helpless.Before he promised Rolling Stone Records to try his best to bring Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong to Rolling Stone, but Chen Kangjie actually arranged another way, and he can only lament to Rolling Stone that there is nothing he can do to help him. When he returns to Hong Kong, he will explain to his old boss.

Compared with Hongyuan International's investment of US$500 million, Fan Wenxuan was also surprised by two news.That is, He Wanrong has not yet entered the acting career. Her commercials will occupy the prime time of CCTV for a long time, and she is in the entertainment industry. Fan Wenxuan has also studied the huge influence of CCTV on mainland artists. Wan Rong will be very famous in the mainland.The second is, I don’t know what kind of energy He Wanrong has, but I actually found the talented musician "Da Yangyu", who has never seen the beginning but never ends, to write an album for him.Fan Wenxuan is very clear that the works of this talented musician are the first classics. It can be expected that He Wanrong's album will not be a big hit. This talented musician has not released a work for a long time.

At first, Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong completed the music. Chen Kangjie added He Wanrong's name after the composition, but when he knew it was going to be sold to a record company in Hong Kong, He Wanrong still did not use his real name, but used the stage name "Wanyue" , So Fan Wenxuan still doesn't know that He Wanrong has contributed to the music works she liked before. If she knew, she might not let He Wanrong go when she was in Hong Kong.

"Wen Xuan, I'm sorry, please come here from Hong Kong, I really can't leave here for the time being." After completing the formalities, Ouyang Zhenhua found Fan Wenxuan and planned to have a good chat.

"As long as you are willing to invest money, you can go anywhere." Fan Wenxuan achieved two goals, he was happy, and his speech was much more relaxed.

"You are Siying's cousin, so we are not considered outsiders. There is something I have to explain to you clearly. , you have to take good care of her, you should be clear that we are willing to invest because she joined Feiyang Entertainment"

"Brother Ouyang, you don't know what that is?", Fan Wenxuan asked cautiously.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to hear such words in the future. As for the reason, I can't tell you now, you will know later." Fan Wenxuan's guess made Ouyang Zhenhua very uncomfortable. If Chen Kangjie heard this , Wouldn't that increase the misunderstanding?

Fan Wenxuan also knew that he had guessed wrong indiscriminately, so he could only bow his head secretly "Oh".

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