rebirth of change

Chapter 700 Impossible to Satisfy All

Chen Kangjie fell on the bed and tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep. He really wanted to call Ouyang Zhenhua, but he called Ouyang Zhenhua several times, but reluctantly put it down.

He wasn't worried about disturbing Ouyang Zhenhua's rest. Regardless of the fact that it was night in Los Angeles, it was broad daylight in East Asia. Chen Kangjie thought that if Wallace could make a call here, would the phone here be monitored? He doesn't want to be on the phone here, and someone is eavesdropping on the other side. Although this possibility may not exist, he must be careful when sailing for thousands of years. ┌ | ┐

Xiong Ziqiang's mobile phone number in China cannot roam internationally at this time, and it cannot be used when he arrives in the United States. Chen Kangjie has to think about his communication security. He didn't pay much attention to this before.

The next morning, Chen Kangjie's butler, Ode, came to the street to buy three mobile phones. Chen Kangjie regarded them as disposable and planned to destroy them after they were used. In the United States, it was not his territory, so everything should be done carefully. In the world, it is not uncommon for boats to capsize in the gutter.

Chen Kangjie had sent someone to inquire about Audrey's identity, and there was nothing suspicious about it. For the past 20 years, he had been working as a housekeeper for wealthy businessmen, and after he left, the two wealthy businessmen were safe.It seemed that Bob was very cautious when selecting candidates.

Seeing that Aode came back to buy three mobile phones, Chen Kangjie smiled. It turned out that Aode came back to buy the superstar mobile phone produced by Anycall Communication Company. Zhao Rundong and the others did a good job in bringing this new product into the US market so quickly.

In fact, it’s not as simple as Chen Kangjie thought. Zhao Rundong and the others really wanted to bring this product into the US market, but it was too difficult. They took the initiative several times, but they were all rejected by the US Federal Communications Administration. The reason is that It will endanger national security, and the tariffs are also very high.

In the end, a trading company in the United States came to the door and asked for an agent. As for the relationship between the United States and the United States, they took care of it themselves. Later, the company turned to a lobbying company to persuade some members of Congress, and those members came to say hello. This product In order to be able to enter the world's largest communications market.

Of course, with the addition of tariffs and other factors, the price of this product in the United States is ridiculously high, 1800 US dollars a piece, or about [-] RMB. And the product technology is still new.

Zhao Rundong and the others sold it to this trading company at a price of 600 US dollars, which was higher than the domestic selling price. The profit is still very objective. The [-] finished products ordered by this trading company were just adopted the day before yesterday. Shipped to Los Angeles by air, just listed today.

Because it is the latest product, Aodelai knows that he only chooses good things to buy for the owner, so he bought it back. The mobile phone card is also bound with a local number in the United States.

Chen Kangjie randomly disassembled a mobile phone, lay down by the swimming pool outside the villa, and called Ouyang Zhenhua. The bodyguards did not come near to disturb the boss's phone call, and they were all distributed seven, eight or ten meters away.

Chen Kangjie just told Ouyang Zhenhua that the Japanese action could be withdrawn in advance, and the method should be more secretive, and he should pay attention to safety. He also told him that if he had something important to ask him, he should not call the landline.At the same time, let him prepare a few more phone numbers and numbers. For important things, use those new numbers. After use, the numbers and mobile phones will be completely destroyed. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is safe.

"Brother Qiang, burn this phone down." After finishing the call, Chen Kangjie handed the phone to Xiong Ziqiang.

Xiong Ziqiang didn't ask why, he avoided it by himself, found some gasoline to soak the phone, twisted it out, and burned it up.

When Chen Kangjie had breakfast with Fan Wenxuan, he gave Fan Wenxuan the list he had drawn up. He thought it was unnecessary to change these actors. For other supporting roles, as long as he could find equivalent ones. <), hanna hall, kurtrussell, mykelti williamson, gary sinese are two little kids who may not be It's easy to find, the two of them, one plays Jenny as a child, the other plays Forrest Gump as a child, and that Mykelti Williamson (mykeltiwilliamson) is a black man who plays Benjamin Buffalo. It may be difficult to find these three people , everything else is easy to find, more or less people in Hollywood know about it." For the convenience of Fan Wenxuan, Chen Kangjie added a few words of explanation.

"I don't understand..." Looking at the note in front of her, Fan Wenxuan stretched out her right index finger and frowned slightly, "You don't even know these people, how did you know this name, since you know name, you should be able to find these people!".

Chen Kangjie realized that he had slipped his tongue again. The names of these people were the only ones he could keep in his mind through the subtitles after watching that movie many times, but he absolutely could not say that.

" don't have to worry about how I know, just help find it." Chen Kangjie didn't know how to answer it, but as a boss, he has a privilege, that is, if he doesn't like to answer questions, he can completely ignore them. The answer was arranged in one sentence.

"...Okay", Fan Wenxuan shook his hands, but he had no choice but to say, "You have to give an approximate time when you shoot, right? Otherwise, how can I tell others?".

"It should be on summer vacation. It's okay. If you find it, if I don't shoot it and it affects their income, you can pay a little monthly salary. It's no big deal." Chen Kangjie knew that what Fan Wenxuan was talking about was for others, so he simply Solve it at once in advance.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie and the others had just finished breakfast, and Streisand came with 7 staff members. She came here to exclusively interview Chen Kangjie.

"Long, thank you." When seeing Chen Kangjie today, Streisand was no longer depressed and annoyed. She was very energetic and greeted Chen Kangjie enthusiastically.

"You're welcome, who told me to promise you?" Chen Kangjie expressed calmly.

At this time, a photographer picked up the camera and started shooting.

"What are you doing? Put it down...take out the video tape inside", Xiong Ziqiang and the others stepped forward to stop it.

The other party still didn't want to take it, and planned to resist.

"Long, what is this for? This..." Streisand became nervous.

"I allowed you to interview, but I didn't allow them to shoot randomly, so no matter whether he has captured anything just now, take out the videotape, otherwise today's interview will be cancelled, and the videotape still has to be taken out before leaving", Chen Kangjie looked at the man holding the camera desperately, turned around and said calmly to Streisand.

"Bring them the video," Streisand thought for a while, stomped her feet, and reluctantly said to her colleagues.

Today she is the main person in charge of the interview, and everything is under her command. The editor-in-chief told me repeatedly when I went out, so after Streisand said that, the white photographer could only reluctantly record the video in the camera. Take it to Xiong Ziqiang.

"Do you think we are inside or outside?" Streisand asked Chen Kangjie angrily.

"Let's just be outdoors, the light outside is good, but wait a moment, I'll go change clothes." After speaking, Chen Kangjie went upstairs to change clothes.

Last night, Chen Kangjie was wearing a white tunic suit. Today, Chen Kangjie changed into a black tunic suit. Similarly, the Batman blindfold was still on his face.

Streisand thought that Chen Kangjie would accept the interview in his true colors, but she was somewhat disappointed in the same attire.

"Don't be disappointed. Do you still remember the first time you secretly photographed me? I don't want to be recognized at a glance. That's why I asked your colleague for a video tape just now, and you are not allowed to shoot casually. I miss you You understand me, now you can start, you can shoot whatever you want", Chen Kangjie saw Streisand's disappointment, and in order to make the interview process enjoyable, he explained a few more sentences.

"Okay, then the first interview I ask you to take off your mask in the future will also belong to me." There is no way to change it for the time being, and Streisand is planning for the future.

"Well, let's talk about it later." This time, Chen Kangjie didn't readily agree. There may be different variables in the future, and Chen Kangjie didn't want to be too restrictive.

"It's really stingy!" Streisand said coquettishly with a wink.

"Miss, let's get started, my time is really limited", Chen Kangjie didn't care about that now.

"Okay, which side do you sit on? Turn the chair to the side, and the fire will quickly install the equipment," Streisand directed.

"No problem, you have the final say on this, haha", Chen Kangjie should soften his attitude if he insults others.

A few minutes later, everything was ready. In order to prevent the light from being too strong, the seats of Chen Kangjie and Streisand were placed under the sun umbrella, but two reflectors were added on the opposite side so that Chen Kangjie's face could be seen clearly and brightly. The performance is softer.

"Miss Streisand, there is a question that needs to be deleted from your question list." After sitting down, Chen Kangjie took the lead in objecting.

When everyone was busy just now, Streisand gave Chen Kangjie a summary of the interview they had compiled, and asked Chen Kangjie to see if there was anything wrong. These are necessary in the process, otherwise the interview will not go smoothly. What I don't want to face is that this is not a live broadcast, and now the live broadcast can still be a bit of a surprise.

"Which question?" Streisand asked after taking the note that Chen Kangjie handed back to her.

"It's the question about my real name and family situation. I don't even want to expose myself, so how can I expose my family situation, so you don't have to ask this question, because I can't answer a word," Chen Kangjie said. Detours.

"But the audience...".

"The audience wants to know a lot, but I can't satisfy them all. If the audience wants me to be nude, do I have to take it off too? It's not this logic. The audience needs to be guided, not to satisfy them without reservation." , Chen Kangjie understood what Streisand was going to say, so he blocked her mouth in advance.

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