rebirth of change

Chapter 701 The 1st Interview

"The audience wants to know a lot, but I can't satisfy them all. If the audience wants me to be nude, do I have to take it off too? It's not this logic. The audience needs to be guided, not to satisfy them without reservation" .

"...╚ ^ ╝... well, then cancel this question", Chen Kangjie said clearly, no matter whether Streisand is willing or not, she can only accept it.

"Thank you, then we can start." Chen Kangjie crossed his legs and sat on the chair chicly. His hands were propped on the wall of the chair, and his fingers were crossed.

"Get ready, power on," Streisand ordered.

There were three cameras involved in the shoot, one at the front and one at the front, the other was free-flowing without brackets, two were in charge of lighting, and one was doing handyman.

Streisand reached out to Chen Kangjie with a microphone with the HBO logo printed on it, and started the formal interview.

"Long, thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview you for the first time. Well, looking at your clothes, I think of a person, Bruce Lee. He also wears such clothes. Do you admire him? ", Streisand's first question started from Chen Kangjie's clothes and brought up Bruce Lee.

"Yes, Bruce Lee is a generation of martial arts masters. He is indeed my idol. It should be said that he is the idol of many Chinese. In the West, it seems that he is also very popular. Many people love Chinese martial arts. It is from him Yes, but it is a pity that he died young, otherwise, I absolutely believe that he will be a star in the bright world. Although Mr. Bruce Lee has left us, as a symbol of the nation and the times, he will be remembered by our descendants.” , Chen Kangjie focused on his evaluation of Bruce Lee.

"So what's the point of this dress? I saw you were wearing all white yesterday. The guests at the Oscars were all suits and gowns. You're the only one who wears this. Can you tell us what you want What do you mean?", although Streisand asked the inconspicuous question, but it can often express Chen Kangjie's thoughts, Streisand believes that it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to choose such a maverick outfit to participate in the grand Oscar for no reason Award ceremony.

"Represents freedom, equality and fraternity, and of course there are many more. I will not talk about its political significance today. I can talk about cultural things. This kind of clothes is a combination of Chinese style and Western style. In our country, it was once the 'national dress'. 'Of course, today, with the vigorous development of the clothing industry and the addition of all kinds of clothing, the Chinese tunic suit has withdrawn from the historical stage of regular dresses early. But it is undeniable that it is simple, dignified, and atmospheric, and it also carries our culture. , a kind of etiquette, a sense of national self-esteem and pride. Or it can be said that it has been deeply imprinted in our blood. From the moment it was born in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, it has represented progress. The connotation is the national costume of our new era. For many years, the Chinese have wanted to catch up with the United States, want to stand in the forest of nations in the world, and think about a great ideal cause, but they never seem to think about finding their own national spirit. This rootless wandering state is manifested in the fact that we are looking for a strong and prosperous nation on the one hand, but on the other hand we despise our own traditional civilization and give up on ourselves. This contradictory state actually comes from the lack of national self-confidence. The direct consequence is that the Chinese nation is doomed to lose more in the pursuit of national progress. "The Han family's celestial horses grow out of the bushes, and the alfalfa blossoms are all over the suburbs." Civilization should find a cultural bloodline to re-inherit. I don't know how much you know about our Chinese culture, and I don't know whether this dress can really represent the return of a lost civilization, but what I want to tell you is that I am very happy It is proud", the national self-pity complex created by the Chinese nation in the fog of history has affected every Chinese, including Chen Kangjie.

"Well, I really don't know much about Chinese culture. Sorry, to be honest, if you don't answer in English, I don't know how to translate, especially your ancient poems." Streisand has been listening quietly, It was the first time for him to feel that Chen Kangjie had such a profound side.

"Haha, it's normal, let alone you, some so-called sinologists, their understanding of us is still very superficial, there is no way, this is determined by the root of culture, if you have the opportunity, I suggest you go travel, and, try to Go to small and medium-sized cities, or even rural areas," Chen Kangjie laughed heartily.

Chen Kangjie's big laugh made Streisand feel a lot more relaxed, and the unhappiness she had just now disappeared.

"Thank you, I think I will go. Although I don't know much about Chinese culture, I know Chinese Kung Fu through Bruce Lee. Since you admire him, do you know Kung Fu?" Streisand asked interested Asked about the topic, she felt that this could catch the attention of young people.

"Ah, um, I know a little bit. Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound, and there are many schools. I may only know one ten-thousandth of them," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

"Then can you give us a show?" Streisand was riding on the hot iron, and having a show is much more interesting than just talking.

"Hehe, I'm not ashamed. I'm just doing it for the purpose of strengthening my body. Shaolin Temple often has monks touring the United States to perform. If you are interested, you can go and see it." Chen Kangjie turned the corner and refused.

Chen Kangjie basically learned fighting skills, which is very unsuitable for performances, and the performances don't look that great.

"Long, then I want to know, you admire your Chinese culture so much and are so proud of it, why did you choose to make Western movies and write and sing songs suitable for Westerners?" Streisand asked a tricky question.

"Today's world is moving toward integration in terms of culture, economy, and education, so although I love the culture behind me, I also hope to have as many opportunities as possible to learn the value of Western culture. Moreover, from a practical point of view, due to economic and political promotion, there are many advanced places in Western cultural technology, cultural marketing, and cultural thinking. These things will invade other countries and regions as the economy spreads, so Even if I can’t come out, I can accept it. From a profit point of view, whether it’s a movie or a song, it can create more economic value in the West. Hehe, using wisdom to create wealth is advocated everywhere.” Chen Kangjie finally He looks like a little money fanatic, of course he wants to mislead the public, but what he said is realistic, so you can't believe it.

"In terms of these two aspects, do you have any plans for the future? That is, will you release an album or make a movie this year?".

"Yes, of course I will. I issued a special statement about the Grammy Awards last month, in which I mentioned that I would release a new album to thank the fans for their love and support. As for the movie, it is under planning. In the middle, it's just when the filming will start, there is no final decision yet," Chen Kangjie replied positively.

"Before you donated a large sum of money to the earthquake in Japan, can you share your opinion on this?" Streisand asked this question that Chen Kangjie liked.

Not only Little Japan likes to do things that are friendly in person but stabbed in the back, Chen Kangjie also likes to do it, no matter how he does things secretly, but on the surface, he has to show sanctimoniousness and friendliness, and he must erect his own friendly imagination.

"This, I have already said in the statement, and I don't mind repeating it today. Japan is our neighbor with a narrow strip of water. Our culture is very similar. Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, Japan has been learning from us. Of course, in the past we used to There is a tragic history, which no one will forget. As for the earthquake in Japan, which caused a great loss of life and property, personally, I am very sad and sad, although I My strength is limited, but I still want to help them as much as I can, and if there is a need in the future, I will make as much contribution as possible.”

In this passage, Chen Kangjie has a sincere sentence, that is, no one will forget that painful history, anyway, he will definitely not forget it, it just depends on how others understand this sentence.

"Long, I heard that you are a middle school student. According to your talent, you must have excellent academic performance. You don't even need to go to middle school at all. It is not too much to go directly to graduate school in university. Why do you still go to school?" , Chen Kangjie refused to ask his identity, but Streisand still asked a very personal question, but it did not violate the rules set by Chen Kangjie.

"It is true, I have to admit that I am indeed a middle school student, but I am not too proud, I still have a lot to learn. More importantly, I always think that the student days are the most cherished time, It is an era that we often miss, whether it is the East or the West, there is such a complex, so I enjoy my time in school, I like those innocent classmates, I like the life without pressure, you know , The pressure in modern society is very high. Only by staying in school can I temporarily forget the troubles and pressures of the world. So at this stage, for me, going to school is still my main job, and the others are just my hobbies, or Said it was a side job", since Streisand asked, Chen Kangjie didn't plan to avoid it.

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