Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 265 Wang Li: The Flesh Forms a Mission

Chapter 265 Wang Li: The Flesh Forms a Mission (Additional Updates on Weekends)

Xianyang City, Lanchi Palace, the sky has not yet dawned.

Fusu propped his hands on the railing, his eyes narrowed, looking at the darkness before dawn in the distance while half asleep and half awake.

Behind him, stood a team of 'who and what'.

Well, it is the guards around the emperor who are responsible for night duty. When outsiders approach, they need to ask: "Who (who)!"

Hence the name.

Between Fusu's fingers was a piece of bamboo paper.

This is a secret report sent by Feige Chuanshu from Jiuyuan County. About half an hour ago, Shang Shu ordered Li Cheng to personally send it to Lanchi Palace.

Why!After finally falling asleep, someone pulled me up again, and I wanted to write a horrible word on the inside of my thigh... Fusu sighed and opened the secret report.

"Good guy, Wang Li is preparing to start a group physically!"

"Blooming in the center? Master Zhang is calling you an expert! The only good thing is that Meng Tian is the one who temporarily captured the Nine Plains Army. He still can't do that if the friendly army is in trouble, he can't move like a mountain!"

Fusu woke up in an instant, and he began to read the secret report in his hand word by word again.

"Although they were blocked on the grassland by the Huns, a general of Wang Li's level should not have been unaware of the possibility before leaving the fortress!"

"Since he did this, he must have his own ideas. Well, he had already drawn up the route before leaving the fortress, presumably to prevent the reinforcements from getting lost."

"Few people beat more people, defending according to danger, standing still and waiting for help is the right choice. If I were to lead the army, um, I should be chased and beaten by Maodun soon... But if Xiang Yu is the leader , should lead a wave of reckless penetration, and then chase thousands of Huns and beat them all over the place."

"Hey, it seems that in the Battle of Julu back then, Xiang Yu caught Wang Li and beat him to the head, and then forced Zhang Han's army to retreat. This battle became famous!"

Fusu closed the secret report without saying a word, and he will not accept the order of the foreign emperor. Moreover, he does not have the communication means of President Jiang, and he does not have the courage for laymen to give advice to experts.

In fact, according to his original intention, he is unwilling to frequently use force with the surrounding aliens.

After all, in future generations, this is a family.

That's why you herd sheep in your horse herd in Mobei, and I farm horses in mine in Monan. Everyone lives in peace, and it's great to get together to drink a little wine and brag from time to time.

But those who don't plan for the future are not enough for a while.

Just like in the later Hanwu period, Zhang Qian's purpose of hollowing out the Western Regions was not actually to make money, but to unite the Western Regions to fight the Huns.

And the most important point of all the foreign policies of the Han Dynasty is to fight the Huns!
One generation fights, two generations fight, as long as the Huns want to fight, they can fight for as long as they want!

Because if you don't do this, you will have to pay more in the future until you can't afford it.

Well, Tie Xueqiang Song clicked angrily... An unknown Song Hei chuckled twice, and was about to go back to the bedroom and sleep in the cage.


On a hill at the northern foot of Yin Mountain, Wang Li is leading people to urgently build temporary fortifications.

Rejecting horses, ditches, and simple beacon towers to indicate the direction. As for the burning materials used in the beacon towers, there is no need to worry at all. Just throwing wet horse dung into the fire is enough for people ten miles away to see.

Wang Li had a hunch that maybe tonight or tomorrow morning, the Huns should attack him.

This was an instinct he had honed over the years on the battlefield.

"Hey, it's a pity that most of the four-wheeled carriages were taken away by Meng Tian, ​​otherwise..."

He looked at the four-wheeled carriages lined up on the flat hill, and sighed again.

These twenty four-wheeled carriages carrying rations and arrows, together with the sharpened wooden stakes, can barely surround the flattest part of the hill.

At this moment, hundreds of strong Qin soldiers are digging trenches with shovels in their hands.

After all, a fool also knows that compared to a place with a high slope, attacking from here will save a lot of effort.

Wang Li took a look at this place, secretly thankful that when he set off, each soldier carried thirty feather arrows, otherwise he would not have the confidence to stand here and wait for help.

"I hope the documents for troop transfer can arrive at Jiuyuan City smoothly!"

Wang Li looked up at the sky that was gradually brightening. He used the double guarantee of flying pigeons and human couriers, and the message should be delivered safely.

So even though the battle was approaching at this moment, there was no panic in his heart.

People say that the general is the courage of the soldiers, and Wang Li does not panic, so all the Qin soldiers who saw him will also feel at ease, so everyone is enjoying it. Will this be the same as the previous battle of Nuoshui? Cooperate inside and outside, smash the enemy army, and harvest countless heads!

But Wang Li didn't think so. As a general in charge of the overall situation, he knew very well that it was impossible for all the reinforcements to arrive at once. After all, there was still a long way to go from the fortress of the Yinshan Great Wall.

His idea was that when small groups of reinforcements arrived one after another, the Huns would be more rational and give up attacking him with all their strength, but turned around and left as they had done countless times before.

Of course, the Huns had better not leave.

Because time is on the Qin people's side!
A moment later, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and Huyan Punu came with hundreds of people.

Behind their horses are bales of freshly bundled grass.

This is fodder for raising war horses. After all, it will take three days for the reinforcements to arrive at the earliest, and horses are such a big animal that they cannot do without fodder.

On the other side of the hill, there is a continuous stream of queues for chopping firewood and fetching water.

These are all necessary conditions to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army.

"General, will Modun really attack us?" Huyan Punu jumped off his horse and walked to Wang Li's side and asked.

"It's best not to come. If he doesn't come, take it as an opportunity to train the Nine Plains Army to deal with emergencies." Wang Li was busy with his work and said without raising his head: "Well, this is It's like the actual military exercise His Majesty said!"

Huyan Punu looked at Qin Zu who was dismantling the four-wheeled carriage, shook his head and sighed: "Although I have never met His Majesty the Emperor, I think he should be the most wise, wise and mighty king in the world!"

Wang Li asked with a look of disbelief, "You barbarian, when did you learn to compliment others?"

Huyan Punu said seriously: "Repeat, I am from Qin!"

Wang Li laughed: "As soon as you say your surname, people will know that you are a barbarian. Before saying that you are from Qin, you should change your surname first!"

Huyan Punu looked sideways slightly, he felt that what Wang Li said made sense: "Then what do you think my surname should be? Or..."

Wang Li interrupted him, and said with a smile, "You have my surname. My Wang family Ji's surname is Wang, which is also a very prominent surname! Well, my eldest is Wang Wei, and my second is Wang Yuan. Why don't you call me... "

"You die for me!"

 ps: When I was coding, I was hanging water in the hospital. There was a nurse who was Song Chui.

  But I actually made a mistake on purpose.

  Heh, I was thinking, should I marry this woman back, and stab her once...

(End of this chapter)

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