Chapter 266 Kill me, or you die!
Mobei Grassland, in the north of Wang Li's garrison, beside a meandering stream.

Mao Dun's hair was disheveled, and various symbols were smeared on his body with the blood of freshly slaughtered yellow sheep.

A shaman wearing an antler hat and white beard and hair was dancing around him, chanting loudly, and continued to scribble graffiti on Maodun from time to time, stained with sheep's blood that hadn't dried up.

To the south of them stood countless Hun men, conservatively estimated to be more than [-].

On the other side, there are tens of thousands of war slaves captured by the Modun people from the Dingling people in the north. Some of them are particularly eye-catching, with deep noses and high eyes, pale skin, green or blue eyes, and hair. Thousands of men in pale or pale gold.

They were the slaves of the Dingling people. When the Dingling people became the slaves of the Huns, their masters naturally became the Huns.

In order to make them taller, the Dingling people followed the example of castrated cows and horses, castrated them when they were young, and then taught them fighting skills.

What Ding Lingren didn't expect was that when the Huns came to fight, these slaves who had been trained to defend themselves would stand aside and quietly watch their masters being slaughtered!

After the war, after Mao Dun knew about them, he gave them another name.

Jie people.

The word Jie originally meant a castrated ram.

Of course, if possible, Modun would not be willing to use the characters of the Qin people, but why did the Huns not have their own characters!
After all, words and language are used to communicate ideas.

As for grassland nomads, they rarely see a few strangers throughout the year, and among the tribesmen who get along day and night, they can tell what the other party wants with just one look.

If it is not for singing, to relieve loneliness, language or something, it is completely unnecessary.

When the sun gradually rises, the ceremony of praying to the gods comes to an end.

According to the rules of the Huns, it is necessary to come again after noon and in the evening before the gods will accept their request and bring them victory, and what they return to the gods is the head and blood of the enemy!

As Mao Dun stood up like a blood man, the stench of blood immediately permeated the surroundings.

He stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, looking at the soldiers following him like a beast.

The Xiongnu warriors lowered their heads in fear, while the Jie people cast eyes full of reverence on him.

"Lost me in Helan Mountain, so that my grains will not be plentiful..."

Mao Dun sang softly a sad ballad popular among the Huns.

Since the Qin people destroyed Zhao, they resolutely fought against the Huns.

The price is that the Huns have lost all arable land since then, and returned to the life of their ancestors who relied entirely on grazing for a living.

"The people of Qin killed my tribal brothers, robbed my wife, daughter and sisters, plundered my cattle, sheep and horses, and occupied my fertile grassland..."

Instigated by Mao Dun's crying voice, the bloodthirsty nature of the Huns in front of him was fully aroused, and howling like wolves came and went.

When a wolf howls, a hundred wolves follow.

Above the vast grassland, the shrill howl resounded through the sky.

"Kill them all!"

"There are only a few thousand of them, but we are the warriors of the Great Chanyu Headquarters, brave and invincible!"

"Dedicate their blood to the wolf god, and ask him to bless our grassland with abundant water and grass, and our lambs to be strong..."

Roars of various tones mingled with the roars of wolves, and the desire for revenge and killing burned in the hearts of every Hun warrior.

Mao Dun looked at the group of murderous and high-spirited fighters in front of him with satisfaction.

Several defeats in the battle with the Qin people, as well as the forcible annexation of the tribes left behind by the right-handed family, put Modun, who had only been in power for a few years, in an embarrassing situation.

For the Huns whose main job is herdsmen and sidelines are robbers, once their leader loses prestige, it will be difficult for him to have supreme power.

Just like when Maodun attacked and killed his own father back then, the other tribes with noble surnames of the Huns were completely watching from the sidelines.

But now Wang Li only led a small amount of troops and dared to leave the fortress, which completely closed a dead end for Maodun.

If he ignored it and allowed Wang Li to stroll around the Monan Grassland and return to the Great Wall Fortress again, he, the plow-supporting lonely Tu Shanyu, should make himself a sacrifice as soon as possible to the God of Canglang!
But if they led troops to surround Wang Li, they might fall into a trap.

After all, everyone is not stupid, and Wang Li's actions are more like a conspiracy.

Kill me, or you die!
So Mouton has, and only this option.

However, because of the matter of the right-handed householder before, the left-handed householder who has been dissatisfied with him, and the left and right bone capitals are too scattered, and it takes time to assemble, so let the big Shanyu wait slowly, and wait for them to After the tribes were assembled, they came to fight with Da Shanyu.

Therefore, the only soldiers who followed Maodun this time were soldiers who belonged only to his headquarters, as well as Ding Lingren, war slaves and Jie people.

However, 4 to 3000 people beat [-] people!
The advantage is mine!

Mao Dun confidently patted several trusted generals in front of him. These tribes directly under Shanyu occupy the most fertile grasslands, so they are stronger than Zuo Dadanghu and others in terms of physique, weapons and armor. The tribal soldiers are much better.

At least each of them wore thick leather armor, and all had metal weapons such as short spears or pickaxes.

Among them, Mao Dun set up his own personal guard, and he also had a thick bronze breastplate on his body.

This is the guarantee that the Suoda family can lead all the tribes of the Huns!


At the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain, the sun has already set to the west.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the campfire, Wang Li picked the shreds of meat between his teeth with a piece of grass.

Huyan Punu cut off a piece of the roasted rabbit leg in his hand and put it in his mouth to chew slowly. This was the prey he caught while cutting grass.

"You said that since Mo Dun and the others had discovered us that day, why didn't they just rush up and fight with us?"

Hearing Huyan Punu's words, Wang Li spat out the crumbs of food in his mouth, then turned his head and said, "Because he is not sure of victory. Our army has been on alert."

Huyan Punu looked sideways: "What do you mean?"

Wang Li pointed to the war horses rolling in the dirt: "Because they don't have the saddle, hoof and stirrup that His Majesty calls the three treasures of cavalry."

"In addition to the iron armor and hand crossbows we wear. If the two armies are fighting head-on, my [-] cavalry can easily overwhelm his [-] cavalry."

Huyan Punu shook his head and said: "But Maodun has brought more than 1 people!"

Wang Li smiled and nodded: "Because the space for the two sides to fight is limited, like here, even if he has millions of people, but every time he can charge up, there are only a thousand people..."

(End of this chapter)

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