Chapter 267 Battle (4k chapters)
Huyan Punu nodded heavily: "This is what you said, one person guards the pass, but a thousand people dare not pass!"

Wang Li wiped the food crumbs from his beard, and said with a pleasant face, "Oh, you remember this? You are indeed a good descendant of our Wang family!"

Huyan Punu: he~tui!

Wang Li raised his head and looked at the crescent moon that had just risen in the sky: "That's why I found out where Maodun was hiding that day, but didn't preemptively attack him."

"After all, I am in the light, and he is in the dark. If one is not careful, it is easy to win first and then lose!"

Thinking of this, Wang Li couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

Ever since he realized that the Huns were planning to attack him, he immediately rushed all the way to the location he had chosen long ago to start building fortifications.

When Mao Dun was hesitating whether to pay the price of nearly ten thousand people to wipe him out, or wait for a suitable opportunity to launch a beautiful surprise attack, Wang Li took the initiative to set the battlefield in his favor!
This foothill is an extension of the Yinshan Mountains. If the Huns wanted to attack from the south, they had to bypass several dry gullies.

In this way, it will take at least a day or two to come over, and a lot of physical strength will be consumed.

The remaining east and west sides have higher slopes, and only a few people are needed to achieve a condescending defense.

After the battle begins, the blood of the enemy will be splashed on this hillside, which will make the road even more slippery and difficult to walk.

The only gentle northern slope was also surrounded by horses and carriages at the moment, forming a suggested walled city.

Outside the walled city, there is a narrow and deep trench. Outside the trench, there are small pits the size of a fist and more than half a foot deep dug out in the afternoon.

This is a simple tripping pit, used to prevent the Huns from using riding and shooting for nothing to lose their battles and consume their arrows.

These small pits are not deep, and if the horses are moving slowly, they can be easily avoided, but if the horses are galloping, there is no time to observe them carefully.

Wang Li thought for a while, and explained a few times to the two or five hundred masters beside him. After the other party showed a wretched smile, he stood up and walked away.

"What is golden juice?" Huyan Punu asked curiously while chewing on the rabbit's leg.

"Eh..." Wang Li saw that his food was delicious, scratched his eyebrows and said narrowly, "It's a mixture of feces and urine, it tastes very good when cooked, if you don't believe me, you can try it later..."

"Ouch!" Huyan Punu patted his chest, his face full of anger.

Wang Li smiled and said, "Just kidding! We thousands of people poop more than two horse-drawn carriages every day. I'll ask him to collect a little bit, then put it on the arrowhead, and give Modun a generous gift." .”

This is a common method used in hundreds of years of Warring States hegemony. It is not only to set up a cauldron on the top of the city, use golden juice to scald the enemy, and then cause the enemy's wound to be infected with bacteria and die. Even the arrowhead will be smeared. Golden Juice, to produce the same effect.

Wang Lizheng was planning to chat with Huyan Punu a few times, in order to relieve the oppressive feeling in the other party's heart and his own before the war came.

Suddenly, he felt a slight but rhythmic vibration from the ground.

In the distance, a rocket soared into the sky, piercing the desolate twilight on the grassland.

These are the rangers sent by Wang Li outside, and their task is to issue an early warning for the entire army.

Of course, there is no need to worry about their safety.

After all, they don't undertake combat missions, as long as they see the enemy and issue an alarm, they can run away...

A tall and strong Qin soldier put one hand on his hips, raised the horn with the other, and blew it vigorously.

In an instant, sharp copper whistles sounded one after another.

Qin Zu, who looked like an old farmer by the fire just now, jumped up from the ground, returned to the building according to Shiwu, and began to put on iron armor for his companions.

Some of the soldiers who hadn't been caught before going out to fight, or were not of good character, and hadn't been caught, their hands trembled slightly.

It wasn't that they were afraid, but that they remembered their family's orders when they left home.

No, don't go back!
In Qin's military law, there is another rule.

The army failed, and was garrisoned for three years.

That is to say, soldiers who did not win the first rank in the battle need to be sent to the border county to be stationed for three years.

In other words, some of these unlucky ones may have been away from home for three or four years.

In the past three to four years, there should be many incidents of girlfriends becoming wives and sons who have just given up their first month of life... right?

After a while, the soldiers on the north slope pushed aside the wooden fence and let in the rangers who were leading their horses.

Wang Li stood on the four-wheeled carriage, with the help of the faint starlight, he could faintly see countless shadows in the distant sky.

"finally come."

He smiled calmly, but the anxiety in his chest dissipated at this moment.

Although the Huns have appeared, there is only one waning moon tonight, and the Huns are determined not to attack in the dark.

After all, once the two sides started to fight hand-to-hand, under such lighting conditions, people would not be able to tell whether the person standing in front of them was an enemy or a comrade-in-arms.

If you fight bad battles one by one, whoever has the best equipment will have the upper hand.

After thinking about it, Wang Li ordered the whole army to squat to save energy.

He didn't ask the soldiers to remove their armor and repair it.

What if the opposite Mao Dun went crazy?

And in the distance, when Mao Dun saw the shadowy simple fortress on the foot of the mountain, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The opponent obviously came prepared, but he had no choice.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing on a cliff. If he retreated, he would die, but if he fought forward, he still had a glimmer of life.

As long as the Qin army can be completely wiped out, and the skull of the Qin general is used to make an exquisite wine vessel, the prestige of the Great Chanyu will be established!
"So, what is the price?" Mouton asked himself in his heart.

He immediately looked around, and the answer was self-evident.

"Wu Zai, you lead 500 people to harass Qin Jun, so that they can't sleep tonight!"

"Pass the order to Shan Yu, everyone rests on the spot, slaughters the sheep and eats the meat, and launches a decisive battle tomorrow morning!"


Just after dawn, Wang Li took off the black cloth covering his face and went to replace Huyan Punu who was on duty at night.

Now that the Huns have camped in place, there is no need for them to stand up.

So Wang Li ordered that, except for the soldiers who kept watch at night, the rest could go to sleep.

Although the Huns outside were learning how to howl like wolves and shooting horses and shooting arrows, it was very annoying, but even if they closed their eyes and rested their minds, they could restore a lot of physical strength for themselves.

Behind Wang Li, the soldiers who were just as asleep as him were hurrying to eat and drink, as well as shit and piss out of the range of the Huns' bows and arrows.

Of course, their breakfast today is only one-third of the usual size.

At the same time, in the Huns' army formation, hundreds of ox horns let out a long whimpering sound.

Er, it was the sound of howling wolves that shook the world.

"Ready to fight!"

Wang Li shouted loudly, picked up a crossbow, lay on the iron-plated four-wheeled carriage, and looked coldly at the Huns who were moving towards him like a black cloud.

Behind him, the well-trained Jiuyuan Army lined up according to Shiwu.

The commanding corporal guarded the flanks. The strong man held up a large shield, the long-armed man held a crossbow, and the remaining two held halberds and guarded behind the crossbowmen.

Seeing that the marching Huns began to split into several groups, Wang Li was convinced.

Since the Huns started to attack according to his expectation, they can defend for a longer time.

In an instant, the war horse neighed and the earth shook.

Countless Huns with bows in hand swept towards the hill.

This is the consistent stunt of the Huns cavalry, galloping and shooting.

Well, to be precise, the Scythians and Persians in the west also possess the same skills.

When the Huns cavalry rushed to a distance of two to three hundred feet from the Jiuyuan Army's defense line, there was a roar from among the Huns, and the galloping Huns cavalry immediately formed an extremely loose formation.

This is a preparation to reduce the damage caused by Qin Jun's arrow rain.

"Raise the shield!" Wang Li shouted an order.

He didn't intend to fight back. After all, the army carried limited arrows, so it was necessary to save them as much as possible.

After approaching about [-] to [-] feet from the Jiuyuan Army's defense line, the Huns let go of their bowstrings at a suddenly slowing horse speed, and arrows with feathered arrows that faintly revealed metallic luster came through the air.

tuk tuk tuk tuk
The shield was already covered with a layer of arrows, and some arrows passed through the gaps in the shield and hit the soldiers' bodies, but were bounced off by the iron armor on them.

After all, the pulling force of riding a bow is much smaller than that of a step bow.

Just when the forwards of the Huns cavalry were about to turn around and shoot again, the horses under their crotches neighed fiercely, and immediately fell forward.

With this move, the Hun cavalry, who were caught off guard, also flew forward.

There are a lot of lucky ones with high price ratios who broke their necks and died on the spot.

Those with low luck felt that their bones seemed to be broken, and they wanted to cry out, but they didn't even have the strength to cry out.Can only wait to die in pain.

Some Hun cavalrymen who were following them were repeatedly stumbled by their own fallen soldiers, and died humiliatingly in the same way.

The remaining Hun cavalry reined in their horses abruptly, staring blankly at the strange scene in front of them.

"What, what happened?"

"Look at the ground, the cunning Qin people have dug a lot of holes on the ground!"

"Quick, run!"

Seeing this situation, Wang Li waved his hand suddenly: "Fire the arrow, aim and shoot them!"

Moving targets are hard to hit, and if you can't hit a stationary target, you will kill the general who trained in archery when you go back!

So, the crossbowman of the Qin army stepped out behind the shield, lightly pulling on the hanging knife with his fingers.

The arrows that flew out like raindrops shot down a large area of ​​the Huns who were about to flee.

"What? Despicable!" Mao Dun was furious when he heard a report from a senior commander: "The order is passed on, the whole army will change their bows, dismount and fight on foot, and attack from three sides!"

So the retreating crowd came again.

Only the first ones were a group of bare-chested, light-haired men holding maces in their hands.

Jie people war slaves.

"Damn, where did the monster come from?"

Wang Li murmured softly, and immediately aimed the kicking crossbow in his hand at a Jie man who walked with the most arrogant posture, and lightly pulled the hanging knife.

The arrow instantly shot through the opponent's body.

After seeing the other party fall in response, Wang Li let out a sigh of relief. If the enemy is killed, he will die, which is easy.

"Fire arrows!"

So the Jie people wielding maces fell down like mowing grass.

But more Jie people rushed over without fear of death.

In their legends, death is not the end, but the beginning of life.

And those who die bravely in battle can go to the garden of their ancestors, enjoy endless milk and wine, and the holy priestess who is always a virgin.

Because Wang Li concentrated most of the crossbowmen on the north slope, the first to enter hand-to-hand combat was the east and west slopes with steeper slopes.


Accompanied by the rhythmic whistle, the long halberds stabbed out like lightning, piercing into the defenseless body of the Dingling war slaves or Jie war slaves.

Immediately, the halberd was retracted, and a body that lost the ability to resist instantly rolled down.

The stench of internal organs and the smell of blood were mixed together, blowing away under the willful blowing of the strong wind.

The Xiongnu soldiers following behind Zhannu began to shoot with their infantry bows.

"Raise the shield! Raise the shield!" Wang Li shouted loudly.

He knew that the archery skills of the Huns who had been shooting rats since childhood were better than those of the Huns, and horse archery was no better than foot archery. Among the Hun warriors who were proficient in archery, there were many eagle archers. At least ten arrows or more.

A rain of locust-like arrows fell, and some Qin soldiers who were caught off guard were immediately shot straight.

However, except for those unlucky ones who were shot in the face, most of the rest were skin trauma, and after simple treatment, they could still punch and punch.

Mao Dun saw that the slaves were almost dead, so he waved lightly, and the guards wearing bronze armor around him began to ride their horses towards the Nine Plains Army.

In his opinion, today's battle is not a strategy. The only purpose is to destroy the small Qin army in front of him, and then withdraw to the Mobei grassland before the arrival of its reinforcements.

Only in this way can the authority of the Great Chanyu be preserved.

As for those war slaves, they were originally used to consume the Qin army's arrows, physical strength, and weapon sharpness.

Holding shields and wearing bronze armor, the Xiongnu warriors quickly reached the defense line of the Nine Plains Army. They jumped off their horses and began to push forward with their shields on their backs.


Wang Li roared, straightened his upper body, and hooked the halberd in his hand to the shield of the Hun warrior. The next second later, the tip of the halberd drew a curve and pierced deeply into the eye socket of the Hun warrior.

Will be the courage of soldiers.

Seeing Wang Li displaying his supernatural power, the spear and halberd soldiers in the Qin army were not to be outdone, and brandished their long halberds, hooking or pecking, or pushing or stabbing, forcing the Xiongnu warriors back from the front line.

The crossbowman, encouraged by his companions, also stood up abruptly, and shot each other with powerful crossbows with the Huns who had attacked on the hillside. Arrows swished like rain.

The Huns were like crazy tigers, but the Qin army did not retreat. The two sides were like two beasts vying for food, fighting like a saw.

In the distance, Mao Dun frowned slightly, and waved his hand again, and the five thousand-man teams around him shouted, and walked towards the battlefield under the leadership of their respective thousand leaders.

"Hmph, Ben Shanyu wants to see how much strength you have left!"

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'The Lonely Lone Wolf', 'Doubi Mozhisuke' and 'Qin Ying Fengyun'!

Meow, gastroenteritis is gastroenteritis, what the hell is backache!

(End of this chapter)

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