Chapter 268 Wuyi (Chapter 4k, Pull Chapter Jun, and strive to get to [-] as soon as possible)
Twilight is approaching.

The dead piled up on the hillside like a mountain, with limbs and arms scattered everywhere, and the ground was stained with blood. Even the sudden violent wind could not blow away the bloody smell.

Wang Li leaned against the carriage, holding a cracked halberd in his trembling hands.

It's just that this long halberd looks more like a long spear, and the twigs on the halberd flew to nowhere in the daytime battle.

Drops of crimson blood flowed down his armor, pooled under his body, and then flowed to the ground again.

There are his in it, but more are from the Huns.

"Sunset is so beautiful!" Wang Li gasped and said to himself, "It's great, I lived another day!"

He took off the tasseled helmet with a feathered arrow stuck in it, looked at the tail of the feathered arrow, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

This should be a eagle shooter mixed in the crowd, shooting the eagle feather arrow at him.

It's just that even though the bow was powerful, the arrow was only slightly inserted into the iron helmet by half, and did not hurt the head at all.

Wang Li pulled out the feather arrow, put the helmet on the ground, turned the handle of the knife, tapped it a few times, and the iron helmet returned to its previous appearance.

As long as it is not unlucky to be hit in the same position, the defense of the helmet will not be affected.

Wang Li looked at Huyan Punu who was staggering towards him: "How about the casualties of our army?"

Huyan Punu sighed slightly: "1623 people were slightly injured, 19 people were seriously injured, and 221 people were killed in battle!"

"More than 200..." Wang Li sighed slightly, with a smile on his face: "Fortunately, it's much less than I imagined, enough for tomorrow's battle!"

From a very young age, both his grandfather Wang Jian and his father Wang Ben taught him a word.

Kindness does not hold the army!

This is not to treat the soldiers harshly, but to say that as a general, when you are commanding a battle, if a suitable opportunity arises, you can win the entire battle.

Then, don't spare the lives of the soldiers who go on this mission.

When the order is issued, you must treat all these people as dead in your heart.

Wang Li still remembers that when Wang Jian sat cross-legged under a withered ginkgo tree, although his tone was calm, there were tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?
You must know that most of the soldiers who are sent to perform mortal missions are cronies brought out by the generals.

If the mission of sending people to death is a mob, the moment they leave the camp, they will be scattered like birds and beasts!
Therefore, when you make a decision, you can imagine the guilt in your heart.

After Wang Li recited 'Compassion does not hold soldiers' several times in his mind, he stretched out his hand and signaled Huyanpu Nu to pull him up.

"You're really heavy!" Huyan Punu complained in a low voice, but looked enviously at the iron armor on Wang Li's body.

As the commander of the Nine Plains Army after Meng Tian, ​​Wang Li's armor was custom-made at a large cost.

From the inner lining to the outside, there is a chain armor shirt, and on the outside, there is a metal breastplate made by hand, as well as metal shoulder guards and plate armor gloves of the same specification.

The helmet that blocked the carved feather arrows for him before was a metal face shield decorated with a black ponytail.

The weight of this whole set of armor is much lighter than the pierced armor issued by the army.

Wang Li stood up and threw away the split halberd, "Are you envious?"

Huyan Punu nodded.

Wang Li also nodded: "Seeing you so envious, I feel very happy!"

Seeing Huyan Punu's back going away, Wang Li wiped the saliva on his face, and turned to explain to the two or five hundred masters.

Today's battle is just the beginning, as time goes by, the battle here will become more and more fierce.

The Huns would be reluctant to give up because of the sunk costs.

The Jiuyuan Army will continue to decline in combat effectiveness due to the disappearance of ordnance and physical strength, as well as the increasing number of seriously injured and war dead.

What needs to be fought now is the will of both parties. Whoever has the stronger will will become the real winner.

So at this moment, the Huns who were camping in the distance and sitting around the bonfire suddenly heard a loud singing from where the Qin army was.

"Why don't you say no clothes? The same robes as your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!"

"Why don't you say that you have no clothes? You are in the same pool with your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear and halberd. Work together with your son!"


Many Xiongnu warriors who were cutting the bloodshot and very bland lamb legs with knives were stunned.

They fought continuously throughout the day, and they paid the price of thousands of deaths and thousands of injuries, which only made the singing of those Qin people a little weak.

Could it be that they are all made of copper?

Especially, they seem to be drinking!
The smell of wine blowing in the wind is so fragrant!

In an instant, the Huns felt that the leg of lamb in their hands became delicious.

Just in the next second, what came with the wind turned into the unique aroma of spices and meat roasted by flames.

At this moment, they looked at the leg of lamb in their hands, and lowered their heads resignedly.

After all, after Jilantai Salt Lake was seized, even the tribes in the headquarters of the Great Shanyu would soon be out of salt!

Damn people from Qin, if you do business, you do business. Not only do you have to sign a letter of guarantee, but you also need a guarantor!
Thinking of this, they put the leg of lamb on the fire and roasted it for a while, and then began to bite angrily.

And in the center of the Huns camp, the huge big order of Mouton is in the felt tent.

A roasted whole lamb overflowing with meaty aroma was lifted up on a wooden tray. A red silk ribbon was tied around the neck of the lamb, and a red scorpion was stuffed in the open mouth of the lamb. fruit.

One of Maodun's sons jumped up and strode forward with a meat cutter in his hand, ready to cut up the mutton for everyone.

This is his power and his glory.

Mao Dun stared at the other party with wolf-like eyes. This is his son and his younger brother. After all, the other party's mother is now one of his Yan clans.

Since Modun killed his father and seized the throne, his brothers either changed their surnames like Huyan Punu, or became his sons like this man.

There was a ferocious smile on the corner of Mao Dun's mouth, and then in his anxiety and fear, he slowly opened his mouth and bit off a piece of mutton handed over by the other party with a knife.

After a while, the round of meat division was over.

Mao Dun put down the wine glass in his hand and said loudly:

"Today we attacked and suffered rubbing because of two points."

"The Qin army's crossbow arrows are too powerful. Our arrows can't pierce their armor, but their arrows can pierce both of us!"

"Second, the terrain of the Qin army was chosen well. Although we have more people than them, it is completely useless, and the roads in the east and west directions have also become slippery and difficult to navigate because of today's battle."

Mao paused for a moment, looked around the group of elders and nobles in the big tent with wolf-like eyes, and continued:

"Wu Zai, take people and continue to harass them at night, this time you can get closer."

"Hulan, you took the Dingling slaves, dismantled the compartments of their high-wheeled carts, and then raised the front!"

"When it is pushed in front of the Qin people tomorrow, they stand on the car and shoot us, and we stand on the car and shoot them!"

As for why they didn't advance the defense line of the Nine Plains Army all the way, it was because the corpses of the Huns and Jie people were scattered outside the defense line, and a trench that would definitely be cleared out again.

Mao Dun looked at the two confidantes who left in a hurry, and then said again: "Tomorrow, Ben Shanyu will personally lead the army to attack, and if there are any retreaters, the rear team will kill the front team!"

For a while, many Qianchang looked at the golden and fragrant mutton in front of them, and suddenly lost the desire to eat...


Above the prairie, dawn just broke.

Although the sky has turned white, the tall and continuous Yinshan Mountains are still hidden in the depths of the mist. Under the shroud of mist, only vague outlines are revealed, like illusory fairy spirits.

At the foot of the mountain, the prairie that was originally covered with colorful and unknown small flowers was now covered with a layer of blood that was still dry.

In the depths of the wild grass, a hungry lone wolf was greedily chewing on a broken arm.

Suddenly, a feathered arrow flew over, and the arrow was precisely inserted between its chest and abdomen.

At the last moment of the lone wolf's life, he saw thousands of humans, surrounded by a human with a golden crown on his head, slowly heading towards the hillside full of food.


The horns of the Huns let out a mournful whimper.

Walking alone in front of the Huns cavalry were priests from various tribes.

They wore deer horn hats, held staffs, and muttered words, to the effect that they were asking the great wolf god to bring the Huns who died in battle to their own heaven.

After a while, Wang Li looked at the chariots lined up by the Huns and the Hun warriors standing on the chariots, holding bows, and took a breath.

"This Hun is not stupid!" He licked his lips, savored the smell of bacon left between his lips and teeth, and then turned around and shouted: "Qin Zhu! Where are you hiding?"

In a short time, a tall man of two or five hundred came running from the other side: "General!"

Wang Li looked at him and said, "Is the stone paint we used to light the fire still there?"

Qin Zhu nodded.

Wang Li took a deep breath. His subordinates are good at everything, but they don't want to talk to others: "Bring it here, wait until the Huns' cart is pushed in front of us, and then find two good players who are 'throwing stones at a distance', Throw me on their cart!"

"Decree!" Qin Zhu nodded, clasped his fists and turned to leave.

The stone throwing mentioned by Wang Li is a game used by the military to relieve the loneliness of soldiers and exercise their bodies, similar to the hammer throwing of later generations.

"What do you want that thing for?" Huyan Punu leaned over from the side.

"Of course they set the Huns on fire!" Wang Li smiled cruelly.

"Is the burning finished?" Huyan Punu looked at the pottery jar that had been brought over.

It is filled with stone paint (petroleum) collected from Gaonu County in Shangjun, which is used to prevent firewood from getting wet in rainy days and not easy to light fire.

At best, it weighed no more than a hundred catties, but Wuyang Wuyang, the Hun on the opposite side, couldn't see the end at a glance!
"Who cares? Burn as many as you want!" Wang Li shook his head indifferently, but smiled in his heart: If His Majesty knew, he would definitely scold them for being prodigal. After all, those stone paint strips in Gaonu County He has been taken over by the Shaofu...

After a while, the Huns began to attack.

It was the high-wheeled wooden carts that led the way. Behind each wooden cart, there were several Huns holding horse poles. They were going to use the horse poles to drag away the corpses of their companions blocking the wooden carts.

The Huns first used long-range projectiles to suppress the Jiuyuan Army's counterattack.

When the cart was pushed in front of the Jiuyuan army, arrows rained down on the Jiuyuan army. Under such intensive attacks, no Qin army dared to fight back.

The Huns put on a posture that could not be more than enough, and they were not stingy with the valuable arrows in their hands.

On the side of the Nine Plains Army, more than a dozen strong men with long hands and long arms wrapped the clay pots filled with stone lacquer with cloth strips, and then spun wildly on the spot.


The clay pot was thrown out of his hand in an instant, and flew towards the Huns in the distance.

The clay pot hit the wooden car, and it instantly became torn apart, and the viscous black liquid was splashed everywhere.

"The rocket is ready to... launch!"

Arrows wrapped in oilcloth strips shot out, nailed to the place on the wooden cart that had been stained with black liquid.

"Ha, stupid people from Qin, actually want to use this method to burn my car!" A Huns eagle shooter laughed, leaned out and knocked out the rocket.

What he didn't expect was that after the rocket fell to the ground, the black liquid stained by the flames seemed to change slowly, and then started to burn with a bang.

The burning speed is as fast as a grassland fire.

In the blink of an eye, the entire wooden car was filled with billowing black smoke and orange-red flames.

The Huns standing on the car rushed to save him, but caught off guard, the flames ignited his fur.

Bad luck seemed to be contagious, and the flames ignited all the Huns around him.

In an instant, hundreds of Hun infantry rolled and wailed in the flames...

However, such a scene did not frustrate the overall offensive of the Huns.

Under the pressure of the rain of arrows, Hun warriors armed with short spears, bronze knives, and round shields filed out from behind the wooden cart, and quickly headed towards the defense line of the Nine Plains Army.

This is exactly Mao Dun's idea. The Xiongnu archers suppressed the Qin army's crossbow arrows by virtue of their numbers, and then the Huns warriors who had the superior number could launch an unscrupulous assault and flatten the entire Qin army's defense line.

"General, what should we do?" Huyan Punu shouted loudly.

"Let them come here, so the Huns will not dare to shoot arrows like they are now!" Wang Li said in a deep voice.

"Is that still possible?" Huyan Punu asked again.

"I don't know, it's just a fight to the death!" Wang Li replied.

I don't know who started it, Jiuyuan Army started to sing the classic "Qin Feng Wuyi" again.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the mountain in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of figures appeared together.

Under the rising sun, you can see a huge Qin character war flag fluttering in the wind.

A vigorous horn sounded.

"General Wang Li, don't worry, Jiuyuan Commander Ding Fu is here!"

Ding Fu shouted, and immediately rode down, followed by two thousand flying cavalry, outflanking the Huns.

On the other side of the hill, a Mongolian flag was slowly raised.

In an instant, the sound of war drums and thunder resounded through the world.

"General Meng Tian is here!"


 As for drinking, Qin Chao's drinks are not as alcoholic as five yuan a glass of draft beer with unlimited refills...

  Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Eyue Observation Envoy', 'the legendary s plan', 'this name is very good', and 'Supreme'!


(End of this chapter)

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