Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 269 As expected of you, Wang Li!

Chapter 269 As expected of you, Wang Li! (4k chapters)
At the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain.

Meng Tian rode on a tall white horse and looked at the battlefield in the distance with binoculars.

Following his appearance, the Hun warriors quickly withdrew from the battle, and under the cover of the arrows of the infantry, they whistled and called for their horses.

At this moment, the Huns army formation that could not be seen at a glance seemed extremely messy.

After all, their previous purpose was to annihilate Wang Li's army on the hillside, but now, their main goal is not to be annihilated by the Mengtian army who launched an assault from the flank.

The momentum of offense and defense is easy!

"Lieutenant Hu Qi Guan Ying!" Meng Tian quickly put away the binoculars.

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead the Hu Qi from the headquarters, and cooperate with Ding Fu to intercept the Huns from the flank!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Meng Tian rode his horse around twice, and what he saw were pairs of eyes seeking to fight.

He pulled out the eight-sided sword bestowed by the emperor himself from his waist, and swung it violently:

"Come on!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled the reins abruptly, and the horseman stood up, and then began to charge forward.

Although Qin Law prohibits the chief general from charging, the cavalry general is not restricted.

Seeing Meng Tian rushing out at the head of the horse, his thousand short soldiers (personal soldiers) were the first to react.

According to the law, if the main general died in battle, they would all be beheaded.

Seeing the general leading the charge, the soldiers standing on the drum cart waved their arms vigorously, and the already deafening drum sound became more passionate again.

What is more heroic than the sound of war drums is the cry of more than 2 Jiuyuan Army cavalry.


Amidst the heaven-shaking shouts of killing, tens of thousands of horses galloped, and the earth trembled unbearably.

Gradually, Meng Tian, ​​who took the lead, was overtaken by the Nine Plains Army coming in like a tide. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that, as the supreme commander here, he would not have the chance to fight the enemy face to face.

But as a cavalry general, he had to be at the forefront of the army before the two armies could fight together.

Not only to inspire the courage of the soldiers, but also to find the enemy's flaws, and then lead your own army to attack from the enemy's weak points.

And further afield.

Mao Dun rode on a khaki pony and yelled loudly: "Hu Hanxie, you lead five thousand of the most brave and fearless warriors to intercept Meng Tian who is rushing over!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hu Hanxie rode his horse and walked among the crowd, picking out the fighter he liked.

Soldiers who have lived in the midst of killing all year round, even in the current situation, have shown their excellent fighting qualities.

If it was an ordinary tribal soldier, they would be ready to kneel down and be slaughtered the moment Meng Tian's banner appeared.

And the warriors in the headquarters of the Great Chanyu puffed out their chests, hoping that they would be chosen by Hu Hanxie.

They believed that everything about them was arranged by the Sirius God!
It is their eternal glory to fight to the death to protect the descendants of Sirius God!

Almost in the blink of an eye, [-] Hun warriors who were willing to die were selected. They kissed their favorite horses, then grabbed the mane, rolled over, and gave a sigh of relief to their envious companions. The next back without hesitation.

"Run? Where are you going to run this time?"

Meng Tian sneered, commanded the flag bearers around him, played different flags, and quickly adjusted the speed and direction of the entire army.

Soon, several teams of thousands of people came out more and more, gradually forming a semicircle one by one, and the raised halberds swayed up and down with the steps of the horses.

But the most eye-catching thing is the strange clothes they wear on their horses.

This is a compromise version of the armored cavalry, the burqa cavalry.

Although it looks a bit weird now, if you dye the black burqa white, draw a few red crosses on it, and put on a set of western-style armor, lance, and kite-shaped shield, you will be a real saint. Templar Knights...

Of course, this is not cosplay, but a protective gear for the horses for the sake of their life and health.

After all, both iron armor and leather armor are too heavy.

After all, the earliest armored cavalry in China appeared in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

This aspect is due to the development of productivity, which has led to more ironware, and more, with the connection of the Western Regions, after absorbing the advantages of Central Asian horses, the physique of local horses has also improved a lot compared to before.

And this kind of cloth burqa, although the defense effect against swords and guns is not ideal, but when the horse gallops, the burqa opens in the wind, which can effectively reduce the lethality of the enemy's arrow rain.

Many arrows that were shot head-on would even be bounced off by the swinging burqa because of the angle.

On the distant battlefield, Ding Fu was the first to fight the Huns from the flank.

A battle flag with the word T is held in the hands of a strong flag bearer. The wind blown by the galloping horse blows the flag. He wants to control the horse with both feet, firmly grasp the flagpole with both hands, and insert the handle into The loops around the saddle just hold it in place.

The T-shaped war flag took the lead, and the flag bearer rushed forward, and suddenly stepped on the stirrups and stood up, with three arrows in one hand, and three of the Hun cavalry who were galloping on the opposite side immediately fell off their horses.

In an instant, even among the Huns there was a burst of exclamation.

This distance, even the eagle shooters among them can't do it at all!
Mao Dun looked at the Qin army chasing him like a hungry wolf in front of him, and suddenly recalled something from his dusty memory.

General Qin who shot the three of them to death just now was an old opponent in the Battle of Hetao. The arrow wound on his father was left by this man!
If you want to fight, fight!
Mao Dun clamped his legs around the horse's belly and rushed forward. After all, he couldn't return to Mobei safely if he didn't break through Ding Fu's interception!

At the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain, Wangli camp.

Meng Tian shook his head and sighed, passed through the stumped limbs under his feet, and walked all the way up.

"Sinful General Wang Li, pay homage to the General!" Wang Li took off his helmet and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"The last general, Huyan Punu, pay homage to the general!" Huyan Punu just took off his helmet and gave a military salute.

Meng Tian looked at the group of Nine Plains Army with almost everyone wounded in front of him, sighed and then looked at Wang Li: "Guilty or not, it's not up to you alone, His Majesty has to decide in person!"

"So now, General Wang Li, take your men and fight like a man!"

Wang Li stood up from the ground and straightened his waist: "The last general takes orders!"


In the evening, a heavy letter detailing the passage set out from the battlefield, arrived at Jiuyuan City, and then changed to several Hongling messengers, all the way to the south along the straight road.

According to the Qin system, there is a post in 30 li, and a pavilion in 10 li.

Hongling's messengers changed horses without changing people, and walked all the way through the uninhabited Shangjun grassland, the undulating Loess Plateau, and the Guanzhong Plain where chickens and dogs are familiar.

After crossing the Weishui Bridge and entering Zhangtai Palace, I saw a Qin official who was on duty here.

Zhongshu Yezhe Ling, Chen Ying.

Chen Ying glanced at the attachment and the sealing wax, and did not dare to neglect at all. He hurriedly stopped a member of Zhongshushe and asked, "Where is Your Majesty today?"

The Zhongshusheren glanced at him, but didn't reply.

Chen Ying raised the memorial in Yang's hand: "I have something urgent, and I need to meet His Majesty the Emperor immediately!"

Zhongshusheren nodded and said, "Your Majesty is hunting in Shanglin Garden today."

Chen Ying cupped her hands to show her gratitude, then turned around and left the palace.


Shanglin Garden, outside a forest near Nanshan.

Fusu was wearing a narrow-sleeve Hu suit, riding on a brown-red war horse, holding a long spear with forks in his hand to prevent too much piercing into the prey's body.

He came here today not just for fun, but to hunt a beast.

A mother bear with cubs!

A few days ago, Shanglinyuan reported that a bear had been found in the fringe area.

Fusu thought it was just rolling, so he just asked people to drive him away. After all, although pandas occasionally eat bamboo rats to improve their meals, they are mainly vegetarians, and their tempers are relatively mild.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a black bear!
In Shanglin Garden, there are a large number of cattle, sheep and pigs, as well as many children under the age of ten.

If you leave it alone, for the black bear, this place is equivalent to a cafeteria!
For this kind of carnivorous beast, they will never give up this kind of food that is at their fingertips!

Therefore, at least in this era, neither humans nor bears have any possibility of reconciliation.

In the distant woods, suddenly there was a loud gong, and hounds howled.

This is a signal that the other party has been found.

Fusu tightened his grip on the spear in his hand, feeling in a daze.

The former man of science and engineering, now also likes this kind of killing game... It's really unpredictable!
The war horse he specially selected under his crotch is his partner to complete the kill together.

Today he didn't ride Wuzhi, after all, it was something to watch, if he smelled the breath of a beast, he might be the first to throw him off the horse and run away by himself!
What Fusu rode today was a purebred Hequ horse.

I got this from the Qiang people. They are very brave. It is said that even in the face of a pack of wolves, they would dare to kick and kill one of them before running away with their master...

Fusu patted the horse's neck lightly, while the other party snorted comfortably.

This is to express the joy and surrender of the mood.

All of a sudden, Hequ horse's ears were clamped back, and its front hooves were pawing the ground restlessly.

Apparently it smelled of a bear.

"Don't worry, it's not our turn yet!" Fusu patted the horse's neck and comforted him in a low voice.

In a short time, a black bear weighing nearly [-] kilograms, chasing a hunting dog, roared and appeared in Fusu's sight.

Although there were more than a dozen hounds biting the black bear, the black bear only chased this one hound.

Fusu guessed that the hound may have bitten its cub during the previous operation.

Seeing this situation, several knights surrounded Fusu, after saluting him, rode their horses forward and shot with bows.

Their task is to weaken the black bear as much as possible and create a chance for Fusu to kill with one blow.

Well, in a way, they do what hounds do.

"Your Majesty, Chen Ying sent an urgent delivery, and said it was sent by the eunuch Meng Tian!" Han Rang ran from a distance and whispered.

"Oh? Really?" Fusu nodded slightly: "Let him wait, I'll be right there!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to those knights: "Whoever can shoot this beast will be rewarded with two pieces of brocade! Remember, bear's paws are reserved for me!"


Outside the hunting camp, Chen Ying stood under a tree, avoiding the increasingly hot sun.

Seeing Fusu coming, he hurried forward to salute and said: "See Your Majesty!"

Fusu nodded slightly, Han Rang stepped forward to take the memorial, checked it and opened it, and presented it to Fusu with both hands.

Fu Su skipped over when Wang Li left the fortress, the battle situation, and the beheading of more than [-] people, and the capture of cattle and horses, etc., and he directly read the last page, which wrote Meng Tian's views on this battle.

"That is to say, if Meng Tian is one day late, no, half a day later, Wang Li's thousands of people will have to be stewed by Mao Dun!"

"As expected of you, Wang Li!"

"But this is not surprising. After all, what he is facing is the integration of Donghu, Yuezhi, and Western Regions city-states in just a few years, which is equivalent to Genghis Khan's Maodun in this era!"

"Although it is said in later generations that Bai Deng's besiegers did not suffer, but if he can defeat the Huns, with Liu Tingchang's character as an old rascal, can he so honestly send women and treasures to the Huns?"

Fusu closed the memorial, and suddenly became interested in the capture of many strange-looking Xiongnu slaves mentioned in the memorial.

He handed most of the memorials to Chen Ying, motioning for the other party to take a look, and then he walked aside, closing his eyes and thinking deeply.

Blonde hair, green eyes, deep nose and high eyes.Nordic?Slavs?I don't understand... Fusu recalled the memories of the past. Most of the people in Central Asia and Southern Europe have dark hair. The further north they go, the lighter the hair color.

It's a pity that Northern Europe in this period is not a good place with high welfare.Well, it is very environmentally friendly!Since it is said in the memorial that they are Jie people, then all the men should be Jie people and sent to dig coal. As for the women, if the Qin soldier does not dislike the taste, let him go... Fusu sighed secretly, but unfortunately not A Persian cat with brown hair and light eyes, or else...

In fact, he is also a cat lover!
After seeing Chen Ying read it quickly and then carefully, Fu Su asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Ying thought about his words and said, "Wang Li initiates border quarrels arbitrarily, but Qin Law does not allow it, but..."

Sure enough, but the previous ones were all nonsense... Fu Su looked at Chen Ying and said, "Have you taken money?"

Chen Ying shook her head with a smile: "I know that I can't hide it from Your Majesty! I was entrusted by Wang He, the internal historian, to state what Wang Li did and what he did."

"No wonder people say that Chen Ying is an honest elder." Fu Su immediately suppressed his smile, "Just this one time, it's not an example! Remember, you are the person next to me!"

"However, his military commander has made his own decisions and is good at initiating border quarrels. Even if it is me, it is not good to act arbitrarily."

"Chuan Zhao, put this matter at the court meeting tomorrow, and let the courtiers discuss it!"

Chen Ying bowed to the ground: "Here!"


At night, Zhangtai Palace.

Under the bright candlelight, Fusu reviewed the memorials sent by other counties.

Han Rang walked in gently from outside the palace gate: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Tian Ji please see me!"

What are these girls doing here?It doesn't matter, anyway, sleeping with your fragrant and soft wife in your arms is better than sleeping alone... Fu Su said without raising his head: "Let her in."

 ps: Thanks to 'lancelote', 'chen111', 'Tianhai legend', 'Shuihuahua', 'Shiyouyi' for the monthly tickets!

  Thanks to 'Knowing the King' for the reward!

  (`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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