Chapter 270 The court meeting (4k)

"Meet Your Majesty!"

With one hand on her waist, Tian Ji slowly walked in from the palace gate, saluted Fusu slightly, and obediently sat on the futon on the other side.

Today, she simply wore a fairy-looking nine-hull bun on her head, and she was wearing a red dress like fire, charming and beautiful, but she looked very lonely.

Zhao Ji has been very busy recently. She has to take care of herself and the baby in her stomach, and also take care of the spring silkworms that are hatched intensively. She is really not in the mood to fight with her.

Although Ying Yinman often went to her place to play, but after all, there was a big difference in age between the two.

As for Qi Rui'er, a loli who has the same generation gap as her, she is always wary of this "weird aunt" who has a detached personality, and keeps walking around her.

Therefore, life is really lonely like snow!
Tian Ji rested her fragrant cheeks in her hands, and looked at Fusu who was reviewing the memorial with peach blossom eyes.

"A man who is concentrating is so beautiful, it sucks..."

Ah, crazy!No one in Lanchi Palace played with her, that's why she came here to harass me!Um, no... The brush in Fusu's hand froze for a moment, and then he sighed in his heart: "Tell me, why don't you stay in Lanchi Palace and go to Zhangtai Palace?"

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Tian Ji blinked, a smile quickly formed on her face, and she said in a tired voice: "I am worried that Your Majesty will be alone, so I came here to accompany you..."

Hey, I got goosebumps all over the ground... Fusu showed a hint of disgust at the corner of his mouth: "Answer the answer, it's disgusting!"

"Oh..." Tian Ji pointed her fingers, her face full of grievances. The tone just now was the result of her practice all afternoon.

"Hey!" Fusu pretended to sigh: "If Zhao Ji was here, she would definitely bring some homemade snacks or soup..."

Tian Ji raised her snow-white chin: "I will leave now, go back and call Zhao Ji to Your Majesty!"

Fu Su said without raising his head: "He is busy all day, unlike you, wandering around all day long..."

Tian Ji snorted lightly: "Your Majesty, do you despise this concubine for being useless?"

Fusu closed the finished melody, waved his hand to let all the servants and maids standing in the hall leave, and stared at the extremely charming Tian Ji under the candlelight with piercing eyes.

When Tian Ji lightly bit her lips, and when she wanted to greet but refused, Fu Su asked: "Are you here today to relieve my loneliness?"

Meeting Fusu's scrutinizing gaze, Tian Ji lowered her head involuntarily, her heart fluttering.

In fact, she didn't come here today just to play with Fusu.

In the afternoon, her mother went to the palace to meet her, and said that it was Wang He, the internal historian, and asked her father, Tian Jia, to blow the pillow wind in the emperor's ear, so that she would take the initiative to mention the death of Wang Jian and his son. The merits of the country, so that the emperor thought of the Wang family's goodness, and then dealt with Wang Li's arbitrarily provocative frontier affairs with leniency.

When Tian Ji left the palace, she planned to follow her mother's advice and go blow the pillow wind.

After all, the Wang family has been in charge for many generations, and her father Tian Jia works in the Neishi Mansion, so Wang He treats him well on weekdays.

So it's a very profitable thing to do.


Tian Ji raised her head, Tao Hua's eyes were full of affection, she shook her head slightly: "Your Majesty is wrong, this concubine is not here to relieve your majesty's loneliness, but to ask your majesty to relieve my concubine's loneliness!"

Fusu was taken aback for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless for a moment.


Outside the gate of the hall, Han Rang ran a few steps down the steps, and the whisk shook slightly, stopping Lieutenant Xin Sheng who was walking up.

"It's so late, is there something important for the lieutenant?" Han Rang stood with his arms in the dust. This is a new piece of equipment he added recently. White, even more so.

Of course, he didn't know what the 'that smell' was like, and he didn't dare to ask.

Xin Sheng shook his head and said, "It's nothing important."

"Isn't next month May? Your Majesty said that on May [-]th, there will be a boating competition on the Long Pond. I will present the list of personnel to Your Majesty!"

Han Rang nodded: "Since it's not an important matter, it's fine to hand it over to your servant, and let your servant pass it on to His Majesty."

Xin Sheng frowned slightly: "Huh? This, isn't it good..."

Han Rang quietly looked around, then leaned into Xin Sheng's ear and said, "Madam Tian Ji is inside, the lieutenant insists on going in now?"

Xin Sheng opened his eyes wide, and exchanged an understanding expression with Han Rang: "Then the old man will not bother His Majesty."

After speaking, he turned and left with a relieved expression on his face.



Tian Ji lay beside Fusu, the smell of the other party still remained between her lips and teeth, she twisted twice like a maggot, put her head on Fusu's chest, and listened to Fusu's heartbeat.

I should be a lot fatter than a month ago, and my heartbeat is almost arrhythmia... Fusu complained silently, and started to detect the opponent's heartbeat with his backhand.

Fusu took two deep breaths, then suddenly lowered his head and asked, "Do you still remember the former emperor?"

"The former emperor?" Tian Ji was slightly taken aback, and looked up at Fusu. Although she was a little puzzled that Fusu was called the former emperor instead of the father emperor, she still thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"tell me the story."

"Great talent, wise and powerful..."

"Don't just say good things, say something bad."

"Excessive extravagance, I don't like to stay with my relatives! Poor Yunyang, since he can walk and run, he has only seen his father four times in total!"

Oh, I’m afraid you don’t know that there is another time you haven’t seen it... Fu Su shook his head and said, “Actually, I don’t like my relatives, so I don’t blame him. He has PTSD. Betrayed or abandoned by relatives, so like a hedgehog, shrinking yourself behind the spikes..."

Tian Ji blinked her eyes: "I have never heard of what Your Majesty said..."

Fusu sighed and said, "The former emperor was born in Handan. In that year, King Zhaoxiang tried to destroy Zhao with the prestige of his victory in the Battle of Changping."

"For King Zhaoxiang, as long as he can break through Handan and destroy the State of Zhao, King Zhuangxiang who is a hostage in the city, as well as the former emperor who was just born at that time, can be abandoned."

"That is to say, when the former emperor was still in his infancy, he was abandoned by his own grandfather."

Tian Ji was slightly moved, and raised her head to look at Fusu: "Are you going to abandon a relative for the sake of a city?"

Fusu did not answer her question, but went on to say: "It was also in this year that King Zhuang Xiang, with the help of Lu Buwei, ran back to Xianyang alone, leaving the former emperor and the empress dowager (the mother of the first emperor) in the Handan."

"This is being abandoned by my own father!"

"Fortunately, in Handan City, the former emperor and the empress dowager were not killed under the protection of the empress dowager's mother's family. After that, they finally returned to Xianyang city and became the eldest son of King Zhuangxiang. But the dear grandmother, the empress dowager He wholeheartedly supports his relatives from the Korean family, and wants to make Mr. Chang'an Chengxi his son-in-law."

"This is abandoned by my own grandmother!"

"Then, the former emperor became the king of Qin, but Chang'an Jun Chengyu and the Korean relatives behind him had always had ulterior motives. In the end, Chang'an Jun Chengyu rebelled and was killed."

"This is betrayed by my own brother!"

"Then, it's hard to survive to be in charge, but the relatives of the Zhao family behind the empress dowager are unwilling to give up power, and try to take the opportunity to eliminate the foreign relatives of the Chu family. And Lao Ai wants to take this opportunity to take the former emperor's place and hold the power by herself .”

"This is betrayal by the only mother who has been with me all this time!"

"When the former emperor really came to power, Lord Changping rebelled again, and the queen mother argued a few words about the heavy connection, the eyes of the former emperor, this was betrayed by the most beloved person again!"

Suddenly, Fusu kept silent, and Tian Ji's suppressed sobs could be heard in his ears.

He vaguely guessed something, so he put the hand that measured her heartbeat around her shoulder, and comforted her in a low voice.

In fact, he still left something unsaid, that is, after the first emperor died of illness in the sand dunes.

If the edict was for Fusu to succeed to the throne, it would be the last time that the first emperor was betrayed by his own son, cronies, and important ministers.

If the will is for Hu Hai to succeed, at least in this time and space, that fat man was betrayed by his son and loyal general...


In the early morning, Zhangtai Palace, the Great Court Meeting.


The Zhonglang entered with their halberds in hand, forming a majestic path with their bodies.

"Ya Le, get up!"

Tai Le Ling raised his hands, the sound of bells, drums and chimes was loud, and the sound of elegant music spread throughout the hall.

"The Emperor is here!"

The eunuch ordered Han Rang to give a long drink, eighteen servants pushed the cart, and 36 maids came slowly with the imperial chariot holding umbrellas and lupines high.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Under the worship of the princes of the Manchu Dynasty, Fusu pressed the sword in one hand, walked up the steps slowly, immediately took off his clothes, and sat on the throne.

"If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to do, retreat!"

Standing under the throne, Han Rang yelled words that made the ministers roll their eyes wildly.

They all started queuing up before dawn, waited for hours and finally waited for the emperor to appear, and retreated without incident?
What a mess!

But they can't help it. After all, the entire set of etiquette of the "emperor" is a new thing that has only been around for more than ten years, and the emperor himself has the final right to interpret all the provisions.

Fusu on the emperor's throne pretended not to see it. Last night he made a little harmony twice, so he was refreshed at the moment, and even wanted to sing aloud.

In fact, the content of today's court meeting is very simple, it is to make a qualitative statement about Wang Li's physical reunion after he left the fortress.

meritorious service?guilty?
If meritorious, how should meritorious service be rewarded?

But this creates another question, what if others will follow suit?If it's just "the following overcomes the above", it's okay to use the established facts to provoke a big war, but what if it produces more terrible consequences?
If guilty, how to punish?

After the punishment, will the enthusiasm of the generals be dampened, so that when they lead the army, they only think about not seeking merit but seeking nothing.

According to the deep-rooted inheritance of the Chinese, generally the first to attack will be a humble person.

Therefore, a censor wearing a Haechi crown rushed out from the corner, holding up a ruler: "I impeached the Jiuyuan Army general Wang Li, and started the frontier quarrel without authorization, resulting in the death of thousands of our Qin army, and the wounded are not counted." ! The minister suggests that this should be punished by a chariot!"

you are vicious!However, where did this beast come from... Fu Su looked slightly at Zhang Cang, everyone in the Yushi should be his mouthpiece, and it was obviously not due to his arrangement.

Zhang Cang shook his head slightly, and just pointed his eyes at Neishi Wang He on the other side.

"Your words are somewhat inappropriate!" Ting Wei Zuo Ping (Ting Wei's official) Bai Shang stood up, walked into the hall, and bowed his hands to Fu Su.

This is an old man of Fusu in Gaoquan Palace. Although his surname is also Bai, he is not from the Qin family.

Bai Shang looked at the censor, and said seriously: "Leaving aside the light and provocative talk, don't the Huns suffer heavy casualties?"

"So the censor's punishment is too high. In my opinion, the sentence of 劓(yì) is the most appropriate!"

Heh, you are so bad... Fusu didn't change his face, and sat upright.

The censor's speech was to throw out a condition that everyone could not accept, and then step by step to clean up his crimes, but Bai Shang's appearance directly nailed Wang Li's guilt to death, and everyone began to discuss how to execute him.

Then, the smoother came out from the corner and began to argue for Wang Li's innocence.

Immediately afterwards, a fourth person came out, counting Wang Li's sins from when he was a child to peek at the maid taking a bath.

Fusu looked at it, and gradually tasted it.

Most of the people who advocated that Wang Li was guilty but not meritorious were "travelers" in the Qin court, that is, courtiers who were not from the old Qin gentry, did not come from military meritorious service, and once had the nationality of the six Shandong countries.

And those who advocate Wang Li's meritorious service are naturally the old clan of Qin State, and a large number of military nobles.

From the looks of it, this is another line dispute... Fusu secretly rejoiced that he did not make arbitrary decisions on this matter, but brought it to the court meeting for discussion.

If it wasn't like this, how would you know that so many years have passed, these two gangs have been fighting since Qin Xiaogong's time, and they have been fighting until today!
You guys are so boring, fuck... Fu Su heard the topic getting off track, so he coughed lightly, signaling them to bring the topic back.

At this time, Gongzi Zongzheng sat up from the ground, rushed to the hall, and bowed his hands.

Seeing this kind of two thousand stone boss appear on the stage, the people around stopped arguing immediately.

Gongzi Gun said: "As the saying goes, soldiers are impermanent, power is impermanent, and water is impermanent. When going out to patrol the border, many unexpected things will happen, so the plan made by Wang Li cannot be used as evidence that he started the border quarrel without authorization. "

"For example, Han Xin, the former captain of Habayashi, before the battle of Dongshan in Nuoshui, his task was to cooperate with Wang Li in the battle, but when the wind and sand broke out, he temporarily changed the battle plan and led the army directly to the headquarters of Youda Danghu. The support has become the main attack. Doesn't this prove the truth?"

"Wang Li went out to patrol the frontier this time. He encountered the main force of the Xiongnu Maodun and lost troops. However, he dealt with it properly. In the end, he turned defeat into victory and gained a lot."

"So, I think that if you don't reward, you don't punish."

"If you don't reward, you won't inspire others to follow suit; if you don't punish, you won't dampen the spirit of our army!"

People are sitting in the corner, and the pot comes from the sky... Han Xin sat behind a pillar surrounded by several people, with a dazed expression on his face, he scratched his chin numbly, dozed off for some reason, and the topic came to him head!

ps: Thanks to 'Shiyouyi' for the reward!Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Zidai' and 'Suzaku Ghost Lord'! ()
ps1: Garbage mistress!

(End of this chapter)

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