Chapter 271 Swing (4K Chapters)
Hearing the words of Gongzi Dagon, the doctor ordered Li Xin to get up from his seat, bowed to Fusu, and then turned to look at Gongzi Dagon.

"Zongzheng's words are absurd!" Li Xin shook his head and said, "That day Captain Habayashi went out of the fortress, he was ordered by His Majesty to attack the Xiongnu in three directions."

"That is to say, the order he received was an order to go out to fight. On this basis, there will be an impromptu decision, and the right not to accept the order of the king."

"As for Wang Li's departure this time, he is carrying out a cruise plan..."

Li Xin blah blah blah blah blah, the general idea is that the tasks performed by the two are different, so don't touch porcelain Han Xin.

Yo, this is not over yet, the father-in-law is on guard!Hey, why did I use the word 'passing the door'... Fusu sat on the throne, eating melons with great enjoyment.

Seeing Li Xin contradicting himself, Gongzi Dun frowned and looked at Li Xin, but saw that Li Xin shook his head insignificantly towards him.

In an instant, he suddenly realized, turned around slightly stiffly, and bowed his head in worship.

"My lord, please give me your majesty's order!"

Fu Su smiled, looked around the group of officials: "Is it finally my turn?"

Seeing the silence below, Fu Su nodded slightly to Han Rang, who immediately took out a scroll of silk script from his sleeve and read it aloud:

"The Second Emperor's rule states: Lu Qing, the former prime minister of Yunzhong County, worked diligently on the king's affairs and fulfilled his duties. Now he has been promoted to the prefect of Hanoi, with a silver seal and green ribbon, and a rank of two thousand stones."

"Internal historian Wang He, who is loyal to the emperor and loves the people, is serious in his work. He is now transferred to the prefect of Yunzhong, with a silver seal and green ribbon, and a rank of two thousand stones. He will take office immediately!"

"Dian Ke Zuo Cheng Kuai Che, counted his meritorious service, recruited border barbarians, and is now appointed as an internal historian, with a silver seal and green ribbon, and a rank of two thousand stones. He will take office immediately!"

"Order Wang Li, the general of the Nine Plains Army, to be General Yubayashi and stationed in Shanglin Garden."

"Order Huben General Yang Xiong to be the general of the Jiuyuan Army and take office immediately."

"Order Han Xin, Captain Yulin, to be Huben Zhonglang General, to control the Lantian Army, and to take office immediately."


When Han Rang finished reading the imperial edict panting heavily, all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar and talked a lot.

One of the main points they talked about was that Wang He, the internal historian, was transferred to be the governor of Yunzhong, and the rest was Han Xin who was promoted from the school lieutenant to the general of Zhonglang, and then controlled the Lantian army.

Wang He's external transfer, presumably, was affected by Wang Li, but if you don't look at the location, if you only look at the position, the Yunzhong county guard is more enjoyable than the internal history of the Guanzhong area. After all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Say the same thing.

As for Han Xin, although everyone knew that he would definitely be promoted, they still couldn't accept that the emperor let him directly control the Lantian Camp.

So, when all eyes focused on Han Xin who was full of confusion, everyone became more determined in their minds.

Looking at his downcast face, I really don't know why the emperor has his eyes on him!
Fusu sat on the throne, watching everything with cold eyes.

As far as he is concerned, whoever jumps out will be hit with a big stick.

Wang He jumped up and down before, really thought he didn't care?
In fact, he didn't have any intention of punishing Wang Li for Wang Li's physical attack.

On the contrary, he actually appreciates this kind of situation. If there are conditions, he wants to fight the Huns. If there are no conditions, he must create conditions to fight the Huns.

But, food is the original sin!

People say that veterans use soldiers to emphasize stability. Wang Jian has a lot of experience in this point. Meng Tian and Li Xin are also doing well now.

Only Wang Li has been in the army for many years...but he is still like a young general, a newborn calf.

This is why Fusu always thought that Wang Ben brought him back from the outside...

Look at that Han Xin who is huddled in the corner, happy in his heart, that is a master who specializes in fighting the battle of gods!

So Wang Li should go back to Xianyang City to study hard.


Lanchi Palace, Yicui Palace.

Qi Ruier sat on the main seat, looking at her mother who was walking from outside the hall with a happy face.

This is the first time she has met her relatives in the palace since she entered the palace as a canary.

"Meet Qi Meiren!" Qi's mother bowed slowly, ignoring Qi Rui'er's desperate gesture to make her not have to do so.

The etiquette of a monarch and his ministers is different, even though the other party is her own daughter, but this is in the palace, there are no less rituals that should be performed.

Of course, there are only some special circumstances, when a daughter who has become a concubine bows down to her parents, that is when she visits her relatives, and there are no other people around besides her parents, this is the gift of her parents.

After Qi's mother sat down first, she winked at Qi Rui'er, who immediately understood and waved her hand lightly, and the maids and servants standing in the hall immediately filed out and half-closed the hall door.

Qi Rui'er cheered, Ruyan threw herself into Qi's mother's arms like throwing herself into a forest.

She is a 14-year-old girl, because of the needs of her family, she gave herself to a strange man, and she has lived in a strange environment since then. If there was not a Ying Yinman of the same age by her side, she would have been unhealthy. up!
Qi's mother patted her daughter's back to comfort her, then frowned slightly, lifted Qi Rui'er's chin, and said with a smile: "The palace is just raising people, and you are much fatter than when you left home!"

"Mother!" Qi Rui'er shouted a little shyly, and got herself into Qi's mother's arms, unwilling to show her face for a long time.

Qi's mother teased her for a few words, then got to the point, and asked softly: "I heard people say that since you entered the palace, His Majesty has never been lucky enough to be with you, but is it true?"

Qi Rui'er raised her head, her face turned red, she bit her lip and nodded.

Mother Qi frowned immediately, and asked in a stern tone: "But you said something you shouldn't have said, which angered His Majesty?"

Qi Ruier shook her head slightly, stretched out her hand, and made a six.

Mother Qi was taken aback, blinked her eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qi Rui'er said a little coyly: "In the past few days, apart from talking about the rhythm with His Majesty, I only said six sentences in total..."

Mother Qi sighed slightly: "Since Your Majesty is discussing temperament with you, it means that you have the same hobbies. Why don't you take this opportunity to take the initiative to get close to Your Majesty!"

Qi Ruier opened her mouth slightly, a little dazed: "Huh?"

Mother Qi poked Qi Rui'er's head with her hand: "How stupid! It looks like you followed your stupid father!"

She looked her daughter up and down, and saw that she had beautiful eyebrows and beautiful eyes, her skin was as moist as jade, and as smooth as pearls. Compared with Tian Ji, who she had seen from a distance that day, she was not inferior in terms of beauty. .

"Such a beauty, His Majesty is not tempted?"

She thought for a while, and there seemed to be a ray of light in her heart: "From today on, you will eat an extra bucket of rice every day!"

Qi Ruier took a step back suddenly: "Ah! What..."

Qi's mother explained: "Look, I heard people say that His Majesty only dotes on Mrs. Tian Ji, and even holds a grand court meeting in Zhangtai Palace, and never leaves her body, so if you make yourself fatter, maybe Your Majesty will Always lucky to be with you!"

Qi Rui'er couldn't laugh or cry: "Yes, but, His Majesty also dotes on Sister Zhao Ji, Sister Zhao Ji is not fat, and..."

She proudly puffed her chest out. Although her curves were comparable to Zhao Ji's, she was still young and might be brought up by the emperor!

Qi's mother suddenly nodded, and immediately moved to Qi Rui'er's ear and whispered.

If you were from the perspective of the game at this moment, you would find that Qi Ruier's body was flickering with the light of upgrading!

Jincheng County, Dingqiang County.

In the center of a series of simple shacks is a square planted with a few locust trees.

According to the tradition of this period, although the locust tree often grows worms, it is a sacred tree that symbolizes worship and protection of peace. Therefore, when people leave their hometowns and go to settle in other places, they sometimes take a locust tree from their hometown and plant it. new home.

At this moment, the residents of Jiuhuaili are gathered here, and they are going to attend the wedding of Shen Tujia and the Qiang girl.

Although everyone has their own opinions on the fact that a Qiang girl became Shentujia's wife, this kind of thing happens often in this brand new land.

After all, except for those soldiers with military exploits, the rest of the immigrants are mostly poor ghosts.

And poor ghosts don't have the right to pick and choose!
As for the wedding, Shen Tujia was an orphan from a landless hunter. Needless to say, the Qiang girl’s parents had long been lost. In addition, the immigrants here were almost all from different lands under Zhang Han’s intentional control. counties.

So today's wedding, just like other Lijus, has been blurred out.

After all, etiquettes such as 'receive' and 'ask for name' are completely useless...

When everyone is waiting for dusk to fall and the bonfire party to start.

One of the villagers said worriedly: "Have you heard? A group of horse bandits were found on the edge of Qinghai Lake. They seem to have come from the desert further west."

Another Limin nodded and said, "I've heard that too, but I also heard that General Hu Qiang Zhonglang is dispatching manpower to search and suppress them!"

"There are more than ten or twenty people hiding in such a big place, how long will it take to search and suppress!"

"Yeah, do you think they will come and rob us? After all, we are the closest to Qinghai Lake, and we don't even have a square wall!"

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

For a while, the guy who spread anxiety became the target of public criticism.

He pouted his mouth and muttered in a low voice: "I'm right, we are really dangerous here!"

Li Dian, who had been listening all the time, waved his hands with a smile. He had served in the Longxi Army, and he was the one with the highest rank here, with the fourth rank of Unchanging.

"Starting tomorrow, each family will mark their own flocks, and then start grazing collectively. The manpower saved will be stepped up to repair the walls of our village."

"Tomorrow morning, all Limin, regardless of gender, gather here, and I will teach you how to fight the enemy!"

Hearing Li Dian's words, everyone nodded.

When you meet a robber, all you can do is to fight him desperately, and it is not enough to just give in and escape.

"Hey, why do you think this bandit can't be killed!"

"That's right, even if the square wall is built like a great wall, it's still unavoidable to be robbed by robbers!"

"In my opinion, only by taking the initiative to destroy the den of thieves can we not be disturbed!"

"It's easy to say, before the Qiang people invaded, we smashed the Qiang people's dens of thieves, but now, it was replaced by desert horse bandits. If we smashed the desert horse bandits' dens, we don't know what to replace them with." What kind of robber!"

"That's right. I only heard that there is a thousand days to be a thief, but I have never heard of a thousand days to guard against thieves."


Li Dian said with a smile: "There is nothing to be afraid of. As long as Daqin is here and His Majesty the Emperor is here, if one is found, one will be killed! At worst, we will fight until the end of the sky!"


"Yeah, as expected of Ridian!"

When everyone echoed, someone shouted: "The bride is coming!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Jiang Lamu, who wore traditional Qiang ornaments such as agate and coral on his head, but had his hair styled like a Qin bride.

Li Dian stared at her bulging chest, wondering in his heart: Where did the gold ornaments on this Qiang girl come from?It is impossible to report to the county magistrate immediately!
At dusk, in stark contrast to the singing and dancing outside, is Shentujia's quiet shack with air leaks from all sides.

At this moment, he was sitting next to the blushing Jiang Ram with his head bowed, and his palms were slightly wet with nervousness.

When he came here to settle down, when he was bragging with others, he said that when he was in his hometown, he and a little widow rolled over the straw pile several times.

Because everyone didn't know him very well, everyone believed him.

So, there is no one to guide him what to do on his wedding night...

At this moment, he began to regret that he had no experience with anyone. Apart from seeing cows and cows, sheep and sheep, and people and sheep, he knew nothing about people and people!

On the other side, Jiang Ram was also very nervous. Before coming, two sister-in-laws told her about the wedding night.

However, according to that sister-in-law, Shen Tujia should rush up at this time and start tearing her clothes like a beast!
Could it be that the sister-in-law lied to her, or the other way around?

Should she pounce on him and tear his clothes like a beast?


"Hey, don't tear my clothes, this is left to me by my father, it's very expensive... oh, oh, oh, oh..."

It is clear that the already poor family has become worse again.

At Li Dian's home, after getting the news, Lu Ze brought people over in a hurry.

In front of them, Jiang Lamu's elder brother and younger brother were tied up in Wuhuada.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with the desert horse bandits!"

"What desert horse bandit, you arrested the wrong person!" The Qiang man named Jiang Wen, who took a Qin name, shouted loudly.

Lu Ze pulled a folding stool, sat in front of Jiang Wen and asked, "Shaodang Qiang is gone, you know that."

Jiang Wen nodded, but the Qiang people valued their family more. Now his younger sister married a warrior, but he and his younger brother are still alive. If the tribe is gone, it will be gone.

Well, in other words, now they have joined the Qin tribe.

Seeing Jiang Wen nodding, Lu Ze asked again: "Then, explain to me, where did the jewelry on your sister come from?"

"Jewelry?" Jiang Wen tilted his head, thought about the term for a while, and said immediately: "The corals and agates are all picked up on the mountain."

Li Dian said furiously, "Little brat, how dare you lie to Nai Gong! Let alone agate, coral is something from the sea, and it is a treasure brought from Qi and Chu. Why don't you pick one up on the mountain for me!"

ps: Thanks for the monthly pass of 'leisure 123098'!The coral here uses the term mountain coral, although this is wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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