Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 272 Blowing all the wild sand to gold!

Chapter 272 Blowing all the wild sand to gold! (4k chapters)
Seeing Li Dian raised his hand and was about to hit him, the little Qiang named Jiang Wu from Qin shouted: "My brother is not lying, the corals were really picked up on the mountain!"

Lu Ze waved his hand and stopped Li Dian, he recalled the past that he had talked with Meng Ying before.

"I'm sure they didn't lie to me!"

Li Dian pointed to Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu and said, "County magistrate, Lu county magistrate, you take the nonsense of these two barbarians seriously? At least in the army, we ask after the fight!"

Lu Ze smiled and said, "At least here, it's not in the army, is it?"

He looked at Li Dian who was trying to show his qualifications, and said to himself that when I was a general in the Longxi Army, you were just a corporal commander!

Li Dian bowed his hands and stepped back, his back was wet in an instant.

"I believe what you say." Lu Ze looked at Jiang Wu, then looked at Li Dian and said, "I treat them with sincerity, and they will treat me with sincerity!"

With tears in his eyes, Jiang Wu nodded desperately.

Jiang Wen was also a little moved. He really didn't expect that there would be people like Lu Ze and Shen Tujia among the people of Qin!
Lu Ze continued: "According to what His Majesty said, in ancient times, the land under our feet and the plateau and snow-capped mountains in the distance were all a vast ocean!"

Li Dian kicked the ground: "The sea?"

Even the Qiang brothers on the side were equally confused.

"Yes, the sea!" Lu Ze controlled his expression, not letting himself show a confused look, and tried hard to recall:

"Later, the gods made the land, so they lifted this continent out of the water from the bottom of the sea, forming what we see now!"

Jiang Wen murmured, "God? Which god is it?"

Lu Ze cupped his hands and said: "The gods are evil, the ancestors of Qin!"

With his head down, Jiang Wen kept repeating the words, "The gods are evil, the ancestors of Qin".

Lu Ze smiled slightly, and then asked: "You just said that your sister's headdress was picked up from the mountain. What I want to ask is, where did the gold vessel on her chest come from?"

Jiang Wu said proudly: "My brother made it himself, and it was for my sister's wedding! We picked the raw materials from the river!"

Li Dian took a step forward and asked eagerly, "I picked it up in the river? The river? Tell me!"

Seeing Jiang Wu's face pale with fright, Lu Ze shook his head and sighed, "Oh, what are you in such a hurry for?"

He looked back at Jiang Wu, and asked softly, "Which river? Where is it?"

Jiang Wu said weakly: "At that place where yaks often run, you can occasionally see gold in the river..."

With a serious face, Lu Ze said in a drawn out voice, "Take me to—"

Jiang Wu said weakly: "It's dark now, I'm afraid I can't find it..."

Lu Ze's tone remained unchanged: "Take me to—"

The discovery of gold mines in Zhinai is a remarkable thing.

When he led people to hold torches and tools and went with Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu, he sent people flying horses to report to Zhang Han, the guardian of Qiang in Linqiang County.

When the sky was getting dark, Lu Ze and his party arrived at the ditch where Jiang Wu said the wild yaks ran.

He approached Jiang Wu and said, "It's here, are you sure you remember correctly?"

Jiang Wu nodded: "That's right!"

Lu Ze waved his arms on the horseback: "Go into the water and pan for gold!"

After a while, Li Dian raised his arm and seemed to be holding something between his fingers: "I found it! I found it!"

He jumped happily in the water, at this moment, he is like a child.

Although he understood that the gold belonged to His Majesty the Emperor, even the grain of gold in his hand had nothing to do with him, but he just wanted to laugh and shout.

And farther away, the same lucky person found gold, and cheered loudly with joy.

Lu Ze hesitated a little, is there so much gold in the water?Then, why did those Qiang people who were captured live so hard?
Jiang Wen on the side said to himself: "All wealth will be returned to the ground, why should we persist in possessing it?"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded, he is a barbarian who knows a hammer!

Just when Lu Ze wanted to do it himself and experience gold panning, the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded in the distance.

It was Zhang Han who was riding on a khaki horse under a huge flag with the characters of Qin on it.

After Lianye received the report, although it was hard to tell whether it was true or false, he brought people here immediately.

While on the road, he was always worried that such a scene would appear.

Lu Ze fell into a pool of blood, holding a grain of blood-stained gold in his hand, surrounded by messy footprints...

But now, although some of these people occasionally screamed wildly, they were just cheers under the agitation of emotions.

Zhang Han's heart that had been hanging all the way slowly let go, and looked at Lu Ze who dismounted and saluted with a smile on his face.

"Lu Ze, you did a good job!"

"It's just thanks to His Majesty the Emperor and General Zhang Zhonglang."

Zhang Han smiled, and said seriously: "Are you sure there are gold mines here?"

Lu Ze nodded slightly, took out the cloth belt from his arms, and poured it on the palm of his hand: "So far, I have picked up so many."

Zhang Han wondered, "Is there so much gold here?"

Lu Ze pointed to Jiang Wen and said, "The Qiang people here say that this is a sacred mountain, and everything is bestowed by the gods. If he didn't save some dowry for his sister, he would never touch the gold sand here."

Zhang Han smiled: "Since that's the case, let's wait until the county engineer comes over with tools to test it. If the gold mine is real..."

He looked at Lu Ze with a playful expression: "Lu Ze, this credit may be greater than you imagined!"


Xianyang City, heaven and earth.

When the lights came on, the heads of Guizhou, who did not have the right to travel at night, left one after another before the curfew.

The ones left now, those who came to take a bath at this time, or those who are noble or high-ranking, are all exempted from the curfew list.

"Yo, Doctor Shen!"

"Doctor Li has already rubbed it, so give me ten dollars, salt rub!"

In a short time, a strong middle-aged man with only a white cloth around his waist came over. He was Zhang Liang with the pseudonym Han Xing.

It's just that the world of husbands and sages is like an awl in the bag, and the end is seen immediately!

Zhang Liang is now the number one bathing master in this bathhouse, and he will not scrub unless he has a noble body!
Zhang Liang put coarse salt on the man, writhed his hands, exerted all his strength, and started his own performance.

At this moment, his eyes were full of affection, what he was rubbing was not taking a bath, but his ambition to endure hardship!

"Cool!" The man called Dr. Shen couldn't help trembling.

At this moment, if he hadn't just ordered a blonde concubine with green eyes yesterday, he would definitely fall in love with the bathing man in front of him!
"Doctor Shen, how are you preparing for the dragon boat race?" Doctor Li asked enviously.

He has already rubbed it once, but seeing the other party so happy makes him really want to rub it again.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. Although I dare not beat His Majesty, at least there is no problem in the top five." Dr. Shen replied tremblingly.

"Your majesty is really right, the good judges are not proper judges, and you have to go to the competition in person!" Dr. Li complained:
"This makes us neither win nor lose!"

"Speak carefully, speak carefully!" Dr. Shen waved his hands, and was immediately turned by Zhang Liang, then rubbed his hands together.

Dr. Shen breathed a sigh of relief: "But Your Majesty, you are really talented! It turns out that taking a hot bath in summer and scrubbing it from beginning to end is even more refreshing than winter!"

Dr. Li said a few words in agreement, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said: "It's nothing, I heard that there is a 'Spring on Earth' in the north of the city, and they made a steam sauna room, that's cool, even Your Majesty, From time to time, I also go over in micro-services to enjoy it..."

At the climax of the moon, two middle-aged men who had taken a bath and drank a lot of wine in the bathroom cubicle walked out of the heaven and earth together.

They staggered on the side of the road, and were immediately supported by two pairs of iron-like arms, and dragged into the shadows of the corner.

The two looked around in shock, and then let out a sigh of relief: "General, we have followed your request, and we have spread out the words you want us to say."

Ganfu walked out from the corner, nodded slightly: "Very good, change to another bathhouse tomorrow, and continue."

The two suddenly complained and whispered: "The two of us are also high-ranking people after all. How decent is it to soak in the bathhouse every day? If we continue to soak like this, the skin will be soaked!"

Gan Fu sneered: "Then, do you want me to report exactly how you two slandered His Majesty?"

"Do it! Let's do it!"

When they walked away, one of Ganfu's subordinates said with a smile: "Boss, why do I feel that their two dry words seem to have some other meaning?"

Ganfu gave him a sideways glance, but said nothing, and the man went on to say, "What are we doing staring at these places?"

Gan Fu said helplessly: "Your Majesty said that places with a lot of traffic, such as guesthouses, restaurants, and women's houses, have always been a place where dragons and snakes mingle. Staring at these places, it is not difficult to find clues about Zhang Liang and Chu Mo."

"Since the daughter-in-law is locked up by His Majesty, then we can only stare at the bathhouse! Also, for slandering the Shangguan, we will go to the Family Regulations Office to pay the fine later..."

"In addition, let those who watch the dragon boat build be careful, don't be discovered by others, remember, they are just watching, not arresting people!"

Several subordinates clasped their fists in their promises and left. Gan Fu looked at Xianyang City in the night and sighed slightly.

"You said that I am an iron eagle sharp warrior, how did I become a nocturnal creature? Could it be that my eagle is an owl?"

"Zhang Liang, where are you?"

Ganfu shook his head with a wry smile, and disappeared into the night before the soldiers on patrol at night arrived.


Lanchi Palace, Yuhua Palace.

Fusu put his hands on his hips, looked at Zhao Ji who was smiling like a flower in front of him, and said, "The wool belongs to me, right? I taught you the knitting technique, right?"

Seeing Zhao Ji nodding, Fu Su became more and more angry: "The sweaters that can be knitted, why are there Tian Ji's, Ying Yinman's, and even Qi Rui'er's, but I don't have them? Don't I deserve to wear the clothes you knit by yourself? ?”

Qi Rui'er, who was huddled in the corner, raised her head, blinked her eyes, her heart was full of grief and indignation, why couldn't sister Zhao Ji knit her sweater!

Tian Ji poked Zhao Ji and asked, "What's wrong with Your Majesty today? Are you not drunk?"

Zhao Ji replied in a low voice: "Maybe I had a quarrel with the minister in the hall, um, it seems that I haven't had any quarrel..."

Tian Ji nodded, stood up, twisted her body, and said with a tired voice, "Your Majesty..."

Fu Su stretched out his hand to push her away: "Get up, I'm trying to reason with her!"

Tian Ji was not discouraged, and held Fusu's arm with her extraordinary talent: "Could it be that Your Majesty hates being a concubine..."

It's so soft, did I fall into the cotton pile... Fu Su couldn't laugh or cry: "Sure enough, sisters love each other!"

Tian Ji squeezed her throat and said, "Isn't this exactly what His Majesty has been looking forward to?"

After she finished speaking, she winked at Zhao Ji, who immediately stood up, walked to Fusu's side, and put her arms around Fusu's other arm.

Well, I was a little flustered, and it really can't be compared... Fusu said without changing his face: "Do you know that you are wrong?"

Zhao Ji was slightly stunned: "Wrong? What's wrong? Is Your Majesty talking about the sweater?"

"That's what I think. If I knit one for Your Majesty, it's not difficult, but what do other sisters think about my identity?"

Don't worry about anything else, there are three in my harem, and there is also a mascot for viewing... Fusu's face remained unchanged, enjoying the gifted massage.

"That's why I think so, let us sisters make a straight dress for His Majesty together, and use it as a congratulatory ceremony for His Majesty's birthday!"

You dare to harm my old lady, thanks to my sister's deep love... Tian Ji's pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes are full of coldness, but unfortunately in the eyes of others, she is charming and charming.

Me, I don't know anything, why did you drag me into it again, ah...Qi Rui'er's almond-shaped eyes widened, her mouth slightly opened, and she looked devastated.

Suddenly, her arm was held by Ying Yinman, and she heard the other party whispering in her ear: "It's dog food, get out!"

What is dog food, I still want to learn more, we are different, Yunyang... Qi Ruier was finally defeated by Weili Lolita, and was dragged away from Yuhua Palace.

But in the temple, after the eyes-obscuring people left one after another, what was sprinkled was no longer dog food.

After a while, the Xiao sound gradually stopped, Fusu sorted it out a little, and unceremoniously occupied the long case in the hall, and asked someone to put on the unfinished memorial.

"I will stay here tonight, and you are not allowed to leave!"

He looked at the blushing duo with an evil smile on his lips.

In fact, when Zhao Ji said that he had quarreled with the ministers in the court, she was only half right.

We quarreled, but instead of losing, we won!

After all, His Majesty the Emperor has the final interpretation of all rules!

As for the cause of the incident, it was the reports sent by the counties in the history of this year about the collection of taxes this year.

In the State of Qin, taxation is not static, but an average value is obtained based on the average grain output in recent years, and then a value is corrected according to the rent rate, which is used as the rent amount of the year.

This is 'common among a few years old'.

Next, Tian Dian read the 'rental' to the farmers, that is, the amount of rent paid.

This is 'Write Law and Rent'!
(End of this chapter)

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