Chapter 273 Consumption Upgrade (Chapter 3k)
Fusu recalled the argument in the afternoon.

At that time, Zheng Guo came from outside the palace, and what he brought with him were reports from various counties that the increase in grain production this year was generally more than [-]%.

Therefore, Zheng Guo suggested that he is going to increase the rent this year by [-]%.

According to his calculations, in this way, the food left in the hands of the heads of Guizhou will be the same as in previous years at worst, and there are many people, only a lot more!

As far as the government is concerned, the over-harvested grain can just fill the gap caused by flat sales during this period.

With grain in hand, don't panic in my heart.

In this way, there will be sufficient food security for the excavation of ditches in Guanzhong.

At first hearing Fusu, he thought the idea was good.

After all, Qin State is a big government that manages everything, and under his decision, the harvested food can also be taken from the people and used for the people!
But he changed his mind, if he was a farmer around Xianyang City.

In the new year, with the use of new-style plows, carts and other agricultural tools, the fields were composted, not sheltered from wind, frost, snow and rain. After several months of hard work, the grain output in the fields was much higher than that of the previous year.

As a result, at this time, the government suddenly increased the rent, and most of the food that had been worked hard for a year was taken away by the government, and the food left in my family was as much as last year!

Ah this...

Therefore, this is a point of disagreement between him and Zheng Guo.

Zheng Guo's concept adopted the technique of "weak people" that Shang Yang said back then.

It is "a country with the right way, and the weak people" to restrain the desire, intelligence, will, rights and humanity of the people, and realize the rule of the monarch over the country.

But the 'min' of Shang Yang's period is not the same class as the 'min' of the present Qin state and the 'min' of later generations.

In the state of Qin during the Shang Yang period, many places still belonged to the tribal and clan system. If these "prosperous people" were not cleaned up through the so-called "five techniques of controlling the people", there would be no prosperity of the later Qin state.

But it's different now. Under the policy of 'if a household has more than two Dings, regardless of division, it will be paid twice as much', the current 'min' is called Qianshou.

Therefore, Fusu believes that this year's rent amount should be the same as last year's, and it might as well let the heads of Guizhou keep the extra three or five dollars in their own hands.

And Zheng Guo hinted that he let the servants avoid him, and then asked him a question.

That is, after the rent is reduced, which one will make more profit, the house of [-] mu or the house of [-] mu?

As soon as this remark came out, Fusu gave up for the nth time the idea of ​​letting the old man go home to hold his grandson.

What Zheng Guo means is that for those big households with fields connected to the fields, such as the son of Gongzi who owns hundreds of thousands of acres of land through family members or ministers on behalf of them, even a one percent tax reduction is a very considerable amount. numbers.

As far as the country is concerned, such a large family is the root cause of the turmoil.

Such a big family can also be called a "haomin".

However, this is also the second point of disagreement between Fusu and Zheng Guo.

Because the soul of Fusu comes from an information age with prosperous commerce.

In this era, there are countless traps of consumerism. Fusu just moved two of them and applied them to Qin, which is enough to make these big households hand over the "overcharged three or five buckets" willingly!
Thinking of this, Fusu raised his head, and in front of his eyes were Zhao Ji covering his ears, and Tian Ji who was constantly attacking with random thoughts.

He smiled, and picked up a booklet from the side. This is the list sent by the glass workshop.

Many of these names, although they are all little-known characters, but they all have a common identity.


That is, butler.

Among them are many housekeepers such as Wei Liao and Gong Ziyan.

But in this booklet, they, together with their master, have only one common identity, customer, or fat sheep...

The cause of the incident was the industrial upgrading plan initiated by Fusu.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the sales volume of colored glass is close to saturation, and Fusu plans to expand production capacity, reduce costs, and let glass enter more families below the middle class.

But this involves another trouble.

Because of those green glass windows, half a year ago, many big dogs bought them with extra money.

If the price is lowered rashly, it may cause dissatisfaction among these people.

So glass fining agents come in handy.

When colorless and transparent glass appeared, especially after Zhangtai Palace and other royal palaces took the lead in using it, the city of Xianyang suddenly began to undercurrent.

I really want to have it!

This is the truest thought in the hearts of all the bigwigs who have participated in the court meeting.

They were just worried that this would be reserved for the royal family. Many people just waited and watched, and did not act hastily.

Therefore, at this time, a support is needed.

When Li Xin held a banquet at home, he accidentally let everyone see a glass greenhouse. The next day, the front of the glass workshop was full of people!

Of course, the price of colorless glass is five times more expensive than colored glass, which is a very normal thing.

When everyone expresses that the price of colorless glass is too expensive.

Shishi Ling Xu Kang, who is in charge of R&D, manufacturing, and sales of colorless glass, said with a dark face:
"Do you know how difficult it is to make clarifiers? Do you know how high the temperature in front of the crucible is? This is the only thing that scorpions shit. You think it's expensive, but I think it's too expensive!"

Just when everyone was about to ask him whether the glass was safe or not, Xu Kang changed his style: "According to His Majesty, all of you are the shares of the country, plus you are all regular customers of the glass workshop."

"So anyone who has bought colored glass before can enjoy a [-]% discount when buying colorless glass again. The more you buy, the more you save, dear!"

After this rounding, basically no money!

There are cheap but not the bastard!

Thus, there was this pamphlet in Fusu's hand, and a memorial to Xu Kang.

In the memorial, he accused many bigwigs of the DPRK and China of being morally corrupt. He obviously had never bought colored glass before, but he picked up a piece of glass fragment from some garbage dump, pretended to be a regular customer, and forced the glass workshop to sell the colorless glass. Selling him at a [-]% discount is really a plucking of the wool on the emperor's head. If he can bear it, the emperor Fusu can't bear it!
No, I can bear it!
Fusu smiled, and wrote under Xu Kang's memorabilia that they were all the country's shares, and he couldn't bear to reprimand them more. If such things happen again, it's better to sell them and become a compassionate minister. Don't hold a broom anymore. Kick them out, my dear...

He put down his writing brush, briefly calculated the amount of the pre-sale, and felt that the money for expanding the glass workshop had been secured.

In the second phase of the plan, he is preparing to mass-produce glass jars.

Judging from the previous commercial activities, the economic level of the agricultural society of Qin State is too low. The brown sugar harvested in autumn, even if the output of a county is shipped back, is likely to saturate the entire market in an instant.

Then, it is necessary to develop canned fruit, which has added value and is novel, to continuously mobilize the market.

The poor economic level of the agricultural society lies in the low productivity and the low circulation of money.

After all, land is a very valuable means of production.

So in an agricultural society, if you want to increase the value of your property, you need to make money, buy land, make more money, and buy land...

Just like making money in later generations, buy a house, make money again, and buy a house again...

Of course, although the emergence of Fusu cannot break Qin's existing pattern, it can turn the visible involution into a plunder of the outside.

For the Eastern Hu and the Western Regions, a can of sweet syrup in winter is not too much for a cow, right?

Well, and it's not just canned sugar water.

When Hou Feng and the others have settled Tian Dan in Qidi, Xianyang City's investment in the four counties of Qilu can be officially put on the agenda.

Learn more about canned octopus in braised sauce!

Pure natural and pollution-free fresh octopus, take out the internal organs and clean them, wrap them in a three-piece set of crying children, and fry them in a pan until golden and crisp...

"I'm hungry, I want to eat supper, do you have anything you want to eat..."


Shanglinyuan, beside Changchi.

"A date set?"

Fusu trampled a grasshopper to death, and looked back at Ziying who was following him.

Chen Mao had already set off for Nanhai County one step ahead of him, and Ziying had been lagging in Xianyang City because he had to deal with a lot of things.

Ziying nodded slightly: "I have chosen. I will set off the day after tomorrow, that is, on the second day of next month. Unfortunately, I can't accompany His Majesty in the dragon boat race."

It’s another auspicious day selected from the Japanese book, feudal superstition is still dead... After Fu Su showed off his sense of superiority, he couldn’t help but smile in his heart. He didn’t plan to go into the water. It's unlucky to die in the water!

Fusu led the way to the rice field, pointed to the crooked rice and said, "These are the rice seeds you brought back from Nanhai County."

Prodigal son... Ziying took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his chest: "If your majesty is not good at farming, you might as well leave it to farmers who are proficient in this field. Why are you so reckless?"

Fu Su was taken aback: "Where did you say that?"

Ziying said like a cannonball: "Although I don't know how to farm, I know that there may be only one person in the world who can ruin the rice fields like this!"

You don't even have an elementary school diploma... Fusu complained in his heart, and said without changing his face: "I heard that the so-called Champa rice, after planting, does not ask for water when it is dry, does not dredge waterlogging, and has no manure. Soil, but don’t work hard, let the sky do what you want.”

"That is to say, this kind of rice is different from all kinds of rice in the world. If you take care of it carefully, it will naturally produce high yields, but if you ignore it completely, you will not fail."

"As for the rice seeds you brought back from Nanhai County, there are at least hundreds of them. How can I tell the difference?"

"Only in this way, the one with the highest yield must be Champa rice!"

After Fusu finished speaking, some indignation suddenly arose in his heart. Could this be considered a lazy person's laziness?After blindly planting a few seeds, this top-notch rice seed was finally produced, wow!

Hearing what Fusu said, Ziying gradually opened his mouth wide and his eyes became rounder.

Suddenly, he bowed to the ground: "I am ignorant and ignorant, offended His Majesty, I hope His Majesty will forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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