Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 274 Young people, go to the west to pan for gold!

Chapter 274 Young people, go to the west to pan for gold! (3k chapters, plus updates on weekends)

Fu Su shook his head slightly: "I'm not such a stingy person..."

Ziying just wanted to agree and nodded, but then stopped, he is not the kind of person who can violate his conscience...

Oh, you wait for me...Fu Su continued: "After you arrive in Nanhai County, watch Chen Mao, don't let him..."

Ziying nodded and said: "I understand that I must not let him pass on all his farming skills to the Yue people!"

Hey, that's not what I mean...Fu Su shook his head and said: "What I said is, let him teach the Yue people more farming skills. People, stop favoring one another!"

The heads of Guizhou have no money in their pockets, so who do they sell their industrial products to?
And if those more people are not allowed to harvest more food, how can they feed the growing population?Without enough population, who will do the dirty work?
Of course, for the Yue people on the Indochina Peninsula, farming techniques can be taught to them, but techniques such as weaving cannot be taught.

After all, what he wants is a cheap raw material and labor market, as well as a dumping ground for industrial products!
Ziying bowed to the ground, cupped his hands and worshiped: "Your Majesty is benevolent, the blessing of all peoples!"

Fu Su waved his hand: "You and my ministers, there is no need to be like this, get up quickly..."

Suddenly, he froze for a moment, and a horse galloped towards him from a distance. The one sitting on the horse seemed to be Chen Ping, who was on duty today.

After a while, Chen Ping, who was searched from inside to outside, ran to Fusu: "Your Majesty, great joy! A gold mine was found in Jincheng County!"

Is there a gold mine there too?I remember that there are a lot of gold mines in Shandong, and it was sent... Fusu reached out to take the bamboo paper, opened it and read it carefully.

Ziying smiled and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The benefits of mountains, rivers and rivers during this period were the emperor's private property, and gold mines were no exception.

Fusu handed over the bamboo paper, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the sparkling Changchi.

The joy of having a home in the mine is just so unpretentious and boring...

"Gold-copper mixed mine... More than [-] gold has been collected so far, and engineers are being arranged to refine it..."

Ziying read the report sent by Zhang Han, and the name Lu Ze appeared in it, which made him pay special attention, and inadvertently remembered something.

He handed the bamboo paper to the servant at the side, and leaned over to Fusu, with a somewhat wretched expression on his face: "I heard that the county magistrate who found the gold mine has a younger sister who is just fifteen years old and beautiful. Ruyu..."

"Twenty gold just bought you?" Fusu's cold voice made Ziying's back wet instantly.

He hastily prostrated himself on the ground, and his voice became trembling: "I'm guilty, but I dare to guarantee my life. I definitely didn't match up for Lu's daughter just because the Lu family gave me twenty gold."

"I've seen that woman before. It's different from the grace and beauty of princes and noble girls, and has a different charm of country girls!"

Although Ziying claimed that he was guilty, he was certain that he would not be punished. After all, according to the practice of this period, close relatives of the emperor like him, as well as the emperor's sisters and aunts, could recommend excellent women to the emperor as concubines. .

Well, it's a pimp...

In the Han Dynasty, one of the eldest princesses' hobbies was to pimp the emperor...

Among them, the most awesome one got Wei Zifu for the emperor, and married Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, the imperial twins!
Hey, the sisters are pretty, I like it too!But now is not the time to do that.According to the historical timeline, what I need now is Empress Lu, not Lu Zhi!It's a pity that I don't have the time cost to let her evolve... Fusu bent down, patted Ziying's shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Didn't I say it just now, you and my ministers don't have to be like this! Well, I'm a little tired, and I'll see you off when you leave!"

Ziying stood up from the ground, took a few steps back tremblingly, beat the floating dirt on his body, turned around and left quickly.

Fu Su waited until Ziying walked away, then looked at Chen Ping who was standing beside him: "How is your plan going?"

What he asked was exactly Chen Ping's god-making plan.

Chen Ping nodded incredulously, and said in a low voice: "After the Dragon Boat Festival, you can see the real chapter!"

Fusu glanced at him noncommittally, and asked, "What do you think about the gold mine?"

Chen Pingyuan took two steps, thoughtfully said again and again: "In my opinion, this is an opportunity!"

Fusu looked sideways slightly: "What opportunity, tell me in detail?"

Chen Ping raised his head and said, "Take my hometown as an example. The land there is narrow and the people are crowded. Many Guizhou heads need to work with others to make ends meet!"

"But even so, when His Majesty ordered them to move west that day, many people would rather stick to their homes in Susukida than move their nests at all... This is the so-called resettlement."

Fu Su shook his head with a smile, this is normal, people are always afraid of unknown things, although there is not enough to eat in their hometown, but everything is familiar, and their ancestors have come here for generations, if they rush to other places, it will be very difficult It is possible to die in a foreign land!

Chen Ping said with a smile: "Since Jincheng County has discovered a gold mine, why doesn't Your Majesty issue an edict to let Guishou, who has no land or little land, go to Jincheng County to mine, promise a huge profit, and worry about no one responding."

"At that time, when they really see the fertility of Jincheng County, I'm afraid even with a long sword around their necks, they won't be able to stop them from settling in Jincheng County!"

That is to say, in addition to plagiarizing a western development, there will be another gold rush... Fu Su looked at the eloquent Chen Ping, and suddenly wanted to check with him.

Fu Su asked with a smile: "Then how is it considered a huge profit?"

Chen Ping pondered for a while, then said after deliberation: "It's better to issue a number plate to the miners who respond to the order, and the government will share the gold they collect with them. Well, as for the ratio, it might as well be [-]-[-]%..."

Fusu kept smiling and asked, "Why is it only [-]%?"

Chen Ping raised his head, looked at Fusu and said, "Your Majesty, if that's not the case, I'm afraid it won't be enough to attract enough people?"

Hey, aren't you... Fu Su said with a smile: "I mean, four or six points, I am four, Qianshou six!"

Chen Ping opened his eyes wide in an instant: "Your Majesty..."

Hey, it seems that you are really not... Fu Su said seriously: "You know, mining is not farming. If you work hard, you will definitely get something!"

"Maybe a gold digger is unlucky. He can't collect a grain of gold dust in ten days, 20 days, or even a month. So it seems that he gets [-]% of the money, but more than half of the money is spent on daily expenses!"

Chen Ping suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is really smart!"

Cool... Fusu said with a smile: "This summer's wheat harvest is bumper. Only with the increase in the production of official fields around Xianyang City, it is enough to support [-] households. Seven thousand places!"

Chen Ping cupped his hands and bowed: "I'm going to draft the imperial edict!"

After Chen Ping left, Fusu ordered people to put up a tea stove beside the long pool.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, coating everything with a layer of gold powder.

Fusu made a pot of tea for himself and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the lake in front of him alone.

In fact, according to his original idea, it was [-] percent, a symbolic authorization fee.

After all, it is hard to say how much this gold mine has!
Besides, what did the boss who sells jeans do in later generations?

Regardless of whether you can make money from panning for gold, I will make money selling jeans anyway!
The current state of Qin is also like this. As the emperor, does Fusu care about that undeveloped gold mine?

Care, but not entirely!

According to his understanding of the Qin people in this period, the first thing to do to earn money must be to renovate one's own home first, then rebuild the ancestral grave, and then do things like marrying a wife and buying land.

And during this period, for the emperor.

It's hard to win, okay?
The most important thing is that those gold diggers didn't bring space, and the dry food they carried would always run out.

Then, you need to buy food and various living materials.

In this way, Jincheng County will form a relatively simple and primitive commercial market centered on gold diggers.

Then, revitalized business will speed up the communication between Jincheng County and Longxi County, and roads will be built at a faster speed.

Then, the families of the gold diggers are likely to go with them, which changes the local population structure and further reduces the presence of the Qiang people.

In this way, even if the spread of farming technology increases the population of the Qiang people on the plateau and the Western Regions people in the desert oasis, it will not threaten the local population structure dominated by Qin people.

On the contrary, with the increase of Qin people and the development of cultivated land, the eyes of local Qin people will instead focus on the land and oases that were previously disliked because of barrenness.

Then, the Qin people's swords will be unsheathed again, and the Qin people's plows will obtain suitable land for cultivation.

And Fusu firmly believes that the reason for this success is that it has been verified and can be implemented on the original historical line.

It's just that the Central Plains people in the Hexi Corridor migrated here under the forced order of the Han Dynasty government.

What Fusu has to do now is to use enough interests to guide them to take the initiative to follow Fusu's ideas.

It's just that it is different from the Han Dynasty, the heads of Guizhou in the Shandong counties have instinctive hostility towards the Qin government.

After all, the unification of the world is only twelve or three years old.

But thanks to Mimi Lixin during Shang Yang's reform period, people in the world still have a certain trust in the credibility of the Qin government, if you add the gold that is at your fingertips!
Fusu firmly believes that no one will refuse this invitation, especially those who are struggling on the poverty line and longing for "be rich and honored, never forget each other"!
"Well, there are still some details that need to be explained to Zhang Han. For example, the management and patrol of the gold mine need to be strengthened. After all, money touches people's hearts, so don't kill people because of robbing gold."

"The other thing is to crack down on gangsters, find one, execute one, and prevent problems before they happen! What I want is the development of the west, not Red Dead Redemption! Mecca Bell is such a dog, destroying the ten clans I don't even understand my hatred!"

(End of this chapter)

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