Chapter 275 Reporting (Chapter 3k)
In the moon of midsummer, the sun is in Dongjing, in the midst of faintness and danger; on its day Bingding; its emperor Yandi; its god Zhu Rong; its worm feathers; its sound signs; the rhythm of ruibin; its number seven; its taste bitter; It smells burnt; it worships the stove; it sacrifices the first lung.

Shanglinyuan, beside Changchi.

Fusu, dressed in black clothes, stepped up to the altar that had been built step by step.

Around the altar, there are black banners depicting swimming dragons, and under the stage, there are 120 or eight civil and military dancers holding five-color feather fans.

According to the sayings of later generations, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, because Qu Yuan is sacrificed, so one day off, two days off...

But in the state of Qin, this is the day when the 雩 [yú] sacrifice is held.

The so-called Yu Ji is to use prosperous music and rituals to pray to the mountains and rivers, that is, the dragon god, to pray for good weather and a good harvest.

Well, there are also hundreds of officials and scholars who have made meritorious deeds in the past.

So Fusu brought some private goods, and allocated several quotas to the six countries of Shandong.

Beside Fusu, Zheng Guo trembled, holding a tall pottery dish with both hands.

What is in full bloom in the pottery dish is just ripe millet.

This is today's sacrifice.

After Fusu took over the clay basin, presented it on the altar, and then took a cup of realgar wine to prevent the plague and drive the five poisons together with the officials, it entered another link.

Dragon Boat Race!
The moment Fusu stepped down from the altar, he looked back at the dragon god carved with a wooden plaque, and couldn't help but chuckle.

According to the rumors circulating in Xianyang City at this moment, the so-called Dragon God was once hidden in this jade seal on his waist.

Well, Chen Ping changed the "Mountain Ghost Incident" again.

The original "Mountain Ghost" said, to return the ancestor dragon, was changed to, to use the ancestor dragon to present the first emperor.

That is to say, because the first emperor was not only the emperor of the world, but also the black emperor, the northern heavenly emperor representing the virtue of water, Zulong hid in a jade seal lost by the first emperor, and pledged his allegiance to protect him.

As for the death of the ancestor dragon this year, it was because the first emperor had completed his practice and regained the position of emperor of heaven, and the ancestor dragon also took advantage of this opportunity to shed his former body, followed the first emperor, and became a real dragon god!
Although it is said that the monarchy is bestowed by God, but the way of heaven is permanent, it does not exist for Yao, and it does not perish for Jie. Whoever is virtuous, God will favor him and let him be the emperor.

But what if Heaven has a will of its own?
God, is the emperor's own father, or direct ancestor?

Fusu looked at the common people who came to watch the dragon boat. Maybe such a statement might imprison the hearts of the people, but it was better than falling apart and fighting each other until the bones were exposed in the wild, and no rooster crowed for thousands of miles!
And he also firmly believes that a nation that can shout out that "the princes and generals are better than each other" will never be bound by this theory for too long!

No benevolent government will make it impossible for everyone to live. Don't say that the ancestors are gods, even if the gods descend to the earth, they will be killed!

Thinking of this, Fusu's footsteps were a little brisk. Soon, he would not only be the emperor, but also the son of God!
Well, the Holy Great Qin Empire!

Sure enough, Roman orthodoxy is in Daqin!


Linzi County, Linzi County.

Although there is no custom of dragon boat racing in Qidi, two temporary markets have been set up outside Linzi County. , Cuju person.

Among them, some are free performances for self-entertainment, but more are those who have money to support the starting point author (cross out) of the money market, and performers.

Suddenly, on the distant road, there were waves of neat footsteps.

When people walked out of the market, they saw an army marching in the middle of the road, where the heads of Guizhou were forbidden to set foot.

The black battle flags with Qin characters fluttered in the wind, making a sound of hunting.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear the sound of soldiers shouting slogans when the army enters the room.

this sound?
It seems to be Qin people from the Guanzhong area!

This is an army composed of old Qin people!

What are they doing here?
All of a sudden, many buskers hurriedly packed up their food and left in a hurry.

And those cockfighters, running dogs, and Liubo people disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The law of Qin prohibits the people from gambling, but these events are the traditional customs of Qidi.
But it's different now. The last time the Qin army in Guanzhong came, it was the time when Wang Ben destroyed Qi.

Therefore, many elderly Qi people admonished their children one after another, forbidding them to take a step away from Lifang, and not to wander around!
A moment later, the army holding the Qin character banner arrived under the county seat of Linzi.

What they saw was the high-rising drawbridge and the army on the city wall holding crossbows and long halberds.

But they are not angry, this is what the local guard should do.

On the contrary, if they went straight into the county, the local guards would be questioned!

In a short time, Hou Feng held up the scepter made of yak tail, followed by a group of embroidered men in the imperial Xiezhi robes, and rode their horses to the side of the suspension bridge.

"This is the title of Marquis of Tingwei Youcheng, who is ordered to patrol the world, and quickly let the county guard, county magistrate, and supervisor come out of the city to meet him!"

An embroidered man with a loud voice rode his horse and hovered in place, yelling loudly.

Naturally, the guards on the city wall did not dare to be negligent. After all, Hou Feng and his entourage had thousands of people coming along the official road. It is impossible to say that they did not know at all!
But just like the soldiers of Xiliu Camp blocked the emperor's chariot back, these are all due procedures.

The soldiers guarding the camp may not know what the emperor looks like, but if he doesn't know what the emperor's car looks like, that's impossible!
While waiting for the suspension bridge to come down, Hou Feng asked Guan Gao who was following him: "Where are the county soldiers transferred from Yuyang now?"

Guan Gao bowed his head and cupped his hands: "If you go back to the teacher, it should be a few days before you land in Linzi County."

After experiencing the secret execution of Wei Bao, Guan Gao and Bai Wuji formally worshiped the Marquis as their teacher together, and studied the way of Legalism summed up by Han Feizi.

Hou Feng nodded, feeling at ease.

This time he went straight to Linzi County from Hanoi County, just to catch the local tyrants by surprise.

To this end, he brought three thousand Qin soldiers selected from Guanzhong, as well as soldiers from various counties along the way.

At this moment, his total strength is more than 7000, plus the [-] county soldiers transferred from Yuyang to temporarily ask the emperor for orders, both in quantity and quality, are enough to suppress the local army in Linzi.

Of course, the seal in Hou Feng's hand can only mobilize an army of no more than 1 people, so the five thousand soldiers of Yuyang County are only used to take over the city defense of Linzi County and the arsenal, and are not under his direct command.

The most elite of Hou Feng's men were the three thousand Qin soldiers brought out from Guanzhong.

Under Fusu's deliberate indulgence, almost all of these 3000 people were veterans who had participated in the battle to destroy Qi.

Qi people, they know each other very well!

That's why there was the previous scene, just relying on the singing, it reached the point where there were no pedestrians on the road.

A moment later, the sheriff of Linzi County came out to welcome him with all the officials in the city.

After checking the scepter and the documents were correct, they bowed respectfully.

After all, this is their first meeting with the guard of honor that symbolizes the emperor's authority, and a big gift is still required. When they meet again later, they just bow their hands and bow down.

Two days later, the county hall.

Hou Feng unceremoniously sat down at the main seat, and stood beside him were two rows of embroidered men holding Guanhong sabers.

"The visiting envoy came here today for no other reason, but because he received a secret report saying that there are many wealthy and powerful families in Linzi County who have linked up with the government to hide their land and population."

After finishing speaking, his falcon-like eyes swept over everyone.

There are those who are sad, some are happy, and some are resentful...

Of course, most of the Qin officials were expressionless, as if what Hou Feng said had nothing to do with them.

Hou Feng smiled slightly, he had expected such a situation a long time ago.

He waved his hand slightly, and a dozen or so county soldiers with big arms and round waists carried in three huge iron and wooden boxes from outside the door.

The box has a cylindrical shape as a whole, with a large hole in the middle. It looks a bit like a postbox for later generations.

In the doubtful eyes of everyone, Hou Feng said with a smile: "This is 'Secret [guǐ]'. Many of you may or may not have heard of it."

"But whether you've heard it or not, this tour envoy will repeat it here."

"The blue box on the east side is called 'Yan En', and it is a cover letter from Mao Sui's self-recommendation. No matter whether you are a scholar or even a minister, as long as you have a skill, you can use it according to your talent!"

"The white box on the west side is called 'Redressing Wrongs'. As the name suggests, you can put in any unjust, false or wrongly decided cases!"

"As for the black box in the middle, it's very powerful. It's called 'Gao Miao'! What does it mean? It means that if there is a powerful official whose registered land population under his name does not match the actual number of people, the "Gao Mian" will be verified once it is verified. , half of the defendant's property will be distributed as a reward!"

Before Hou Feng finished speaking, the Qin official in a corner suddenly rolled his eyes, fell to the ground and started to twitch.

"what happened?"

"The shofar wind has committed, quickly, shut his mouth quickly, and bite off his tongue carefully!"

All of a sudden, the entire hall of the county mansion was in a mess like going to a market.

Guan Gao tilted his head and murmured softly: "The officials in Linzi County, they can't bear it too much! Those people in Hanoi County have knives on their necks, and they just peed on the floor..."

Bai Wuji shook his head and said, "They just want to take this opportunity to discuss how to deal with us!"

Guan Gao frowned slightly: "Against us? All the soldiers in Linzi County were disarmed, and the arsenal was closed. Why should they rely on these frightened local villagers?"

Bai Wuji let out a smirk: "Frightened? Are you sure?"

Guan Gao shook his head and said, "As soon as the warning order comes out, are you sure those villagers will have trouble with us?"

Hou Feng coughed lightly: "Shut up!"

He looked at the officials who gradually calmed down and said: "This visiting envoy is not the kind of unreasonable person. Within three days, as long as you report your property truthfully, you can be exempted from the prosecution order! But if……"

 ps: Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'gcflysnow', 'Book Friends 2017...9351', 'Book Friends 1406...0623'!

(End of this chapter)

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