Chapter 276 Redressing Injustice (Chapter 3k, with more updates on weekends)

Hou Feng looked at the Linzi officials who suddenly became nervous, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth: "Kill without pardon!"

Kill talent!
evil star!

Inhuman Imperial Talon!

At this moment, the full house of officials suddenly became excited, recalling Hou Feng's name that had been passed down since Sanchuan County.

They all lowered their heads and murmured unanimously, whether they should take the initiative to report their assets according to Hou Feng's request.

But once the declaration is made, even if it is just to make up for the past taxes, the family's property will shrink by half, no, more than half!

But if you don't do what Hou Feng said, this bastard will wield the butcher's knife, but he has never been recognized by his relatives!

Man is a sword and I am a fish, a dilemma!

Otherwise, simply...

They raised their heads and saw the same thoughts in the eyes of the people around them.

But let’s not say that the county soldiers have been disarmed, even if they haven’t, are those soldiers who are mainly responsible for collecting the city gate taxes the opponents of the Qin soldiers from Guanzhong?
Moreover, who will be the early bird?

It's better to let others go, and enjoy the benefits yourself, just wave the flag and shout!
By the way, Tian Qi clan!
In the hearts of these Qin officials, they once again thought of the local wealthy families that they loved and hated in the past.

Under the 'coercion' of these wealthy families, they had no choice but to violate the laws of the Qin Dynasty, and turned a blind eye to the invasion of places by the wealthy clans. The wealthy clans ate meat while they drank soup, so the current situation ...

Therefore, under the order of suing, the first to be sanctioned are those big households, to be precise, Tian Qi, the public clan that has prospered and prospered for hundreds of years.

So they were determined in their hearts and looked at Hou Feng with confidence.

The Tian Qi family has been intertwined for hundreds of years, and even Wang Ben did not eradicate it even when he threatened to destroy Qi.

But now, a little Tingwei Youcheng is nothing but a fool's dream!

Suddenly, another thought came to their minds.

That is to say, it was fake for Hou Feng to clean up the farmland, and it was true to take the opportunity to search for a fortune from the local area. After all, they heard that since the second emperor succeeded to the throne, he has been using foreign troops continuously.

So, maybe Hou Feng, the visiting envoy, really came out to scrape land!

If this is the case, maybe they can use this name to squeeze some more oil from the heads of Guizhou.

Well, let those wealthy families take the lead in donating a sum, and then get [-] points!
Hou Feng looked at the officials in Linzi County quietly, without saying a word.

In his heart, many people here are already dead, but they haven't been buried yet.

In just ten years, those officials who followed Wang Ben to destroy Qi and stayed in Linzi County have degenerated into this state!

If it wasn't for the fact that they were still wearing the clothes of Qin officials, and most of their words were spoken in a Guanzhong accent, Hou Feng really thought he had returned to the old Qi State!

Hou Feng couldn't help thinking of what Fusu had said when he left Xianyang City:
Daqin's worry is not the Xiongnu in the north and Baiyue in the south, but the princes in the dynasty, the sheriffs and county magistrates of various counties and counties. If they are a bit rotten, the whole of Daqin will be rotten. If they are all rotten ...

Hou Feng sighed slightly, the king was concerned about the humiliation of his ministers, what he had to do was to dig out all the rotten meat with the bone digging knife in the emperor's hand, leaving nothing behind!

After a while, the officials of Linzi County left one after another, leaving only Hou Feng in deep thought in the hall of the county mansion, and the embroidered man standing behind him, tall and straight like a pine.

At this time, a man with a vicissitudes of face, wearing a black Qin official uniform, and a bronze seal hanging from his waist walked out from the corner.

From the black ribbon on the copper seal, it can be seen that this person is a county magistrate with a rank of a thousand stones.

Seeing Hou Feng bowing his head in thought, there seemed to be no difference between the man walking out, Guan Gao took a few steps forward and asked, "Who are you? But I have something important to present to Tingwei Youcheng?"

The man cupped his hands and said: "I am the magistrate of Di County, Meng Ji."

Meng Ji paused for a moment, looked out with a bit of panic, then took a step forward, and whispered under his high-spirited gaze: "I have a powerful place, and I will report any illegal things!"

Guan Gao frowned slightly: "Your size is also a county magistrate who can eat a thousand stones, shepherds one side, and is named Bailihou! How can you be scared like this by a place so powerful?"

Under Guan Gao's contemptuous expression, Meng Ji sighed, "Your Majesty, do you know how many Qin officials there are in Di County?"

Guan Gao said with a smile: "County magistrates, county towns, county lieutenants, chief officials...there are all kinds of people, there are always hundreds of people, right?"

Meng Ji shook his head and said, "There are indeed so many officials in Qin, but I am the only one in Qin!"

"When the big and small officials, pavilion soldiers, county soldiers, etc. are all local people, but the county guards and censors in the county do nothing, how can I do anything by myself? If I refuse to join forces and live, It's not easy!"

Bai Wuji came from the side, patted Meng Ji on the shoulder and said, "We're here, everything will be fine."

Meng Ji's eyes turned red, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, revealing a smile uglier than crying.

At this time, Hou Feng's voice came from behind him: "You said that the county guard and the censor did nothing. Is there any evidence?"

Meng Ji took a few steps forward, cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

Hou Feng asked, "Where is the evidence?"

Meng Ji took a deep breath: "It's on Beizhi!"

After finishing speaking, he took off his official uniform and turned around suddenly, revealing his back covered with welts.

"In the autumn of the 36th year of the First Emperor, I went to Lifang to check because the amount of tax payable by the powerful in the county was wrong. I was severely injured by the boy servant who was ordered by the powerful surnamed Tian. The pavilion soldiers and county soldiers around me turned a blind eye."

"I submitted a document to the county government overnight, asking the county guard to send troops to quell the chaos, but there was no news of the document! I had no choice but to go to Linzi County personally with injuries, but was stopped again by Haoqiang Tian on the way, and it was another good fight! "

"I had no choice but to hide in the county mansion to recuperate. After waiting for the injury to heal, I was flattered and rushed to the county mansion after being deceived by the powerful people in the county. Unexpectedly, the sheriff and others persuaded me to calm down and calm down. Kill my whole family first to resolve the grievances of the head of Guizhou!"

"After that, I went to the imperial court several times in succession, but I never received any reply..."

Hou Feng stretched out his hand to interrupt: "Shangshu court? Which official office is it?"

Meng Ji said: "Prime Minister's Mansion, Yushi Dafu's Mansion, and Ting Wei's Mansion, because the county magistrates don't have the right to speak directly, even if I go to Shu Majesty, no one will accept it, and the former emperor was out on tour at that time..."

Hou Feng smiled, and met Meng Ji's surprised eyes and said, "No wonder...but you will have the right to play directly from now on."

After finishing speaking, Hou Feng ignored Meng Ji who was getting more and more surprised, and turned to look at Guan Gao: "What are you waiting here? Arrest people!"

Guan Gao cupped his hands and said, "Teacher, don't worry, they can't escape!"

Bai Wuji also cupped his hands and said, "Teacher, shall I go with him?"

Hou Feng shook his head and said: "When it comes to arresting people and asking questions, you are not as good as Guan Gao, but if you are leading the army to fight, Guan Gao will try his best, and you are not as good as you who have a long history of family education!"

"Go and pass on my order, let the soldiers of Yuyang County be full of energy, guard the arsenal, and disarm the soldiers of Linzi County, if there is any abnormality, follow the method of sitting together, cut first and then play!"

Hou Feng looked at Bai Wuji who nodded and recorded, and then said: "After passing the password, you take two thousand cavalry and go straight to Di County with Meng Ji, take over the city defense arsenal, and enforce the martial law. Cut first and play later!"

After Bai Wuji clasped his fists to obey the order, he turned around and left quickly with Meng Ji and several embroidered clothes men.

All of them had happy smiles on their faces at the same time. Needless to say, Meng Ji, for Bai Wuji, how could he accumulate credit if he didn't handle a few big cases!

After Hou Feng waited for them to leave one after another, he looked at Xiu Yilang who was still standing beside him and said, "Twenty people are left behind, responsible for interrogating the county guards, county supervisors and censors, and taking care of those secret wives. People, come with me and take the infantry to Di County!"


In the western suburbs of Xianyang City, there are calories in Du Youting.

On the road leading to the grain depot in the western suburbs, as far as the eye can see, there are farmers driving horse-drawn carts and ox carts. In the carts are newly harvested and sun-dried yellow-orange-orange wheat grains, which are so heavy that they seem to break the axle.

However, they are not here to pay rent and tax, but to take advantage of the high price of grain to sell the harvested grain to the government.

"Hey, you man, my wheat is so dry and the grains are big, why can't I be rated as 'best'?" An old man with a dark complexion wearing a double-plated long crown on his head yelled loudly.

When collecting grain, a standard is judged according to the quality of the grain, so the price of grain harvesting is naturally arranged from high to low.

The clerk of the grain depot looked speechless: "I said this doctor, although your grain is good, but what the emperor wants is grain, not sand and gravel! I see, you are not here to sell grain, but to sell Stone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were boos all around.

The old man wearing a double-plank long crown suddenly lost his face, and he yelled loudly: "Huh, it's rude! When the old man is fighting for the country, you are still peeing and playing with mud! All right, you can do whatever you say." , the old man will suffer if he suffers, it’s all for the Qin country anyway! Who told me that this old man is a relative of His Majesty the Emperor who just came out of the fifth suit!"

Don't touch Ci, I don't admit that there is such a relative as you... Fusu walked by with his hands behind his back. Today he has seen it, so when he cheats these old rich people in the future, he will never be soft-hearted again!

Fu Su tilted his head, and whispered to Li Cheng who was nervous beside him: "If you continue to be so tense, everyone will see our abnormality!"

Li Cheng had a bitter face: "My lord, can't we just run around? If something goes wrong, I can't bear the responsibility!"

"Bah, Crow's Mouth!" Fu Su spat at him and said, "If you don't come and see, how do you know the various ways of the people!"

"What did Duke Ai of Lu say?"

"The widow was born in the deep palace, and he grew up in the hands of a woman. The widow has never known sorrow, never known worry, never known labor, never known fear, never known danger."

(End of this chapter)

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