Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 277 Tian Dan's Decision

Chapter 277 Tian Dan's Decision

Li Cheng curled his lips: "Old Master Meng also said, it's fate, obey its righteousness, that's why those who know their fate don't stand under a rock wall. Those who die after doing their best are righteous; those who shackle the dead are not righteous Fate too!"

"Therefore, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!"

Oh, you still dare to talk back to me... Fu Su frowned and looked at him, then said with a smile: "There are plainclothes guards everywhere around here, besides, there is no 'First Warrior of the Great Qin' around us ?"

"If anyone hurts a single hair of mine, remember to castrate me and send her to the palace as a servant!"

Li Cheng was taken aback for a moment, looked at the bewildered Meng Ying, and immediately burst out laughing.

Meng Ying: ... that's outrageous!

Fusu stared at the people queuing up to sell food for a long time, and found that the line seemed to be getting longer and longer, and there were people driving horse-drawn carriages, constantly running from a distance.

He poked Li Cheng with a teasing expression on his face: "Stop laughing, go and find out, what's going on?"

In a few moments, Li Cheng returned from a distance, looked at Fusu who was squatting on the ground, shook his head and said: "The world is prosperous, it's all for profit; the world is crowded, it's all for profit! Your Majesty, your son's words are really in the slightest Not bad!"

Fusu beckoned, motioning for him to squat beside her, and asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Li Cheng replied: "My lord, do you know where the grain stored in this granary is transported?"

Crazy, how do I know this, I just casually approved the hundreds of thousands of shi grains... Fusu complained in his heart, and shook his head without changing his face.

Li Cheng went on to say: "The grain stored in the granary in the western suburbs is all transported to Dayuan and sold to the head of Guizhou who built the cave there for food."

"Because most of the heads of Guizhou there are the Jiuyuan Army who followed Han Xin to fight in the fortress, and they captured a lot of money, so the price of grain sold to them is relatively high."

"And this is reflected in the price of harvested grain."

"I've asked before. The purchase price of grain in the granary in the western suburbs is generally higher than the purchase price of grain in other places in Xianyang City. It is seven five baht per stone!"

Fusu nodded, watching a 'pirate' four-wheeled carriage pulled by two oxen passing in front of him.

Such a cart can pull about twenty or thirty shi (one stone is 60 catties) of grain, that is to say, each cart can be sold for an extra one or two hundred dollars!
Well, Fusu vaguely remembered that in Europe in the fifteenth century, the farmers there did the same thing. They drove their cattle carts through the fairs in various towns, looking for the grain merchants with the highest bids.

Traffic speeds up slowly, and commerce develops accordingly.

Fusu looked at the slow ox cart with great interest.

Although the manufacturer of the ox cart 'plagiarized' the double brackets of his four-wheeled carriage, and the design idea of ​​small front wheels and large rear wheels, he did not have strict mechanical testing, so that when turning, it was still not as good as the original four-wheeled carriage. The carriage turned quickly.

Well, he hasn't installed leaf springs yet, and the wheels are also using original bronze sliding bearings... Fusu twitched the beard on his lips, and decided to speed up Qin's four-wheeled carriage.

To give a simple example, the rolling bearings used in the four-wheeled carriages used in the military must not only have high-strength, high-strength steel, but also be able to produce steel rings of uniform specifications. This not only requires a stable supply of steel , also need a group of skilled craftsmen.

Therefore, this is a key factor restricting the popularization of carriages.

However, with the construction and gradual commissioning of the Yiyang Iron and Steel Workshop, under relatively cost-free production, there is no shortage of steel, but what is lacking is craftsmen who can perfectly process steel.

It's time to start industrial standardization 2.0, for example, get out the simple lathe first... Fu Su stood up, moved his tingling thighs: "Go back to the palace!"

Li Cheng was taken aback, although he didn't know that Fusu had suddenly given up the so-called idea of ​​'inspecting people's sentiments' after a while of silence, but he waved his hand immediately.

In an instant, hundreds of men with tough faces came from all over the place, surrounded by Fusu who was riding a horse in deep thought, and galloped towards Lanchi Palace.


Linzi County, Di County.

Tian Rong hurried over from Lifang, staggered and rushed directly into Tian Dan's house.

"What a disaster! What a disaster!"

He yelled Tian Dan's name while running, which attracted the attention of the boy servants who were training in fighting skills in the martial arts field.

"What are you panicking about!" Tian Dan stood up from the awning, wearing a silk robe, his exposed chest was slick and smooth, and his muscles were knotted.

Tian Rong gasped and said, "Qin Jun, Qin Jun is about to enter the city!"

Tian Dan was stunned, and said with a smile: "Qin Army? Isn't there Qin Army everywhere in the city? If it's Qi Army, it's worth your fuss!"

Tian Rong stomped his feet and said, "It's Meng Ji's Qin dog, who is about to arrive with the Qin army from Xianyang!"

Tian Dan raised his arms violently, and the silk robe on his body fell to the ground: "What? Say it again!"

Tian Rong said like a cannonball: "Didn't the imperial court send a dog official named Hou Feng to search for money everywhere? Now he has arrived in Linzi! That son of a bitch Meng Ji sued us, and now he is taking Let Qin Jun come to Di County!"

Tian Heng, who was standing beside him, asked, "Brother, what should we do now?"

Tian Dan took two steps on the spot, and said in a deep voice: "Tian Guang, immediately go and gather the young men of the Tian clan, as well as those vassals and our servants, and distribute weapons to them!"

"Tian Ji, go and inform the county soldiers, the pavilion guards, and the head of Guizhou in the city that we are rebelling! Reunification is today!"

Tian Rong stopped Tian Guang who was rushing out, and said eagerly: "Aren't we too weak? Otherwise, let's escape first, run east, and go to the salt field to bring money and supplies , and then go out to sea by boat, and we will come back when Zhang Zifang said 'the world has changed'!"

Just when Tian Dan hesitated, a member of the Tian clan came running from a distance and shouted loudly: "The people of Qin have already entered the city!"

Almost at the same time, on the street in the distance, a voice with a Guanzhong accent sounded:
"The whole city is under martial law. Everyone should go home immediately. It is strictly forbidden to walk on the street! If one person violates the ban, one army will be killed! If one army violates the prohibition, one mile will be slaughtered!"

In a short while, the entire Di County was filled with the sound of iron hooves trampling on the bluestone slabs, and shouts with a Guanzhong accent one after another.

Tian Rong stared at Tian Dan and shouted loudly: "Brother, hurry up and make a decision!"

Tian Dan closed his eyes, but opened them immediately, his beast-like eyes were full of determination, which made Tian Rong feel a little uneasy, but Tian Heng and the others were full of pride.

Tian Dan said in a deep voice: "A man was born between heaven and earth, he only wants to live standing up, and he doesn't want to die on his knees!"

"Distribute weapons and armor immediately, let's fight Qin Gou!"

(End of this chapter)

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