Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 278 The Abandoned Rescue Plan

Chapter 278 The Abandoned Rescue Plan

Linzi County, Qiancheng County (now Gaoqing County, Shandong).

According to legend, in ancient times, this place was called Qingqiu. During the reign of Duke Huan of the later Qi Dynasty, the south of Jishui was turned into a garden, "to Ruofeng, Congertai, Yunmeng, Qingqiu, Zhangqu, Qiyuan, Orange Grove, Although Changzhou is a treasure garden of thousands of vehicles, it is the place where Jiadun travels.

Therefore, after the unification of Qin State, it was named Qiancheng County.

Like the other counties in the four counties of Qilu, the most luxurious houses in the city are undoubtedly the Jiutian Gong clan.

When Bai Wuji set off with two thousand cavalry, the Tian family here also got the exact information.

After all, as Meng Ji said, he is the only one from Qin in the entire Di County. Most of the officials in Qi, big and small, are local Qi people. It was done covertly.

"Sovereign, should we help the Tian family of Di County?"

A man who hurried back from the outside asked, this is also a common question of the Tian clan people sitting cross-legged in the ancestral hall.

"Aid? What kind of aid?" The old patriarch Tian Qing paused the crutch in his hand, and looked up at a middle-aged man sitting under him.

"Uncle Zong, is what you said true?" Tian Qing asked expectantly.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, and smiled at the hostile or pleading gazes of the people around him, and said confidently: "Of course it's true, don't even look at me, my current identity!"

If Lou Jing had been present, he would have discovered that this middle-aged man was exactly Tian Jia who always called himself the emperor's father-in-law.

As Qi Wangjian's younger brother with the same father and mother, after Qi Wangjian's lineage became extinct, Tian Jia was the rightful leader of the Tian clan.

Someone in the ancestral hall questioned: "Is it true that the official salt of the imperial court is only sold for a hundred pieces of five baht?"

Another person resolutely said: "It must be a fake! We guard the saltworks here, and the cost price of salt costs more than 40 yuan a stone, and it is half a tael, converted into five baht, which is more than 120 yuan! "

A young man with a handsome face said: "If you want to say this, the imperial court is selling salt at a loss! Let's take advantage of the cheapness and buy as much as we can. When the imperial court can't sell it anymore, we can sell it at a higher price!"

Since the time of Guan Zhong, the people of Qi have not suppressed merchants, but instead encouraged scholars to do business. Therefore, after the unification of Qin, the people of Qi were the most acceptable group of people.

How much blood relationship, I really can't bear to deceive him... Tian Jia smiled and shook his head and said: "You know, the imperial court sent me here to fight against private salt, and how much official salt did it allocate to me?"

The young man asked puzzledly: "How much? Ten thousand stones? One hundred thousand stones? The more the better!"

Tian Jia said with a smile: "I remember Zhuangzi once told a story about a frog in a well, which said to the turtle in the East China Sea, I am happy with you! Jumping out of the beam is like the top of the well, and entering it is like a hole. If you go to the water, you will catch the armpit and hold the chin, but if you kick the mud, you will not be able to destroy the tarsus; return the scorpion, the crab and the tadpole, there is nothing I can do!"

"You bastard, you are such a frog in the well! To tell you the truth, and to tell you, the refined salt I brought with me this time is enough to feed the entire Daqin for a year!"

After Tian Jia finished speaking, there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes, which made the young man lose the courage to question him.

An elderly man said: "Uncle, Qin Ting's salt sale this time is probably not just for the simple purpose of cracking down on private salt?"

Tian Jia nodded and said: "That's right, the main purpose is to promote the five baht money. From now on, whether it is paying taxes or selling salt, the court will only charge five baht money, and the old money will be melted into copper after the government converts it into new money." material, send it to Xianyang City!"

The old man went on to say, "What about the price of salt?"

Tian Jia said sternly: "One hundred yuan is one stone, and the fluctuation does not exceed twenty yuan. Not only Linzi County, but also Jibei County, Langya County, Jiaodong County, and counties and counties all over the world are at this price!"

"My God!"

"how so!"

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the ancestral hall, relying on the sea to eat the sea, many of them have bought shares in the private salt dealers, what Tian Li said is tantamount to cutting off their source of income.

Suddenly, the whole topic changed from whether to rescue Tian Dan to what they should do...

Tian Qing asked tremblingly: "Uncle Zong, my nephew is unclear about one thing. Where did the imperial court get so much salt?"

Tian Jia recalled a little and said: "Do you know the new Jincheng County established by the imperial court?"

Seeing them all nodding, Tian Jia went on to say: "It is said that a salt lake of unprecedented scale was discovered in Jincheng County. The mountains and ground there are all made of salt, and the roads there are also stepped on by wild animals directly on the salt. !"

"According to the memorabilia of the Huqiang Zhonglang, there is a complete white mountain and sea made of salt!"

In an instant, as if someone had pressed the freeze frame, everyone in the ancestral hall remained motionless, maintaining the same shocked expressions.

They didn't question Tian Jia's words at all. If not, how could there be so much salt!

Damn people from Qin, why are you so lucky!

Tian Jia saw it in his eyes and sighed slightly in his heart.

For the low salt price, he initially reported a skeptical attitude.

No matter which country it is, it has taken the initiative to raise the price of salt more than once to increase income.

But he remembered what the 'emperor's son-in-law' said. Low salt prices will help improve people's livelihood and increase the income of farmers and fishermen. After all, fresh meat is not durable to storage. If it is marinated into bacon, it will not be a problem for three to five years.

Moreover, small profits but quick turnover, anyway, the cost of drying salt is almost negligible.

Tian Qing sighed, looked at Tian Jia and asked, "Uncle Zong, you didn't come here just to hit us, did you?"

Tian Jia laughed loudly and said: "Of course not, my precious daughter is now the emperor's concubine and is pregnant. Have you all heard about it?"

The young man who was called the Frog of Kanjing said with a smile: "I heard that my father even drank wine for this, so what if he said he was the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty. In the end, he is still my son-in-law of the Qi people! "

Tian Qing pointed to the door: "Get out, Lao Tzu!"

He immediately put on a smiling face, looked at Tian Jia and said, "Uncle Zong, for the sake of our ancestor's blood, please help us!"

Tian Jia said with a smile: "I came here today to support you!"

"The imperial court is going to repair the Yellow River embankment. There is no shortage of money, no shortage of people, but the only shortage of food! So I ask you to donate a little bit of food!"

"Hey, don't cry about being poor. I don't want you for nothing. You can exchange it with the military merit master! It's a good deal at the eight hundred stone level, and the highest can be exchanged for public transportation! Just take this opportunity to wash all the extra land under your name. White!"


(End of this chapter)

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