Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 279 We Don't Love Money!

Chapter 279 We Don't Love Money! (4k chapters)
Di County.

With a vengeful grin on Meng Ji's face, he strode forward like a shooting star. Behind him were hundreds of soldiers wearing iron armor, holding shields, long halberds, and powerful crossbows and short knives.

"This is Lifang!"

He pointed to the Lifang where Tian Dan's family lived, said something loudly, and immediately stepped forward and knocked hard on the door of the workshop.

"Open the door, I'm Meng Ji, magistrate of Di County!"

"Listen, Lidian, I'll let you open the door of the workshop immediately!"


咣 咣 咣!
No matter how Meng Ji beat and shouted at the gate of Lifang, it never opened.

Farther away, Bai Wuji curled his lips, and whispered to the embroidered man next to him, "You said that he is a county magistrate, and he can't even open the door of Lifang... Tsk tsk tsk!"

An embroidered clothes man shook his head and smiled: "Oh, there is no way to do it. Who made him the only Qin person in the whole Di county?"

Another embroidered man nodded and said: "Yes, in such an environment, it is certain to be bullied by others, plus the inaction of the county guard and the county supervisor's censor..."

Bai Wuji shook his head and said, "Stupidity is stupidity, there are not so many excuses to come up with! Look at me!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped off the horse, led a group of soldiers forward slowly, patted Meng Ji, who was full of embarrassment, and shook his head slightly.

In the next second, Bai Wuji kicked heavily on the Lifang door, and the wooden pin that inserted the door broke with an overwhelmed sound.

Bai Wuji waved his hand, and two tall and strong fighters ran up one by one, and instantly bumped into the gate of the workshop.


The door bolt snapped off completely, followed by a sharp whistle.

Two Qin soldiers who hid their bodies behind their shields rushed forward, and behind them were the kicker soldiers and the big halberd soldiers holding strong crossbows.

At the same time, on the outside of the square wall, more than a dozen crossbowmen stepped on the temporarily recruited wooden carts and aimed their crossbows at the inner square.

"Fight with Qin Gou!"

"Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one!"

"Di County Tian Dan is here, come if you are not afraid of death!"

In Lifang, there were various roars.

On the other side, Meng Ji was slightly stunned when he heard the familiar voice: "Who is Tian Dan, the voice is so familiar!"

There was the sound of a pot breaking in Lifang.

"Fire arrows!"

On the wall of the square, the voice of Qin Jun giving orders came out.

Tuk Tuk!Puff!
The sound of crossbow arrows hitting the wooden board and the sound of shooting through the human body can be heard together.


The Qin army that rushed into Lifang retreated quickly under the command of a hundred generals.

When they walked out, Bai Wuji realized that many of them exuded a faint oily fragrance.

"Straight mother thief! You actually want to play with fire attack!"

Bai Wuji was furious, feeling that he hadn't noticed Tian Dan's arrangement in advance, and discredited the killing god of his ancestors!

At the same time, he was a little fortunate that the Qin army who came with him this time were all veterans who had followed Wang Ben to destroy Qi.

After these days of cooperation, the level of tacit understanding between them is far from being able to match Tian Dan's mob.

After discovering that what was thrown out of the clay pot was oil, the hundred generals in charge of commanding the crossbowmen on the square wall immediately ordered to shoot the rebels who were about to throw torches to the ground, and covered the oil-smeared Qin pawns quit.

"Second team, go!"

"Team three, take down the wall and attack from the side!"

Bai Wuji forced himself to calm down, calmly directed the second attack.

So, just when Tian Dan and others were about to repeat the old trick, the crossbowman on the city wall decisively buckled the hanging knife and shot the clay pot directly into the air.


The servants of Tian Dan, who were splashed all over by the oil, ran around in panic. They were worried that the Qin people would throw torches and attack them in their own way.

Seeing this situation, the hundred generals on the wall of the workshop let out a smirk, and lamented in their hearts that this is really a bunch of mobs!
It is so simple to use a rocket to ignite this indescribable type of grease.

Besides, they are the attackers, if they burn the rebels and block the road, how will the people behind rush in?

Whoa whoa whoa!
At this moment, for Tian Dan and the others, the sound of the iron armor rubbing against the armor was particularly ear-piercing.

"Brother, do you think the rest of Zhutian will come to save us?"

Tian Rong stood behind Tian Dan, holding a short sword in his hand. If it was about one-on-one, he was not worried that he would not be able to defeat the Qin people, but it was obvious that the Qin people did not value martial ethics.

In the fight just now, seven or eight rangers with strong stature were forced against the wall by the Qin people with shields and halberds, followed by a round of intensive shooting.

Tian Rong's nasal cavity is now filled with the sweet smell of blood...

Hearing Tian Rong's words, Tian Dan remained silent, while Tian Heng said in a deep voice, "You can't rely on others for this kind of thing, you can only rely on yourself!"

Tian Rong sighed and said, "Tian Qi is like a tree. Now the trunk of Da Zong is dead, and the branches and leaves will all wither and fall. I didn't expect that it would start from my branch in Di County..."

Tian Heng grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and whispered, "Cheer up!"



In the distance, the sound of a whistle and the sound of heavy objects collapsing sounded together.

Tian Dan shuddered suddenly, looked around, a little at a loss.

Tian Guang came running from the other side and said in a trembling voice: "The people of Qin broke through the wall on the west side. Just now I saw hundreds of people from Qin rushing in!"

Tian Hengyi grasped Tian Dan's arm and said: "Uncle, fight, don't fight with them anymore, if you want to fight later, you won't be able to fight!"

Tian Dan took two deep breaths suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Fight with Qin Gou!"

In an instant, an uneven but heroic voice sounded from inside Lifang: "Fight with Qin Gou!"


People say that two sides are fighting, and usually only the weaker side needs to shout loudly to boost morale.

This point is vividly reflected at this moment.

At this moment, although the ranger and the boy servant who rushed out of the house looked heroic and brave, they were not afraid of death.

But after all, they are just mobs, far from the battle-tested opponents of the Qin army.

Under these repeated commands, groups of Qin soldiers repeated the series of actions of raising their shields, stabbing out their halberds, retracting their halberds, and then shooting as if they were strolling in a garden.

Wherever he passed, there were corpses that were unconsciously convulsed due to excessive blood loss.

A moment later, after suffering huge casualties, Tian Dan retreated into his house with the remaining dozen or so rangers, as well as Tian Rong, Tian Heng and others.

Tian Dan covered the wound on his arm with his hands, panting and said, "Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!"

His gaze was fixed on the courtyard, which was built like the main house of the old Qi Palace, and he reached out to pick up the clay pot filled with grease, and walked firmly.

Tian Rong let out a long sigh, with an inexplicable look on his face: "It's finally this day, brother, I'll accompany you!"

In the same posture, he walked slowly towards the main house under the gaze of the wounded ranger.

Tian Heng, Tian Guang and the others also staggered along behind Tian Rong.

"Master, let's go!" More than a dozen rangers stabbed their long swords into the ground and knelt down on one knee to worship.

They were different from those Qingxia who chanted 'kill the enemy' but knelt down in front of the Qin people and were executed on the spot in the end.

They were knights who really admired Tian Dan as a man, so they traveled thousands of miles to join him.

Although they are masters and servants, they are free.

Now, they are sending Tian Dan off for the last time with the gift of a knight!
The sound of broken clay pots sounded one after another, and the fire flashed in the room.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire main house burst into flames.

The dozen or so rangers with injuries all over their bodies jumped up, holding long swords in their hands, and rushed towards the Qin army who was rushing over.

Puff puff!
After a shower of arrows, blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and they fell to the ground. After twitching a few times, their bright eyes slowly lost all their color.

"This is? Self-immolation?" Bai Wuji scratched his chin, the expression on his face was indescribable.

"It should be..." Meng Ji said with some uncertainty: "It's half a step late, it's a pity..."

He looked back at Tian Dan's house, and said with a smile: "But the fire should not spread to other places!"

Bai Wuji squinted, "What do you mean?"

A meaningful expression appeared on Meng Ji's face: "You know, Tian Wen, no, Tian Dan is the number one rich man in Di County!"

Bai Wuji smiled and nodded: "Understood!"

He turned around, and said to the embroidered men who pressed the Hongdao against his opponent: "Organize people to fight the fire immediately, enthronement and record the money of Tian Dan's family, take out the grain, and distribute it to the landless leaders of Di County, and reorganize it." Dingtian Dan’s land property, the excess shall be confiscated, and the land cultivated by the tenant shall belong to that tenant, and shall be registered as granted land!”

He glanced at Meng Ji contemptuously: "Don't always think about making money. His Majesty the Emperor asked you to guard one side to benefit the head of Guizhou here. You go back and make preparations, resign and go home to farm!"

After finishing speaking, two tall fighters came and pulled Meng Ji out who wanted to say something.

The embroidered clothes man he met along the way all smiled at him.

Don't be a Qin official just to make money!

For people like them who have the world in their hearts, the most annoying thing is money!

What is money?

After Meng Ji was taken away, Bai Wuji crossed his arms, tilted his head and said to himself, "You mean, they really set themselves on fire?"


Xianyang City, Lanchi Palace.

Fusu rolled his wide sleeves over his shoulders, and holding two kitchen knives, he repeatedly slashed on the chopping board.

Tap, tap, tap!
Indistinctly, it seemed to be the sound of galloping horses.

In front of him, there are many strange plant roots.

If you look closely, those tubers seem to have a somewhat human shape.

radish!Bah, it's ginseng!

This is the fresh ginseng that Young Master Jianglu exchanged for rum in a deal with the Donghu people.

So, in order to flatter Fusu, he ordered people to quickly send the ginseng with leaves to Xianyang City.

However, this baffled Fusu.

Before crossing over, he was just a dick, and his annual salary could at best buy two high-quality wild ginseng... beards.

Of course, there is also a kind of cultivated ginseng that is not much more expensive than radishes, which is weighed by the catty...

But the pile in front of Fusu should be out-and-out wild ginseng.

"It seems like it's going to be baked, what a god, I don't understand it at all!"

So he divided the ginseng he sent into three parts, and the most part was sent to the Imperial Physician Order, and asked Xia Wuqie to study the usage with the previous generation Bian Que, and then told him that the contemporary Bian Que...

The second largest portion was tied with a rope and hung on the beams of the house to dry in the shade. He was going to cook some ginseng and chicken soup to make up for it in winter...

As for the rest, chop it and mix it with honey to make ginseng honey, which is the method he learned in a certain documentary.

Well, when the marinade tastes good, send it to Tian Ji, Zhao Ji and the others, and mend it during the confinement period... Fusu brandished a pair of knives, and found the feeling of being a dog licker in later generations.

"His Majesty?"

Outside the kitchen, Tian Ji's calm voice sounded.

As the number of days of pregnancy increases, she now pays more attention to self-care. Not only does she no longer use cosmetics that Fusu suspects contain heavy metals, but even her daily speech has become slower and softer, with no ups and downs in her voice.

"This is it!"

Fu Su agreed, and immediately saw Tian Jisu face the sky, coming slowly with the support of Ying Yinman.

Of course, Fusu ignored Ying Yinman's eyes calling for help.

"This is Your Majesty? Are you going to make dumplings?" Tian Ji tilted her head, blinked her eyes and said, "This radish looks strange, but I don't eat green onions!"

"Miss Qi doesn't eat green onions?" Fu Su was taken aback, and the area became dark: "Didn't it mean that your children didn't drink milk from birth, and what they drank were green onion juice..."

Tian Ji was full of helplessness, she gently supported her forehead with her hand, and didn't want to say a word.

Qi Ruier looked excited, and stared at Fusu with a pair of beady eyes, as if saying, talk more, talk more...

Tian Ji thought for a while, but decided to change the subject: "Your Majesty, if you're not preparing to make dumplings, then what are you doing?"

Fu Su brandished his two knives, turned his head and said, "This is called ginseng. I'm going to chop it up and make ginseng honey for you to use after giving birth. Ginseng, it's... Anyway, it's very nourishing! "

"Your Majesty is so kind!" Tian Ji's eyes turned red, she took out a handkerchief from her bosom, stood on tiptoe, and wiped the sweat that didn't exist on Fusu's forehead.

Ying Yinman: I was careless, I didn't flash... hiccup!

"Brother Emperor, I have another bold idea!" Ying Yinman ran to the other side of Fusu and made a cute expression.

Ah, I can't hide my sister-in-law's attributes anymore... Fu Su stopped breathing for a while, and said with a smile: "As long as you don't move out of the palace, you can mention other things!"

"Ah, that's nothing..." Ying Yinman stood back beside Tian Ji with her head drooping.

As I said earlier, I am a professional in preventing puppy love...Fu Su said with a proud face: "It's boring now, shall I tell you a story?"

"Ahhh!" Ying Yinman made a sound of boiling water: "I like the emperor's brother telling stories the most!"

Tian Ji was stunned for a moment, stretched out her hand to flick Ying Yinman's head, and then said weakly, "How about we bring that annoying Zhao Ji over?"

Are you sure she's a nuisance?Also, I always feel that something is weird... Fusu nodded slowly with a dignified expression, expressing his agreement.

"I'll go!" Ying Yinman roared, and then ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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