Chapter 280 Myth (4k chapters)
"Heaven and earth are also things. Things are not enough, so in the past, the Nuwa clan smelted five-color stones to make up for it; the broken Ao was enough to set up the four poles. Later, the Gonggong clan and Zhuanxu competed for the emperor, and in anger they touched the mountain of Buzhou and broke it. The pillar of heaven is the most powerful, so the sky tilts to the northwest, and the sun, moon, and stars move; the earth is not full of the southeast, so all the rivers and rivers return to it."

Fusu lightly shook a folding fan and felt a paperweight in his hand, like a storyteller.

Tian Ji spat out the fruit core in her mouth, poked Zhao Ji and asked, "Who is the Nuwa clan? Who is the Gonggong clan? Where is Buzhou Mountain? Why did the Gonggong clan knock down Buzhou Mountain?"

Zhao Ji rolled her eyes and said, "Can you stop poking my chest? It's too small for you!"

Qi Rui'er on the side looked shocked, feeling that she had mastered some amazing knowledge!
Tian Ji had a smirk on her face: "Then how about I rub it for you and try to make it bigger for you..."

Hey, let go of my wife... Fusu coughed twice, stopped a "husband offender" from happening, and immediately explained: "This is the original text of "Liezi·Tang Wen", I want you to read more on weekdays, you……"

"I won't listen, I won't listen..." Tian Ji covered her ears and buried her head behind Zhao Ji.

"Brother Emperor, please ignore her, I want to hear..." Ying Yinman carried the horse and sat down in front of Fusu, resting her chin on her hands.

Fusu patted her head and said with a smile: "It is said that after Nu Wa refined the five-color stones to mend the sky, one piece fell between the sky and the earth."

"That five-color stone fell from the sky, exterminating more than [-]% of the creatures in the world..."

Qi Ruier let out an exclamation, and she didn't care about being shy, she also moved the mat and sat next to Fusu, sticking out her chest that Xiao He had only exposed, seemingly intentionally or not.

Where there is a ditch, there will be fire, young girl...Fu Su retracted his gaze, and continued: "Although the five-color stones bring death, they are pregnant with new life. When the five-color stones fall to the ground, the moment when yin and yang meet, a dazzling five-color divine light bursts out, and the five-color light shines from the sky. Four figures stepped out of the light, namely the Qing Emperor, the White Emperor, the Red Emperor and the Yellow Emperor."

"Only the Northern Black Emperor is still in the process of being conceived. After all, as the sole ruler of the world, it is normal that he was born later!"

Tian Ji touched her slightly bulging belly: "Hey! It looks like this concubine is going to be the same as the Nezha Mama Your Majesty mentioned. She has been pregnant for three years and six months..."

Oil cake... Fusu didn't bother to pay attention, and continued:

"Time flies, Shang destroyed Xia, Zhou Dynasty Shang, Ping Wang moved east, Qin Xing Zhou declined, the killings between heaven and earth continued, and blood flowed! The resentment accumulated between heaven and earth in the battle between Qin and Zhao Changping made people destined to be human The Hei Emperor who brought eternal peace to the world can't wait any longer, he has made a great decision to come to the world ahead of time!"

Zhao Ji raised her head, Xing Xing's eyes were full of strange expressions: "Born early? Then, will it be harmful to me?"

Fusu sighed and said: "Of course he will, so he is destined to not live to be 50 years old in this life! But because of his unique compassion, he will return to the heaven after his death in the human world and become the world of heaven, earth, man, god, ghost, etc. Ruler of all living things!"

"Wow!" Tian Ji exclaimed, her mouth unconsciously opened to just the right size.

After Fusu gave her a malicious look, he continued, "That year was the 56th year of King Nan of Zhou and the 48th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin. The place where the Black Emperor was born was the old capital of Zhao, Handan!"

"Father, it's Father!" Ying Yinman yelled loudly, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Brother Emperor, is it Father?"

Fusu nodded: "That's right! The former emperor was the incarnation of the Black Emperor in the human world, with a male body, the virtue of water, which belongs to yin; while the former empress is the blood of Zhu Rong, with a female body, the virtue of fire, which belongs to yang. The combination of the two, the harmony of yin and yang , Water and fire help each other, so there is Zhen, the son of the God Emperor!"

This is Fusu's patch for Chen Ping's god-making plan. After all, Emperor Shihuang has many sons. If they follow the 1.0 version, they may have ideas that they shouldn't have.

"What about me? Am I the daughter of the God Emperor?" Ying Yinman pulled Fusu's clothes, Doudou's eyes were full of expectation.

Beside her, Qi Ruier looked at her enviously, then raised her big talking eyes, and stared at Fusu resentfully.

Fu Su was taken aback, and said with a smile: "The former emperor and the former empress used up all their innate energy when they gave birth to me, so you..."

Ying Yinman puffed her cheeks and stomped her feet: "How can this be! I don't believe it, the emperor brother must be lying to me! I am the daughter of the god emperor!"

Fu Su thought for a moment and asked, "Okay, let me ask you, what is 345 plus 621 times 9 divided by 7?"

In the next second, Ying Yinman said, "Nine hundred and one!"

"Wow!" Qi Rui'er exclaimed, "Yunyang, you're really fast!"

Tian Ji on the other side blinked her peachy eyes, as if she was not sure what she saw, she wondered in her heart, could it be that what His Majesty said is true?
Fusu took a deep breath, resisting the urge to blow her brains: "Obviously it's 1242!"

Ying Yinman put her hands on her hips, her face full of pride: "Just tell me if it's fast or not! Whoops, who hit me!"

Zhao Ji withdrew her fingers and let out a sigh of relief: "Excellent!"

Fusu gave her an approving look, remembering the secret report sent by Ganfu.

These days, in the fields of the counties around Xianyang City, people who have worked hard for a day are also telling similar legends when they are enjoying the shade under the big trees.

However, a lot of what they said was much more obscene than what Fusu said, and in some more remote places, several derivative stories even evolved.

The most typical one is that when Wang Ben broke through Daliang, he did not open a gap, but Emperor Shihuang waved his hand in Xianyang Palace, so the Yellow River poured directly into Daliang City without wind and waves, and finally made Wang Ben Destroy Wei...

However, when the flood hits, it will automatically stop in front of Qianshou, and then go around and rush past. This reflects the compassion and love of the Hei Emperor, the first emperor!
Sure enough, where the money is spent is good... Fusu firmly believes that these stories should be made up by the "five baht money" party in this period.

But he is not worried that no one will believe it, because even in later generations, there will still be people offering incense to Ultraman...

Fu Su smiled and shook his head, looked at the crowd and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Ying Yinman took the lead: "Boiled beef!"

Fusu ignored her directly.

This is not because Fusu is too lazy to do it, but because there is no raw material. After all, the cattle slaughtered in the summer season have been eaten up, and most of the beef sold in the market is eliminated farm cattle. The meat is too old and is only suitable for stewing.

And let Fusu kill a calf for her alone?
How big is her face!
Fusu turned her consulting eyes to Qi Ruier.

Qi Rui'er said weakly: "Honey, honey sauce..."

Fusu nodded, this is possible.

But when she saw Fusu, she readily agreed, and Qi Ruier had a look of frustration on her face. She seemed to hope that Fusu would reject her directly...

What's wrong with him... Fu Su complained in his heart, and looked at Tian Ji: "What about you?"

Tian Ji stuck out her pink tongue and licked her full lips: "Braised pork!"

Zhao Ji put her arms around the disappointed Ying Yinman and said, "I want to eat soy stewed pig's trotters."

"Yes." Fusu looked at Luan Bu who was standing at the door: "Are there any more fragrant pigs from Jincheng County? Wait..."

Before he could finish speaking, Han Rang walked in from the door, holding a memorial with the seal of Xiezhi in his hand.

"Your Majesty, this is a secret report from Hou Feng from Linzi County!"

Fusu took it, and under Tian Ji's inquisitive eyes, he walked to a bright place and began to read.

"Tian Dan's life and death are uncertain, but the Tian clan in Dixian County has been exterminated, and all the farmland and houses have been distributed to the landless Qianshou and Lichen..."

"Okay, I really didn't see the wrong person! The cool official is really easy to use!"

Fusu paced a few steps on the spot, with a smile on his lips.

According to Hou Feng's secret report, even if they didn't capture Tian Dan and the others alive, after leaving the native land, Tian Dan and the others are nothing more than a group of rogues.

As for the rogues, as long as the world is not in chaos, there is nothing to fear at all.

Fusu tilted his head and looked at the beam, recalling the remaining memories:
Well, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the most troubled ones were Chen Sheng and Wu Guang from Daze Township, but they were soldiers rebelling and could be prevented completely;
The other one is Tian Dan from Qidi. After he killed the county magistrate, he quickly swept the entire old Qidi.

And after the "dividing the fields", I'm afraid that the head of Guizhou in Di County will not go all the way to the dark again.After all, only with the presence of Qin, what they got from Tian Dan will not be taken away again!

Now, it depends on whether my father-in-law can win over other fields in Qi. At this juncture, I will give as much as they want!

Of course, after autumn settle accounts!

The third one is the Xiang family in Kuaiji County. There is no solution at this stage, but after waiting for the settlement of Qidi, the soldiers will be overwhelming.

As for Liu Tingchang who won in the end, before he got Xiang Liang's angel wheel, he was just like the younger generation in his family whose hands were below his knees, and he was wasting his time!

In the Hexi Corridor, on the edge of the desert, there is an oasis with lush water and grass.

It is connected to the Qilian Mountains in the west, and is located in the lower reaches of Gushui. In "Yugong", it is called Yezhuze, and now, it is the summer pasture of King Yuezhi.

This morning, when the sun just came out, the Yuezhi people slaughtered a strong camel, then emptied the internal organs, and then stuffed a fat ewe and various spices into the camel's stomach.

Finally, with the full cooperation of more than a dozen people, the camel was put on the fire and slowly roasted.

This is the etiquette for the Yuezhi people to entertain distinguished guests, and their distinguished guests are the envoys of the Huns who came across the desert not long ago.

The envoy brought Maodun's letter of credence written in Qin characters, the content was that he wanted to unite with Yuezhi and Donghu people to fight against Qin, at least to have a certain degree of independent pricing when doing business with Qin merchants right.

For King Yuezhi, he did not have the courage to fight against the Qin people, but he did have the courage to unite with the Xiongnu and Donghu to force Qin to make a little concession in terms of business and trade, and it was very big!

Thus, in the big tent of King Yueshi, a fierce dispute broke out.

"I don't agree, Dad, you are asking for your own death!" Mu Ya, the daughter of King Yuezhi, shouted without hesitation.

"Princess! How are you talking to the king!" Hou Mixi scolded loudly, but his eyes lingered on Mu Ya.

His wife died in childbirth a few months ago, so he, who is single again, joins the ranks of suitors for Mu Ya.

"There are no princesses or great kings here, only Marquis Gui Yi, and only the eldest son!" Mu Ya scolded softly, but her eyes were full of undisguised contempt.

It's disgusting. Sooner or later, he will dig out his two eyes and feed them to the wolves!
Yueshi Wang Zhuoli chuckled and stopped his daughter from arguing with his subordinates. He also heard about the fact that Marquis Xiumi started to pursue Muya, but he didn't take it seriously.

How could the most shining pearl on the grassland fall in love with a wild dog that eats human feces!
"I don't think there is anything wrong with it!" King Yueshi said with a smile: "We are already between the Xiongnu and the Qin people. Neither side should offend us. Only when both sides can use us can we benefit from it better." Benefit!"

Mu Ya bit her lips and said: "Yes, but we are a vassal state of Daqin! Dad, you are the Marquis of Guiyi personally conferred by His Majesty the Emperor!"

King Yuezhi smiled and said: "Silly boy, the Qin people just want to stabilize their frontiers, and we just want to use the power of the Qin people to drive away the hungry wolves of the Huns!"

Muya suddenly realized and said: "So that's the case? But if the Qin people find out, what should we do? Besides, if we walk with hungry wolves, we will definitely be bitten by it!"

King Yueshi shook his head and said with a smile: "But now, this evil wolf has already had one leg broken and one eye blinded by the Qin people! They will definitely not be able to hurt us!"

He waved his hand and stopped Muya: "Okay, don't talk about it, the things I have decided will never be changed! Now, let's entertain our guests from afar!"

Suddenly, amidst the sound of Hujia, a dozen dancers from the Western Regions twisted their snow-white waists in front of the bonfire, dancing a dance that excited everyone's blood.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" The Xiongnu envoy tore off a piece of mutton, staring at the snake-like waist of the dancer from the Western Regions without blinking.

King Yuezhi smiled disdainfully, after all, he is a barbarian on the northern grassland, and he has never seen the world!
He was about to persuade the Huns to drink, but suddenly he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

Under the setting sun, a flag with the characters of Qin waving in the wind.

Under the banner, there are more than a dozen burly knights, and among the flying horseshoes, the knights rushed forward like no one else.

All the Yuezhi warriors along the way all stood aside and lowered their heads that were so high in the past.

King Yueshi took a closer look, and saw that the knight who was wearing a blood-red cloak and who was very impressive while walking was Li Xin's eldest son, Li Qian, the lieutenant of Huyueshi!
"Oops..." He put down his glass and murmured softly.

 Thanks to 'JGIKER', 'Book Friends 1610...2586', 'zeroAhero', 'Qin Ying Fengyun' for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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